Apple Event – Live

The iPhone 5, possibly a smaller iPad, maybe more. All will be revealed today. We’ll be blogging live as it happens from 6PM BST.

iPhone 5 appears on Apple website

Hold your horses, there’s no image or juicy information just yet, but the “iPhone 5” name has at least appeared on Searches for “iPhone 5” and “iPhone-5” seem to reveal links that aren’t live yet, including.. More as we get it. Our live coverage starts …

Gemini JoyTAB with bluetooth keyboard – Review

The other week we published our initial impressions of the Gemini JoyTAB with bluetooth keyboard. Things looked good apart from a few ill placed logos. I’ve been using it for a few weeks now and it’s time to bring you the full review. Design The JoyTAB is made …

Confirmed – iPhone 5 will run on 4G, coming to EE

The new iPhone, to be launched this evening will, as expected, run on EE’s new 4G network. It’s been rumoured for a while that the new iPhone will contain 4G technology, and while EE would only say “other devices will follow very soon” yesterday, a source has confirmed …

Samsung to deliver Jelly Bean in October

If, like me, you like to stay on top of the latest software for your mobile device we have some good news. Samsung’s official public release of Android 4.1 Jelly Bean for the Galaxy S III will be October/November. Also to follow in November will be the official …

4G – Backhaul is key

Many months ago we performed some slightly unscientific speed tests and came to the conclusion that “traffic management” was active on certain mobile networks. Our tests at the time showed that a 3G / HSPDA connection never seemed to deliver more than 2Mbps whilst other networks delivered more …

iOS app review – 5K Runmeter

All my life I’ve been a hopeless runner. No matter how hard I tried I’ve never been able to run for more than a couple of minutes. I was determined to change that, so a few months ago I started following the Couch to 5k program, and lo …

Why I’m not getting too excited about the (new) iPhone 5

So we’re just hours away from the biggest product announcement of the year. Make no mistake, whatever Apple announces this evening will be talked about and scrutinised for the next several weeks. It will sell in enormous number that will put every other device firmly in the shade. …

Viewsonic announce the VSD220 22″ Android AIO Smart Display

Yesterday was a little bit dominated by Everything Everywhere and their 4G announcement, but there was something else interesting announced yesterday and that was the VSD220. Viewsonic announced it back at MWC earlier on in the year. It is basically a mains powered 22″ 1080p tablet with a …

The battle to get Windows Phone 8 out of the door

There was a certain amount of “shielding” during the Nokia Lumia 920 and 820 launches. The closely-guarded demo units were closely guarded and certain functions couldn’t really be accessed. It didn’t help the confidence of investors and, along with a lack of pricing, launch locations or exact dates, …

Official iPhone 5 Promo Video ?

Real? Well, with the event just hours away why would you spend so many hours faking this? We’re going to have to assume it’s the real deal for now but we’ll know more when or live coverage starts tomorrow. 🙂 The video seems to reveal fingerprint recognition and …

Nano SIMs Are Real – Vodafone Has Them

Vodafone has now had a delivery of Nano SIMs. Could they have got any smaller from the current Micro SIM, yes! With a delivery of 500,000 of the new SIMs we have found some images courtesy of Vodafone themselves. With manufacturers making handsets slimmer, the smaller sim makes …

Opinion: EE & 4G – Is the Future Bright, is it iPhone?

Olaf Swantee, CEO of Everything Everywhere took to the stage at the science museum in London this morning and declared that his new brand EE is the future.  The future of digital Britain, the future of telecommunications on these fair islands. It was a slick presentation, extolling the …

iPad Mini – Is This It?

Recently the world of small tablets has been sent into over-drive with the appearance of devices such as the Nexus 7 and the Kindle Fire. Many rumours have been flying around that Apple would be wading in soon to drop another one of their innovative inventions, and French site have some …

Where Do Your Allegiances Lie?

It may only be Tuesday and we’re yet to see what Apple have to offer (and I think we all know what that will be) but this week is already pretty exciting. We have our first concrete promise of 4G and from EE (formerly Everything Everywhere) and they’ve …

GiffGaff making changes to Goodybag Data Bundles.

GiffGaff, the MVNO run by the same company who brought you O2, have announced a consultation period to give customers a chance to decide how the company changes its data bundles. GiffGaff says this is due to higher wholesale costs and that they are “Re-visiting our Mobile Internet …

EE and LTE – Roster of handsets

Now the cat is finally out of the bag. It looks like the network didn’t just go large, it went for the supersized option. The current roster of releases under the new EE brand is as follows: The Nokia Lumia 920 with its 1280×768 pixel PureMotion HD+ display, …

Google launches standalone YouTube app for iOS.

  You may remember that we reported last month that Apple had chosen not to renew the availability of YouTube on iOS 6 and that Google was working on an App Store version instead. Well that day has arrived and the native (yes native) YouTube app has now …