Review – The Standeazy

Stands. They’re always a touchy subject here at Coolsmartphone. There’s usually a couple of things you have to put up with when you’re looking for one. For a start there’s a selection of stands and base units which you may have to carefully select to suit your specific …

Samsung Galaxy Beam is now up for pre-order

Can you remember the Samsung Galaxy Beam? The Samsung device with a built in projector. Surely you can remember all of those videos from MWC showing the Beam in action. Well anyway it is now up for pre-order at Clove for £454.80 inc Vat. The spec of the …

Accessory Review: ZooGue Capacitive Stylus

Here at CoolSmartPhone we love peripherals and accessories for our devices. As Leigh’s recent videos on device stands have shown, we love those that are simple but effective even more! Enter the ZooGue Stylus. This device is primarily sold for iPad devices however can be used on any …

Bluestacks allows you to use Android apps on your Windows PC

Last year Bluestacks released the Alpha version of their app. It basically allowed you to run certain Android apps on your Windows pc. It was a little laggy and getting new apps to run involved another Android transferring the app across. Games were a no starter as there …

Temple Run for Android now available

What a great start to the day. The eagerly awaited iOS hit has now appeared on the Android Market. It is a running jumping puzzle solving type game and it’s free so head over to the play store and see what all those Apple users have been playing …

Microsoft attempt to quell the “Smoked by” fail

So, following our earlier story, Microsoft are now trying to make amends with Sahas Katta. He won a “Smoked by Windows Phone” challenge with his Android-powered Galaxy Nexus. Microsoft are trying to make amends by offering up a laptop and phone. Many on Twitter have already congratulated Microsoft, …

Pre-Order One X and S On Three

With the HTC One X and S just a week away, Three are now allowing you to pre-order either handset in a retail store or over the phone. We had some hands on time with the S and X back in February when we were at Mobile World …

Vodafone prep the HTC One X and S

Old news this really, but people have seen it elsewhere and have nudged us about it. We heard that Voda were to take the HTC One X and One S back in February and they’ve now appeared on the Vodafone website. The One X looks to be coming …

The Windows Phone Challenge – Most of the time, you won’t win

In Barcelona we saw Microsoft doing the “Smoked by” challenge daily. The rather minimalist stand had this white-board showing the winners and losers. The winners bagged some cash and the losers probably thought that Windows Phone was better. Is it? Well, that’s personal preference, but the whole “challenge” …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Windows Phone app – MyTextTwister

Whilst browsing around the web or checking out the latest you may have seen posts done in a strange font or a basic picture made with dots and squiggles. Well this app lets you do just that on your Windows Phone. You start off adding the text you …

UK Trumps Europe For News On The Go

That’s right…the United Kingdom leads the way…..albeit this time in the use of mobile devices to visit News-based sites. This is the outcome of a new report from comScore, the digital marketing intelligence company. According to comScore, over 45% of UK Smartphone users have accessed a News site …

Activate the Galaxy SII “Driving Mode” in a snap

No, the “Driving Mode” on the Galaxy SII will NOT magically steer your car to work whilst you have a doze in the back seat. What it can do is read out notifications and calls that arrive while you drive. Oh, I’m a poet and didn’t know it. …

Exclusive discount on the Motorola Pro Plus

Now, my lovely, intelligent, handsome readers. Come close. If you’re after a QWERTY-based Android device then the Motorola Pro Plus is definitely worth a try. We reviewed it some time back and now have a very special deal for anyone looking to buy. Our friends at already …

Sky Anyime+, now through all ISP’s

Back in January Sky announced that their on-demand TV service “Sky Anytime+” would be opened up and available via any ISP. The exact date was a little foggy, but we’re now seeing it live. The service has been available through Sky broadband for a while now, but as …

Is poor battery life a price worth paying for free apps?

Recently we published an article about how most of the power usage of free Android apps actually goes towards displaying the ads. Angry Birds, for example, apparently uses “70% of it’s power draw to upload information and download ads”. Presumably it’s an even higher percentage for other less …

Instagram for Android – sign up quick

You may have heard of the hugely popular photo service Instagram. It is a service that lets you take photos, add a filter to it and upload it for all of your friends to see. Well yesterday on Twitter they announced that you could sign up to be …

Try this for 23GB Dropbox space

Got Dropbox? Not got Dropbox? Either way, give this a try to get yourself 23GB of space, or 23GB additional space if you are an existing user (valid for 2 years). We’ve just given it a spin but haven’t got the confirmation mail as yet. Let us know …

Rovio change their minds

Earlier on today we reported that Rovio the developer behind the recently released Angry Birds Space weren’t going to make a version for Windows Phone. I felt a little saddened by this not because I couldn’t play it on my new Lumia, but more that one of the …

Angry Birds vs Angry Birds – Windows Phone vs Android

Mobile World Congress always shows us just how the mobile OS’s are performing in the marketplace. We saw for ourselves that the Google Android stand was full of people and the Windows Phone stand was perhaps a little more subdued. Sure, it goes without saying that Windows Phone …

Rovio – Supporting Windows Phone is “a big undertaking”

We first heard about the “Angry Birds Space” a couple of weeks ago and there was a notable omission in the supported OS’s. Our exact words at the time were.. Set your alarm for March 22nd people… Oh .. and if you’ve got a Windows Phone… Ermmm… Look! …