Three Remove TrafficSense For High Users

Three have now stopped the TrafficSense service for restricting speed to the top 5% of users duringi peak times TrafficSense™ is there to help make sure all our customers get a fair share of our network. We continue to develop and refine it. The initial trial of one …

Time-lapse video on Android

Some years ago I filmed this summer sunrise on a Windows Mobile phone. Last weekend, with the sun actually beating down on our garden, I decided to try the same thing on Android. I ended up using Controlled Capture Lite which is, if I’m honest, a bit rough …

Instapaper now available for Android

Instapaper is a hugely popular iOS app. It allows you to save web pages as text, text which can be stored offline so you can read it at a later date or when you haven’t got a web connection. The app seems to be phone and tablet optimised …

Fitting a microSD to the Orange San Diego

Paul from MoDaCo has managed to remove the back from the Orange San Diego (Santa Clara / London) and has found a microSD card slot. It follows a post from forum member “Huggyc” here. There’s a few caveats first though. The rear cover isn’t strictly removable, so if …

Initial Galaxy SIII Impressions

It has been a good few days since the Samsung Galaxy SIII appeared in the UK now on general sale, and yes we do indeed have a white SIII in at CSP Towers for a full review over the next week. Until then here are my initial impressions …

Win yourself a ZTE Skate !

The lovely people at ZTE have give us not one but two Skate handsets. The ZTE Skate has a 4.3″ 480×800 pixel screen, WiFi, GPS, 5 megapixel camera, microSD expansion, 3.5mm audio port and runs Android 2.3. Powered by an 800MHz CPU there’s a 1400mAh battery and access …

Samsung Galaxy Note gets Ice Cream Sandwich in the UK

Yesterday the UK version of the Samsung Galaxy Note started to get the official Ice Cream Sandwich update. As usual with Samsung this is via Kies, their own device companion app. Beware though this update seems to be for the non network versions. Although I bought mine from Carphone …

Google v Microsoft…and the wars go on

At first there was the US Department of Justice, then there was the European Union.  More recently there have been battles with HTC, Samsung, Motorola and now a war of attrition seems to be building with Google. Microsoft’s lawyers must be laughing all the way to the bank. …

HTC One X – Hammer time

The usual warnings apply here. Don’t try this at home kids. If you have, and smashed something or hurt yourself, don’t go running to those “No win, no fee” lawyers expecting a big pay-out just because there wasn’t something saying, “Do not use as a hammer”. OK?

Cheaper MiFi – Huawei E5331

My nan wants to get online so that she can email her daughters. It’s a simple request and she already has a laptop, but she doesn’t want any “messing” with her phone line and she takes the laptop wherever she goes. This could be my solution. The new …

HTC Desire C – Now available on Three

Everyone is pretty skint at the moment so, although we weren’t expecting it, the Desire C is pretty good value. You can pick one up on Pay As You Go with Three for £149.99. Their “All in One 15″ package costs £15 and gives 30-day access to all-you-can-eat …

Win yourself a Samsung Galaxy SIII

Want to win yourself a brand new Samsung Galaxy SIII ? eXpansys are giving away one of these hot new smartphones to one lucky winner. To enter you need to do some Facebook “liking”, some tweeting, following and sign up to their newsletter. The competition ends on June …

Nokia Lumia 900. It’s the Batphone Robin, let’s go!

Fancy getting a Nokia Lumia 900 but want it to be a bit more “individual?” Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? Well, if you said “Yes” and knew where that quote came from, this could be just for you. It’s the Nokia Lumia …

Galaxy SIII becomes biggest selling handset of the year

Sure we know that the lovely people at Phones 4u are fishing for a free plug here but hey, these are some pretty decent figures. The Samsung Galaxy SIII has become the biggest selling handset of 2012 at the store after pre-orders and first day sales across all …

Vodafone launch the Smart II – A smartphone for £70

We’ve just added our review of the Huawei Y 100 a bargain-basement handset. Now, Vodafone have one too, and they’re selling it for just 70. It’s obviously the follow-up to their Smart and runs Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) and has a 3.2″ HVGA screen. All the usual GPS, WiFi …

Huawei Y 100 Review

  The Huawei Y 100 is a pretty cheap smartphone. It’s only £79.99 and is a diddy little thing which could be the ideal first smartphone for youngsters, pensioners and those that have been scared off smartphones by the price. Specs then, and we start off well with …