Hey, you lovely reader. Have you had a listen to our Podcast ? If not, it’s definitely worth listening too. Each week our team get together to discuss the weekly happenings. Right now we’re on episode 3 but you can get all of the podcasts here and there’s …
Gameloft are well known for their great games that really push the boundaries of what a mobile device can do. There latest game is a little bit different to the norm. It is a turn based social card game, whereby you either play against your friends or your …
Since Sony took over the headset business of Sony Ericsson recently, it is easy to say they had an uphill struggle getting consumers to part with their money in an industry full of competition from the likes of HTC and Samsung. Announced back at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the …
We all know SPB, they have been making software for mobiles since the days of Windows Mobile. Most recently they jumped onto the bandwagon that is Android and haven’t to date really got involved in Windows Phone. Well they have announced SPB TV for Windows Phone, so if …
Sure, we’ve never heard of “TechPro” either, but £12.99 for a Class 10 microSD card? That’s gotta be worth a gamble, right? Link – Amazon
We reported a few days ago that the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 has been banned from sale in the US pending the outcome of a patent trial bought by Apple. Well, it would seem that Judge Lucy Koh is a bit of an Apple fan as she has now …
At 5.30pm on Wednesday night I settled myself down to watch the keynote speech at Google I/o – Google’s developers conference (their very own version of WWDC.) There had been plenty of rumours about an upcoming OS release, a new tablet and Google TV. I watched as Android …
So you fancy a bit of jelly bean action, eh? Funny how that sentance would have got you sectioned last week.. Anyhow the lovely people at Expansys have the “flagship” Google phone, the Galaxy Nexus at a rather impressive £319-99 with free shipping. Jelly bean will be officially …
Yes, you read that right. The new Google Nexus 7 has been rooted, only two days after it was given to Google I/O attendees and around two weeks before the tablet is released to the general public. A user called ‘birdman’ on RootzWiki has posted a guide on …
Google has given the security of its Face Unlock feature a bit of careful consideration in the upcoming Android 4.1 Jelly Bean release of Android. The feature was introduced with the dawn of ICS as a way to unlock your phone through face recognition, but shortly after it’s …
Cast your minds back over the last few weeks. Think of all the Android tablet news you’ve heard. Your probably thinking of the accidental tweeted picture and the following press release we posted about the “new HANNSpad”. At the time Hannspree said that the new HANNSpad would be …
Here it is, right on time, Episode 3 of the Coolsmartphone podcast. This week is a Google heavy affair where we discuss the announcements from Google I/O and Ravi gives his hands on impressions of Jelly Bean. We also discuss the Nexus 7, The Nexus Q and lots …
Now, don’t mis-read that headline. There’s more than three people with the ICS / Android 4.0 update, we’re talking about the mobile network “Three”. They’ve announced that their Xperia S customers can.. err.. “proactively download the Android Ice Cream Sandwich update”. What this basically means is that you …
Although Adobe announced at the end of last year they were not supporting Flash on mobile devices going forward, today they are going a step further and have announced it will be removed from the Google Play Store in August. Jelly Bean is the first version of Android …
This little app is for Android tablet running Honeycomb or higher. It adds a few buttons to the status bar area on your tablet. The buttons will change the media volume without having to use the hardware button. It is really quite useful if you want to quickly …
As reported yesterday, Google Chrome is finally available for iOS now and I’ve had a quick look to let you know what I think. I use Chrome on Windows, Mac and Android so this for me has been a great way to finish off browser convergence across all …
If you, like me, are a pure example of a pure athlete, you’ll have probably tried Endomondo. It’s an app which uses GPS to track your exercise and reports how many calories you’ve burned. OK, I’ll be honest, I sit on my backside for most of the day …
Spider Man, Spider Man, does whatever a Spider can. Now the movie spin-off-app “The Amazing Spider-Man” is now available for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Android for just £4.99. You get 25 missions to fight your way through. Spider-Man has to keep the city free of rampaging gangs …
5000 jobs are set to be axed by Blackberry maker RIM as the company announced a $518m (£334m) net loss in the three months to June 2nd. This, when compared to the $695m profit made in the same period last year, shows how the tide has turned. Sales …
For those of you who have a HP Touchpad, the Open webOS project came one step closer to fruition this week. The Open webOS team have released a package for the Touchpad that allows users to “learn how the TouchPad works, modify your TouchPad experience and then apply …