Panasonic Eluga Now Available From Expansys

As detailed in February and revealed at MWC, the Panasonic Eluga is now available in the UK. Running with a 1GHZ dual core CPU, an 8 megapixel rear camera,Wi-Fi, NFC, and running Android 2.3 (soon to be upgraded to Ice Cream Sandwich) the phone has a 4.3″ display and …

Huawei announce global availability for the Ascend P1

During MWC in Barcelona Leigh got his hands on the upcoming Huawei Ascend P1. It looks to be a super thin and good looking phone. Today in Beijing Huawei have announced the global availability of the device. Europe seems to be the last to see it, but it should be …

Sopcast on mobile

Further to our previous article we can confirm that the app does work on an android phone, in this case a Samsung Galaxy S2, as you can see from the attached screenshots. In tests I couldn’t get every channel to work but I’m not sure that is the …

Samsung rolling out Ice Cream Sandwich for Unbranded Galaxy SII’s

It’s been a bit of a wait but now owners of unbranded Samsung Galaxy SII’s can get their hands on some Ice Cream Sandwich goodness. The update is available through Kies and we recommend updating to the newest version beforehand. The update also comes with some improvements to …

The next generation of JCB Toughphones – Now available

Can you remember the JCB Pro Smart Toughphone we reviewed on Monday? Well it and a few other similar devices are now available at Clove and Handtec have also announced that they have the Pro Smart in stock or will do soon. Clove – Here Handtec – …

Coolsmartphone Available on Google Currents

A few days ago I wrote about Google Currents now being available internationally. Well, the good news is that is available to view on the excellent newsreader resplendent with all its images. So, heres how to add everyones favourite smartphone site to your list of subscribed sites …

Go behind the scenes with Samuria Software

Tyler Moore starts his new job programming smartphone apps at Samurai Software under Gene Diblasko, and things get weird. This is the brief bio for a new web series titled App Holes which centres around the developers of third-rate smartphone applications, the sort of apps that are popular …

Will current Windows Phone devices get Apollo or not?

“Will my device get an official update?” It is one the most often asked questions, be it to the networks, to the manufacturers or even to websites like us. People just want the latest and greatest version of the software. Most recently it has been the turn of …

HTC One V Overview

Look what’s just arrived here in Coolsmartphone HQ. It’s the HTC One V, complete with chin. We couldn’t wait to show you this, so I packed it into the car and went for a drive in the country. You might have seen the results of my one-handed camera …

Pebble E-Paper Smart Watch Breaks Kickstarter records

Since the Double Fine Adventure Game Kickstarter funding back in February, Kickstarter seems to have kicked into high gear for tech related projects. The latest record holder and one that I’m personally backing, is the Pebble E-Paper Smart Watch. In simple terms it connects to your iPhone or Android mobile …

Should we bring the forum back?

Today we had an interesting discussion amongst the brilliant writers here at Coolsmartphone. It’s a discussion that is still going on now, and emails are flying around pretty quickly. This got me thinking. I kinda miss the forum in a way. Discussions like the one we’re having via …

Official UEFA 2012 App Launched

Football or for our stateside visitors Soccer is once again about to explode to the fore with the advent of Euro 2012 in Poland and Ukraine. To accompany this extravagaza Orange in conjunction with UEFA have released the official Euro 2012 app across 8 (yes, eight) mobile platforms …

OneCable – Reduce your cluttered cable collection

Hey, you lovely, lovely people. How would like a cable that does (almost) everything? This OneCable Sync and Charge cable should hopefully clear away some of those random cables that are probably cluttering up your home. It costs £9.99 and uses the seatbelt-style retractable mechanism to keep everything …

European networks kick Nokia when they’re down

Reuters are reporting that European carriers faith in Nokia is quite low at the moment. They’ve gone as far as to say “If the Lumia with the same hardware came with Android in it and not Windows, it would be much easier to sell” This comes off the …

Belkin Bump case for iPad Review

As beautiful as modern technology can be at times there are situations where you want to ensure the protection of your pride and joy. You’re left with a choice, you can either invest in a rugged device, like the JCB Pro Smart we previewed or you can get …

US: MGM Joins the Play Revolution

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer have today joined forces with Google Play and You Tube to add over 600 titles for rental in the United States and Canada. This means there are now five of the six major studios and over ten independent movie studios, currently offering movies for rent on YouTube and …

Google Drive Launching for Windows, Mac, Android and iOS

Following this report earlier in April, a draft release from one of Google’s partners reveals details of the upcoming challenger to Dropbox, Google Drive. Rolling out with 5gb of storage for all, and operating from this could be all set to be a major competitor to Dropbox.   It …

ASUS opens registrations for Transformer Prime GPS dongle

When the Transformer Prime launched there were a lot of complaints about poor GPS signal and as a result, ASUS have decided to release a GPS dongle that can be added to the device to improve the signal. ASUS announced yesterday on twitter that registrations were now open …

Exclusive Mini Review – The JCB Pro-Smart

If your day job involves a lot of outdoor work then you might not carry a smartphone. They need charging quite a bit, they’re fairly delicate instruments and can be fiddly to use with big, dirty, working hands. JCB have moved from just sticking covers on other handsets …