The Maths Factor was set up by Carol Vorderman a decade ago, and – for about £2 per week – you get a website which will help unlock every child’s confidence in maths. The maths tutoring site is for 4-11 year olds. It follows a 5-step philosophy – …
I’m properly annoyed with the amount of companies profiteering out of the coronavirus crisis. I’d like to see far more companies doing their bit. Audible has stepped forward with a good gift for the kids – free streamed audio books. Their website states that.. For as long as …
We should be attending a number of launch events at the moment, but the world has changed quite significantly lately. Last week it was a supposed to be a big London launch for a range of new Nokia devices from HMD Global, but instead we got a web-delivered …
If you’re in the US, you’ll probably be familiar with emergency broadcast messages. However, here in the UK it’s rather unusual to receive a text with an emergency update. These, though, are not “usual” times. Today all mobile networks will be sending out emergency messages to keep everyone …
As I write this in the UK, we’re still allowed to go outside provided we pay attention to social distancing. This, however, can be tricky in a packed supermarket or train. At the weekend, instead of driving to the local Morrisons, we walked the 8 mile return trip. …
We covered some free fitness lessons just recently but, if you want to keep a schedule going, Joe Wicks has setup a live daily workout on his YouTube channel. As I type there’s nearly a million viewers watching his daily 9AM workout, which he’s broadcasting from his home. …
With schools closed down and kids spending more time in the house, parents will all have the same concerns. First, we’ve already hit the point where kids simply can’t go to each other’s homes. We’re also at the point where kids are sat all day playing on a …
Following moves by Netflix, Amazon and YouTube will now also be lowering the quality of video content. There’s also rumours that temporary measures may also be put in place by the BBC with their iPlayer service and by Disney+, which is set to launch shortly. Amazon stated .. …
During the cornavirus crisis, we’re continuing with our mission to keep you mentally and physically fit. At times like this, many will look to religion to cope. However, with the UK government advising against “social gatherings”, it’s going to become more difficult to run these. So, it’s good …
We’ve started our “Home Active” feature as a way to keep you mentally and physically strong through these very strange times. Stuck at home, or limited on what you can do outside of home, we’re looking at the options that are available. Today this one comes courtesy of …
After a raft of criticism, Sky appear to have changed their tune slightly. Before, despite not being able to deliver the expected live football, golf, rugby and other sports events, they were refusing to refund those who had paid the additional Sky Sports subscription. This, though, is something …
I had to put my headphones on last night when hitting the local supermarket. There’s a definite air of hysteria and madness which goes against all those “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters that people tended to connect to the British outlook. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy which …
We’re certainly living in very strange times at the moment. As most of Europe enters a prolonged lock-down period, internet usage has shot through the roof. Indeed, Vodafone got in touch with us to state that their network has seen a 50% rise in usage. This strange and …
A new visual identity has just been updated by OnePlus. It looks pretty similar to us, but their creative people tell us that it has a … curvilinear “1” that is easier to read, while adjusting the weight of the logotype for better overall balance. The “+” …
Recently I’ve written about Sky subscription prices and leaving Sky. What has also popped up though is that fact that those paying for the rather expensive Sports packages aren’t getting the sport they were promised. The reason, as you may know, is the fact that lots of tournaments, …
If you’re at home and fighting over the broadband bandwidth, Vodafone have some options. The first is their short-term and mobile broadband packages. These can deliver solutions such as the Vodafone Gigacube, giving you fast broadband via the Vodafone masts. Secondly, Vodafone have also got in touch with …
If you’re looking to shop online right now, you can either put on some padding and go to the insane scrums at the local supermarket or try and get an online delivery slot. The latter is becoming an incredibly rare thing, and until the delivery capabilities are boosted, …
As part of our quest to keep everyone in a good mood during the coronavirus closures, we’re doing everything we can to keep you healthy, happy and sane. We’re calling it “Home Active” and, although we can’t pretend to fix everything, we’ll hopefully make the time pass a …
Actually getting your hands on a phone – to touch it and check the dimensions of the thing – is going to get slightly more difficult now. In addition to the obvious coronavirus restrictions, Carphone Warehouse have announced that all standalone stores will close. This means that 2,900 …
With the coronavirus closing leisure activities, restaurants, pubs, coffee-shops and cinemas; we’re all spending a lot more time at home. So, with TV, radio and the internet our connection to the outside world, Sky have bit of good news for us. I actually decided to cancel Sky TV …