Sick of the latest tech? Get yourself a Motorola StarTAC

In December last year we took a look at the Ericsson A2628 from Lekki. The phone itself was 11 years old but it had a new lease of life thanks to a bright paint job. No social networks. No pictures messages. No camera. No internet. The Lekki handsets …

More new Nexus pictures surface – Rumour

Yet more pictures of the alleged new Google Nexus have surfaced on a Belarusian website.     There is still no sign of any new version of Android and with Jellybean 4.1.2 being pushed to Nexus 7 devices as we speak any other new release may well come as a surprise. …

Ask us a question for our podcast – Episode 18

Yes we have made it to eighteen episodes of our podcast and yes we would like to hear your questions. In a week where we have had US traumas with ZTE and Huawei, we’ve had news from HTC they are dropping out of the tablet market, we’ve seen …

Samsung Galaxy Note II available on T-Mobile

It’s 4G “ready” and available in white or titanium. For £79 up-front you can grab the Samsung Galaxy Note II in all its LTE glory for 2 years, but you will be paying £41 per month. The “Full Monty” plan includes unlimited texts, internet and minutes although it’s …

HTC drop out of the US tablet market

The tablet market is a bit cut-throat. Most of the world buys an iPad without a thought of a spec comparison (yes I know it’s not that simple). Meanwhile companies such as Amazon sell hardware at cost to recoup revenue through content, and now Google and Asus are …

Nokia Lumia accessories available for pre-order

When the new Lumia range was announced a while back a lot was made of the colour matched accessories. The Wireless charging units came as a extra case, a pillow, a desk stand and also as part of a speaker system. They all looked and sounded like great …

Rumour – iPad Mini Pics leak on Twitter

SonnyDickson is not a familiar name within Apple circles, or at least he wasn’t until yesterday. Posted on his Twitter feed yesterday were a few images of what he claims is the reported upcoming iPad Mini.   The pictures unfortunately don’t stretch to a model that is working but …

Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini specs and pic leak!

Leigh earlier wrote about the Galaxy SIII Mini that is due to be revealed tomorrow. Well, it would appear that the specs and a picture have managed to find there way onto the interwebs by a German website called Mobile Geeks.  The handset is purported to have the …

LG Nexus 4 Appears on Carphone Warehouse systems

We’ve heard the rumours, but now there’s more evidence showing that LG could indeed be producing the next Google Nexus-branded handset. A white and black “LG Nexus 4” is snapped on this shot, said to show the Carphone Warehouse inventory database. If true, it could help to bring …

Scosche reVOLT c2 dual USB charger – Review

Back in August we had a Scosche reVOLT c2 dual USB car charger sent to us. Unfortunately it ended up in a “special cupboard” and we’ve only just found it. Many of you will, I’m sure, have a car charger. The Scosche one is of the “low profile” …

UK Amazon Appstore freebie – Thumb Keyboard

Today on the UK version of the Amazon Appstore you can get the hugely popular Android replacement keyboard app Thumb Keyboard for free. Saving yourself 94p Thumb Keyboard for Android™ is a keyboard with many, advanced customization options that allows the user to adjust it to his or …

Galaxy SIII Mini to be announced tomorrow

My wife recently looked around for an upgrade. She loved the look of the SIII but said that the screen was just “a bit too big” and the iPhone 4S screen was “a bit too small” (and she didn’t want to pay the iPhone 5 asking price). Today …

Surprise! Gearbox Launches the Mecromancer a Week Early!

Don’t believe that picture above, Gearbox went ahead and launched their Mechromancer DLC a week early. The Mechromancer joins the other four Vault Hunters today, October 9th, for 800 Microsoft Points or $10. Some players received the Mechromancer for free for pre-ordering the game. Her skill tree is …

[Updated] Jellybean 4.1.2 rollout to Nexus 7 begins

Google has today started rolling out an update to Jellybean for Nexus 7 devices.  A user in Australia has sent the following screenshots to EE Times.       As you can see above the update enables landscape mode to the homescreen.  The update isn’t a major one …

5G network research grant awarded to Surrey University

The 4G LTE network roll-out in the UK is in its infancy; very few places have coverage, only a few compatible handsets are available to buy and there aren’t any tariffs at all. So, everyone’s concentrating on getting high speed 4G mobile broadband to the masses, right? Wrong. …

Samsung Galaxy Music Announced

Samsung have announced a new handset today in the form of the Galaxy Music. With a 280×320 3″ LCD screen, a 3mp rear camera and 4gb of internal storage the handset is certainly budget in specification.  The Galaxy music will be shipping with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. …

Are you unsure what to do with a Samsung Galaxy Camera?

Are you thinking about getting a Samsung Galaxy Camera? Are you at a loss what to do with it? Well Samsung have made a nice little inspirational video showing you what you could do with their upcoming Galaxy Camera. Not that I need telling what to do …

Cheapy 10.1″ Time2Touch tablet

A while ago we covered a deal on a Time2Touch 7″ tablet which was getting off-loaded for £79.99. Anyhow, it’s the 10.1″ version that’s on offer this time. Apparently it normally sells £299.99 but the people Discount Vouchers have it on offer for £119.99. The Time2Touch SC104B tablet …

ZTE responds to claims about US security

Yesterday news surfaced that Cisco has cancelled a contract with ZTE over concerns for national security and sale embargoes with Iran. This is all off the back of a report the US Intelligence agency produced which suggested products by ZTE and Huawei should be banned. Cisco yesterday took the first …

HTC rolls with the punches. Profits take a beating.

Times are a little tough at HTC. Just a year or two ago there were HTC handsets everywhere. All shapes and sizes. Now everything seems to have spun around. Despite reducing their portfolio and concentrating heavily on the HTC One handsets there’s been a distinct deflation in the …