Euro 2012 is coming…….

Euro 2012 is about to kick off and every avid footy fan in Europe and across the world is due to be glued to the telly box watching the beautiful game. There are those who are destined to miss the games due to other commitments.  Work, the dreaded …

What I would like to see in Windows Phone 8

Windows Phone 8 is soon to be unveiled and we will hopefully find out what features have been kept, what bugs have been fixed, what new features have been dreamt up and most importantly what happens to our older devices. I have been using Windows Phone for a …

What happened to the future of mobile gaming?

A couple of days ago, while you lot were busy enjoying the Jubilee, we mentioned that PlayStation Suite was to be renamed “PlayStation Mobile” and games will no longer be restricted to Sony kit. We also told you that HTC was to be one of the first to …

Wake Smarter

Tired of waking up to the same alarm sounds every morning? Well, no longer. Crop Duster Media have released an app called Wake Smarter it acts as an Alarm Clock on your iOS device. Your favourite radio station or a custom recorded sound could be waking you up …

Status: OMG! WiFi at the Tube station

Use the Tube? Use one of the stations listed below? Hey, you’re in luck. You’ll soon be bathed in free (for a limited time) WiFi while you stand on the platform. Better still, some stations have been turned on today, so you might start seeing people like this …

Google Nexus tablet snapped

On the whole, it’s safe to say that Android tablets haven’t done as well as the iPad. The Android “carpet bomb” approach just doesn’t seem to have worked all that well as far as tablets are concerned. Sure, the Galaxy Tab range has done fantastically well but Google …

O2 and Voda to share network infrastructure

Telefónica UK (O2) and Vodafone UK are to begin “pooling” their two networks – both 900MHz – to create “one national grid running each operator’s independent spectrum.” They’re doing this partially to ensure that 4G coverage can be rolled out as quickly as possible, but also to improve …

Galaxy SIII to be targeted by Apple

So, in perhaps the most unsurprising news in the world, Apple has now begun to try and block the Samsung Galaxy SIII in the US. Apple staff purchased the phone from the UK, checked it and determined that it should be added to the existing injunction motion against …

3D and Offline coming to Google Maps

Google held an event today to announce new features coming to their Google Maps service, 3D and Offline. The process of saving offline maps was demoed and it looks quite simple. The user selects “Make available offline” from the menu, selects the area needed and it downloads to …

Samsung Galaxy Mini 2 Launch Date Revealed

With all the furore surrounding the launch of the Samsung Galaxy SIII it’s easy to forget that there are plenty of  other phones in the Galaxy range and they are not all aimed at high end users that require copious amounts of processing power and  the ultimate in today’s …

Samsung Galaxy SIII v Apple iPhone 4s Drop Test

They are the two best selling smart phones on the planet.  With over 40 million handsets between them in circulation it only stands to reason that some are going to be dropped or broken. In order to see which would fare better if everyone’s nightmare happens and you …

Coolsmartphone Recommended iOS App – iOSMaps

Anyone who spends time outdoors in the UK probably knows that Ordnance Survey maps are darned useful, not to mention incredibly detailed. Showing paths, rights of way, hill features and even power lines, the OS range are the go-to choice when planning an adventure in the great outdoors. …

SPB TV Survey findings

A while back we mentioned the SPB were conducting a big survey about mobile TV usage. Well the survey is over now. SPB have compiled all of the results and come up with some interesting statistics. If you want even more stats with some graphs then head over …

Windows Phone Apollo to be revealed on June 20th

It looks like Microsoft didn’t want to be left out in what has now become a summer full of mobile operating systems. They have sent invites out to numerous tech blogs announcing that they will give a “Sneak Peak at the future of Windows Phone” on June 20th. …

Google Acquires Quick Office – Android Integration imminent?

Google have today announced the acquisition of Quickoffice, the office productivity company. Google say: We’re happy to announce that we have acquired Quickoffice, a leader in office productivity solutions. Today, consumers, businesses and schools use Google Apps to get stuff done from anywhere, with anyone and on any …

Nokia Maps Updated, now includes personalised photos and reviews.

An update to the Nokia Maps application has today been released to the Windows Marketplace.   It’s available for download for free from Nokia exclusively for Nokia Lumia. One of the best ways to make a difference in location-based services is posting photos and reviews: that’s how you remember …

A week with the Samsung Galaxy Note

The other week I got myself a Samsung Galaxy Note. Before I had one I was always interested in it but also concerned about the size. What a lot of people ask me when they find out that I have got one, is “is it too big?” or …

BlackBerry 9320 Review

The BlackBerry Curve 9320 is the most recent BlackBerry available and comes with the latest version of BlackBerry OS, 7.1. Aimed at the lower end of the market and priced at around £150 this phone is the natural successor to both the Curve 8520 and 9300. Having owned …

PlayStation Suite re-branded PlayStation Mobile

Today, Sony announced it will be re-branding the ‘PlayStation Suite’ to ‘PlayStation Mobile’. This move will should now bring more PlayStation titles to more devices, rather than just the ‘PlayStation Certified’ handsets, which never really took off. As part of the announcement, SCE (Sony Computer Entertainment) also announced …

The Samsung Galaxy S3 and The USA

The Galaxy S3 is finally heading to the United States of America! Samsung have announced the phone for the five mobile carriers over in the United States all in one sweep. The device will start on the biggest four carriers for around $199 on a two year contract and …