It seems it doesn’t take long these days for a new feature built in to the latest and greatest smartphones to be ported or hacked on to other phones. Yesterday, I looked at Smart Stay (Beta) for Android, today I tried Fast Burst Camera (Lite) for Android. Description …
We’ve spent a week with the hot new Samsung Galaxy SIII thanks to the guys at Today we’re taking you through the interface itself. There’s a lot of personalisation and different ways to view apps.. plus… HEY! It’s filmed in the car !
They say that “Imitation is the highest form of flattery”, based on that, the Galaxy S III should be pretty chuffed at the moment. One clever fellow over at XDA has started work on a beta project for Smart Stay for any phone. If you aren’t aware of …
If any of you have heard the Coolsmartphone Podcast you will have noticed several of our writers mention the loss of a physical keyboard. Many moons ago I owned a Blackberry Bold 9700, the keyboard on the handset was fantastic, I seemed to type more and quicker. Now …
Since I write for and am very passionate about phones and technology everyone expects me to have the latest and greatest, most people are surprised when I say I own a Motorola Atrix and ask why I don’t have something more impressive! I’ve spent a lot of time fighting …
One other feature we’ve not covered in the SIII just yet is “Pop-up video”. It’s perhaps a “nice to have” rather than an essential feature, but it’s still worth taking a look at. Here’s me loading a video and then watching it anywhere within the OS. It can …
Hands up if you use your smartphone to listen to music. Now, hands up if you use it for other music-related purposes. Of course you do, and why not when Google Play now offers such a wide variety of apps for music lovers? For me personally I’ve been …
We here at Coolsmartphone are always on the lookout for new technology, technology that can enhance your lifestyle or make a job easier. One such technology that is currently looking for backing on Kickstarter is Plugbook, an innovative solution to the common problem of not having a charger …
We here at Coolsmartphone love talking about the mobile industry. We are constantly sending emails, talking in the forums and on twitter and now we are hugely excited to have a podcast where we can chat and you guys can listen in. The first episode can be found …
There’s really no doubt about it, the S3 is a gorgeous looking thing. You can hardly stop yourself from flipping it around in your hand. It’s beautifully sculpted and really does feel like a smooth pebble in your hand. As far as specs go you’re all set. A …
Monday June 18, 3.30pm, A secret venue somewhere in Los Angeles. That is the time the Microsoft has set aside for a cloak and dagger operation where a big announcement is scheduled within which it is speculated that they will reveal their own branded tablet challenger to …
It’s Friday! Yay! Well, if you’ve been watching our “Week with..” you’ll have noticed that there’s one feature we’ve not covered yet. S-Voice, the voice-recognition system built into the Samsung Galaxy SIII. Many have compared it to the Siri function on the iPhone 4S. Here, I do my …
Can eco-friendly, wooden clad, celebrity endorsed earphones really cut it when it comes to multi-platform mobile entertainment, and being a hands-free kit? After reading Simon’s excellent review of the Klipsch S4a Android earphones I was tempted to grab myself a pair. In fact, there was a pair in …
Remember when Samsung launched the Galaxy SIII there was a shortage (well most places has NONE) of the Blue version?… I know it was a little while now and everyone might have moved on to something else but if you wanted a blue one on Three you are …
This morning, like you, I read about the Nokia cuts. Nokia appear, in my opinion, to be hitting the same issue that Microsoft and Windows Mobile tackled four or five years ago. Complacency. There was far too much washing about. Nokia were the undisputed king of the mobile …
Like it or hate it, the new iPad is the device to beat in the tablet world. Something that Android based devices have been trying to do since the dawn of (tablet) time. Asus are about to launch their new contender to its title, and, whilst it’s not …
Every day this week we’re bringing you a little bit of Samsung Galaxy SIII fun. Today it’s the turn of the camera and video. You may have seen “DLNA” mentioned quite a bit in your local branch of Currys and it can perhaps be a little confusing. Various …
Nokia is cutting another 10,000 jobs with a warning that its losses in the second quarter of 2012 will be bigger than expected. Times are not good for the beleaguered manufacturer with its shares being downgraded to junk status and losing 70% of their value since February 2011. The …
With the British summer becoming a bit of a wash-out, Vodafone have stepped up with a solution. It’s an umbrella. Sure, we’ve seen umbrellas before. I’ve got a collection of broken ones in the boot of my car, but none of those will act as a high-gain antenna …
It’s not the mosy surprising news in the world, especially when the Android kernel is based on his creation, but the BBC interview with Linus Torvalds is well worth a read. Linus talks about the birth of Linux and why, in his opinion, Linux hasn’t cracked the desktop …