Sony Xperia S – Extended review

The Sony Xperia S is quite an important smartphone in Sony’s lineup following recent break-up with Ericsson. We have already covered Xperia S here at Coolsmartphone in a review by Dan a couple of weeks ago, but we have also decided to take another more detailed look at …

Channel 5 coming to your Android

Channel 5. Ahhh.. it’s 15 years old. Who can believe it eh? Anyone remember all those VCR’s getting re-programmed by engineers? What was it all for eh? Now all those crummy analogue transmitters are getting turned off and we’ve all thrown those video recorders in the bin. Pah… …

Can you film a movie on a smartphone?

The BBC have filmed a miniture movie but, instead of using expensive HD broadcast cameras, they used a smartphone instead. They’ll be showing how it was done later but the results, we must admit, are rather good. Now sure, there’s going to be some slick BBC editing and …

LG Optimus 7 Windows Phone featured in Expansys Summer Sale

Expansys are having one of their never ending clearance sales. As usual there is a item that caught my eye. It was the LG Optimus 7. They have reduced it to £149.99, which for the spec is quite a good deal. The Optimus 7 also has 16gb internal …

LG Optimus 3D, now less than £300

The 3D-equipped LG phones have started drinking those special “diet milkshakes” in the past year, but that does at least mean that the original one we reviewed is now dipping down in price. It’s less than £300 and for that you get an unlocked LG Optimus 3D with …

Roll up, roll up, get your Lumia 800 update on Three

Woah, it’s been just minutes since we complained that only SIM-free Lumia 800’s were currently getting updated and pow, Three are now pushing it out to their Lumia 800 phones. Their support pages detail the improvements, but the key enhancement has to be the extra battery life. There’s …

Software update brings battery boost to Nokia Lumia 800

Over the last few weeks we have been hearing rumors about the next update for the Nokia Lumia 800. The main feature is the extra battery life. They have apparently improved the bass in music playback as well. Nokia have put up a web page that shows you …

Dropbox 23GB storage loophole fixed?

A few days ago we spotted a rather “naughty” APK which fooled the good folks at Dropbox into thinking that you’d just bought yourself a brand new HTC One device. That then gave you 23GB of space, or extra space, in your Dropbox account. Now, we’ve had a …

Are HTC going to make a media player?

The iPod Touch is a great product. Over the years millions of people have bought them to be able to play games, listen to music or watch films on. The price of the smallest capacity device has really opened it up to so many people. These days most kids, …

An elephant and a Samsung Galaxy Note. Yes, really..

Samsung have now shifted 5 million Galaxy Notes. To celebrate there’s this video of an elephant using one. Yes. An elephant. A ruddy great big flippin’ elephant. I know.. Sure, this is a viral thing and it’s designed to sell more Samsung kit, but heck, it’s a bloomin …

Three Publish One X and S Pricing

UK network Three has published the pricing for the new HTC One S and X handsets with an expected delivery  date of the 5th April and online orders start from the 4th April Here is all the information below so you can take a pick of which plan is best …

Three set to delay 4G

The mobile network 3 are announcing a plan to upgrade its network which will enable it to start legal action against Ofcom, undoubtedly this will have the knock on effect of delaying the 4G auction that is planned for 2013. Three was actually the first network to release …

ICS Arrives on the Galaxy SII.. What’s your opinion?

With the latest and greatest Android OS now appearing on many Galaxy SII handsets we have to ask the question – do you like the new version? I know many of us are creatures of habit, so change isn’t always good. I’ve seen several people getting annoyed at …

Evernote Android App and Widget updates

Evernote have just released the latest version of their Android app and Android Widget app. The new version (3.6) now supports dictation, and uses Android’s Text transcription service. A couple of big caveats though – you must be online, and you need Ice Cream Sandwich. So maybe one …

Soulcraft RPG is no longer Tegra only

For the past few months people with Tegra devices have been able to participate in the beta for a rather nice role playing game called Soulcraft. Well now they have released a non Tegra version of the game so anyone can have a play now. Well apart from …

16GB MicroSD – Cheap deal for your Wednesday morning

Fancy a microSD card with more capacity? For £9.99 you can get this one with free delivery chucked in too. But stop – wait a second there young trigger-happy-traveller. If you stick the discount code “MEMORY20” in you can get it for just £7.99. Ooo… get in, …

Snapdragon try to tell us something about their CPU

Snapdragon have put out this promotional video showing one phone travelling around the world. It did the trip in one charge and filmed various wacky bits in between as you can see below. Now…. battery life is always a pain point for smartphone users, so initially we were …

Google Play now on .. err… Google

Been to Google recently? You may have spotted this new link on the top bar which appears even when you’re not logged into the Googleplex. When clicked it’ll take you straight into the Android Market Play Store and is effectively a big advert for the Android OS. Linl …

Review – The Standeazy

Stands. They’re always a touchy subject here at Coolsmartphone. There’s usually a couple of things you have to put up with when you’re looking for one. For a start there’s a selection of stands and base units which you may have to carefully select to suit your specific …

Samsung Galaxy Beam is now up for pre-order

Can you remember the Samsung Galaxy Beam? The Samsung device with a built in projector. Surely you can remember all of those videos from MWC showing the Beam in action. Well anyway it is now up for pre-order at Clove for £454.80 inc Vat. The spec of the …