BlackBerry Q5 on sale now

BlackBerry now have their latest phone in the BB10 series on sale.  We have just received an email from eXpansys confirming the new BlackBerry Q5 is now in stock costing £359.99 so you can get your order in right now! The Q5 is the more ‘mid range’ phone …

Win a Lions tour branded Lumia 920 with Nokia

Nokia Connects have just given us the heads up on a competition they are running which is rather special if you are a big rugby fan, and I am sure many of you reading this are. In an email we just received from Nokia they say: Hi there! …

EOS to be Nokia Lumia 1020?

Well known for it’s leaks, @evleaks has just tweeted out that the new camera flagship due to be announced in New York on the 11th July will be called the Lumia 1020 which is also the first time a Nokia model has gone over three digits but will …

HTC One. How’d you fancy a 24 Carat Gold version?

I know what you’re thinking. “What am I going to do with the 2 grand in my back pocket?” Well, you could get yourself one of these, a brand new HTC One plated in either Gold for £1895, Rose Gold for £1995 (don’t ask me the difference) or, …

Ultrafast MiFi now available on Three

We recently spotted in the latest price guide for Three that they had a brand new ‘Ultrafast’ MiFi which was great considering the last generation one has long gone from stores and for a while we only had the HSPA+ version as an option. Whilst not a 4G …

OPPO Find 5 Easy Cover official case – Review

So you’ve read my OPPO find 5 review, watched the videos and your mouse is hovering above the add to basket button, but before you check-out you may want to think about a case. The problem is that there are no third party cases and the only place …

Xperia Z Ultra heading to Three

Sony have just announced the Xperia Z Ultra which is a large phablet design with high speed internet and UK network Three have confirmed they will stock it Over on their official Blog Three have said

Sony announces the SmartWatch 2

  The whole idea of  a SmartWatch seems like a great one, I have never got one myself, I feel I should do, it’s just something that just holds me back. This morning Sony have announced their third generation SmartWatch and maybe this will be the one for …

Sony announces the Xperia Z Ultra

Sony today have staged events all around the world. The first device that they unveiled is the Xperia Ultra a 6.4 inch large phone tablet thing. Spec wise it is as high end as you’d expect, it will be the thinnest smartphone with a 1080p screen thanks to …

Huawei announce the MediaPad 7 Vogue

The seven inch large phone tablet thing is becoming quite popular. Not with actual consumers but with manufacturers, we now have the Asus FonePad, the Galaxy Note 8.0 and now the Huawei MediaPad 7 Vogue. The MediaPad 7 Vogue is the latest in a line of budget tablets …

Huawei Ascend P1 now down to super-cheap status

Almost a year ago I posted a rather glowing Ascend P1 review. It was, and still is, a fantastic handset. Sure, it looks a bit like a the Galaxy S2 from Samsung, but now the dual-core 1.5GHz handset is down to just £169.99 SIM Free, and that includes …

Prestigio MultiPhone PAP4500 Duo – Review

Now and again I like to try something a little different. Be it food, clothes, holidays, new words or just mobile phones. This weeks review is exactly that, something different. Prestigio have been selling tablets for a while now and recently they’ve branched out into Smartphones. There range is …

OPPO Find 5 – Review

The OPPO find 5 is unknown to some, a curiosity to others and an item of desire to others (James). For me it’s been all three and is now my daily driver. To be clear, this isn’t a review unit that I’ve been sent, it’s my phone bought …

Speed Rovers is now available for Android and Windows Phone

After having been successful in the Windows 8 game arena Philino Technologies have released their motorbike racing game on Android and Windows stores simultaneously, with iOS to follow in the summer. The game is free on Android, cost 99p on Windows Phone although it does have a try …

Pop-ups and notifications driving you mad?

I’ve been meaning to write this for a while but never got around to it. This is a problem that every Android user has encountered at one time or another. You’ve probably been sitting there at home, or you’ve left your phone on overnight and suddenly you hear …

Three confirm Acer Liquid E2

Three UK have just uploaded a video to their YouTube channel showing off another new phone heading to their UK network and that is the Acer Liquid E2 Specs include a 4.5 inch screen, 4gb storage, 8 megapixel camera and it runs Android JellyBean The E2 looks to …

Bluetooth-enabled gloves could see you speaking into your finger

Could this be the future of mobile communications? Could we all soon be wearing one glove like Michael Jackson? Well, it’s an idea at least, and one that has been thought up by Sean Miles of Designworks. He was approached by O2 Recycling to try and highlight possible …

Hutchison Whampoa purchase O2 Ireland for €850m

Hutchison Whampoa the company behind network operator Three have today announced they are purchasing O2 Ireland from Telefonica in a deal worth €850 million. Once the deal is complete all O2 branding in Ireland will disappear and be replaced by Three branding. The deal will give Three 37.5% …

Android App Review – Fitbit

There’s a new breed of human walking this Earth. The ever connected, technology addicted ‘smart’ person. We can answer phone calls and texts with our watches and glasses while our every move is collected and analysed by fitness experts. Much like Lewis Hamilton at Mercedes F1, we can …