Get a little more Coolsmartphone

Found us recently? Great. Want more? No problem. We’ve got lots for you to enjoy… Our weekly podcast is a great place to start. Each week we discuss the recent mobile news and gossip. You can subscribe to the feed or catch us on iTunes. It’s your chance …

Keep an eye on your loved ones – Guard My Angel

For those that are old enough, you might remember your parents telling you to “Give me three rings” when you get somewhere. Now it’s turned into “Give me a text” but, if you want even more peace of mind, try “Guard My Angel”. They’ve sent us a video …

TomTom: “There is a difference between a map and an app”

Satellite navigation giant, TomTom have made it very clear that they take no responsibility for the Apple Maps fiasco that’s haunted the launch of the iPhone 5 and iOS6. Caroline Fisher, vice-president of TomTom’s consumer business unit has stated: “We are more than willing to work with Apple …

TheCoolGamer: v2.0

Firstly, thanks for making our launch a huge success! We’ve had a lot of traffic since launch, although our first day was marred by issues with the CloudFlare network that took down a few hundred sites (it wasn’t just us). Secondly, we’ve got a totally new look! We …

Mobile Wars – Is the customer losing out?

It really doesn’t seem like a day goes by when we’re not hearing about yet another lawsuit. You know how it goes by now. It’ll involve Apple and either Motorola or Samsung. The Apple Maps criticisms are just the thin end of the wedge. I won’t blame anyone, …

Galaxy SIII Jellybean roll out begins…..

With over 20 million units shipped in its first 100 days on sale the Samsung Galaxy SIII can be classed as nothing less than successful.  There was however one slight problem with it – the launch of Android Jellybean. Suddenly Samsung’s all singing all dancing newer than new …

Apple are updating iOS 6 Map errors pretty quickly

You may have heard this week that the Maps app in iOS 6 is not as good as it was in iOS 5. We discussed it on this weeks podcast. Whilst I agree that the app is poor against the defacto market leader Google, there is something users …

giffgaff nano-SIM cards available to buy, but not direct

Since we published our DIY nano-SIM story the gates have well and truly opened. Many giffgaff members have already gone and bought themselves a nano-SIM cutter to hack down a standard-sized SIM. This is being done purely because, at present, giffgaff aren’t providing them and iPhone 5 owners …

Watch the Motorola RAZR i event

Can you remember last week before all of the fuss surrounding a certain maps app, where we attended an event in London for the unveiling of the new phone from Motorola. The Motorola RAZR i is a joint venture from Intel and Motorola and features an Intel CPU. …

Review – Apple iPhone 5

So the iPhone 5 has finally arrived. Is it just an incremental upgrade?  Is the larger screen and performance worth the extra cash? Is the maps application really that bad? Having had time to experience what it’s like to actually own this phone, I’ll share some thoughts with …

Tesco: More iPhone 5 Pricing Details revealed

Here at Coolsmartphone we have received details of more iPhone 5  pricing, this time from Tesco Mobile Phone shops who are also having a push on the iPhone 4S. Highlights include the iPhone 5 on O2 at £36 per month for unlimited calls, texts and 1GB of data with just …

TheCoolGamer: v2.0

Hi all, Firstly, thanks for making our launch a huge success! We’ve had a lot of traffic since launch, although our first day was marred by issues with the CloudFlare network that took down a few hundred sites (it wasn’t just us). Secondly, as you’ve probably noticed, we’ve …

No custom ROMs please, we’re Samsung…

When CyanogenMod developer Codeworkx was quizzed as to why certain versions of the Samsung Galaxy SII were getting CyanogenMod 10 sooner than others he explained that it was down to the fact that some use Samsung’s own Exynos SoC (system on a chip) and others use Qualcom or …

iPhone 5 on Three supports HD Voice

When Apple announced the iPhone 5 just a few weeks go,  a feature which was picked up on but not discusssed in a lot of detail was HD Voice mainly as only a handful of networks worldwide support this new service. Well the great news is any of …

Android App review: Falcon for Twitter

Falcon for Twitter (beta) is a widget that aims to let you do all your everyday Twitter stuff directly from your homescreen, and I’m not just talking about reading and writing tweets. This clever little widget does so much more. I know this is the traditional time of …

Coolsmartphone Podcast – Episode 15

This week we discuss the new devices from HTC, Motorola, the Apple Maps controversy and much more. We also answer your questions. This week your hosts are, Jamie Ryan, Ravi Patel and James Pearce You can find the RSS feed for the podcast here, you can subscribe in iTunes …

Motorola RAZR i – Initial Impressions

A few days ago Motorola announced the RAZR i, not long after that we benchmarked it to see how the Medfield CPU held up against some of the big players, and earlier today we announced the pricing for UK carriers.  This is what I thought after a little …

The iPhone 5 gets drop tested

Well, that didn’t take long did it? The first day the general public are able to lay their hands on this weeks hottest tech, the Apple iPhone 5, someone performs a drop test on it! Personally, I hate these tests….still you might like to see how the iPhone …