Cheap Android games console looks rather interesting..

In my morning email today was this deal on an Android games console. It costs £54.99 and definitely looks the part, even if most of those buttons around the screen will probably remain largely unused. The errr… S5110 .. runs Android 4.0 and has HDMI out too, so …

Gemini Devices are to unveil new devices at the Gadget Show Live

Gemini Devices make the Joytabs like we reviewed here and here. They are affordable well spec’d tablets and the range is about to expand. They have two new 7″ tablets and two new 9.7″ tablets, one of which has a keyboard. Here is the basic spec and info for …

Xbox Smartglass now available on iPhone and iPad

You may have heard about the companion app for the Xbox that was released for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8. It allows you to control media playback, browse the Web and act as a second screen in supported games. Pretty handy in my opinion. When it was …

Pick up a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7″ 8GB for £119 [DEAL]

Although the Nexus 7 is stonkingly good value for money, packing in a Tegra 3 processor at under £200, some people want some features that simply aren’t present on the Nexus devices. Like an SD Card slot, or a white version, or even a rear camera if you …

Xbox Surface rumoured

We’ve all heard of the Microsoft Surface. Our sister site CoolSmartPhone has covered it a fair bit, including this first impressions post by our very own James Pearce who took the plunge and bought one. A report from The Verge today suggests that a smaller, 7 inch Surface could …

Samsung Galaxy Note II Cases Now at Mobile Fun

Following our review of the Samsung Galaxy Note II and the news that over 3 million units have been sold in just 37 days we bring news that Mobile Fun are now selling a range of Samsung and third party Galaxy Note 2 cases. The cases which range from …

Could Google and Microsoft be looking into UK broadband?

Google and Microsoft have been rumoured to have been showing “extreme interest” into providing mobile broadband/wifi here in the UK. The UK’s airwaves currently have “White space.” White space is segments of the current spectrum between those bands being used for TV, Radio and the mobile phones. Currently …

VScreens Beta Review

During a scour of the Google Play Store and review on here the other day I came across Vscreens from Sony. I had a little look at the description of the the app and what it does. I also found that our esteemed editor has done a review of …

Apple sells 3 million new iPads in first weekend on sale

As is traditional on the Monday after an Apple launch the cupertino based company have released sales figures for the opening weekend. 3 Million iPad minis and 4th Gen iPad with Retina displays were sold between Friday and Sunday. The iPad mini debuted to mostly positive reviews and …

Case-Mate Glam Case for Samsung Galaxy S3 Review

Fancy protecting your Samsung Galaxy S3 and looking a bit flash at the same time? We tried out this rather bling Glam Case. It’s £24.99 but it’s made by Case Mate and is pretty slim. The case simply clips into place on the handset very easily indeed. The …

Despite Sandy, queues form for the new iPad mini

There’s damaged houses, two and a half million people without power, fuel shortages and a broken transport system. However, this was the queue outside the Apple store in New York City store as the iPad mini went on sale. On Twitter Alina Vandenberghe spotted a queue of people …

Black Samsung Galaxy SIII now available on Vodafone

Expansys have had the black version of the Samsung Galaxy S3 (or SIII) available SIM-free for about a week now, but you’ll also be able to get it from Vodafone for free on plans costing £42 or more. Voda have us a nudge after the 16GB version arrived …

Coolsmartphone, on the move

Tonight is Bonfire night here in the UK, so instead of setting off fireworks or .. trying to blow up the House of Lords, we figured you’d like something different. With the recession and mobile data plans never quite as large as everyone would like, we decided to …

Virgin announce a new converged calling plan

Virgin Media has today announced that it is to introduce the UK’s first converged calling. A simple smartphone app allows calls to be made over WiFi no matter where you are. Calls can be made wherever there is a WiFi connection, even abroad. All you need is a …

LG Optimus L7 going cheap for the rest of today

LG are all over the place at the moment. Mainly down to the excitement about the upcoming Nexus 4. Their older phones are obviously going to have to be sold off quickly before then. First in line is the Optimus L7. Expansys have dropped the price to £159.99 …

Are you a huge BlackBerry fan?

Well we might just have the ideal phone for you. Expansys have been in touch to let us know that the BlackBerry Porsche Design P’9981 is back in stock for a staggering £1209.99 which you can get here. It certainly makes me wonder who owns one of these. …

Samsung Galaxy Note II Review

I’ve often listened with interest as our own James Pearce waxes lyrical on the Coolsmartphone Podcast about the wonders of having a handset with a large screen.  James has often sung the praises of his own Galaxy Note brushing aside all ridicule.  Personally I had my doubts, I …

EE – Is It really all that bad?

So, 4G is live in 12 cities, the tech journalists have busied themselves speed testing from every street, from inside buildings, outside shopping centres and some have even got up at silly o’clock just to drive somewhere and check the speeds that can be achieved (now who would …