O2 have confirmed via Twitter that they will be offering up the HTC One X from April 5th – just 4 weeks from today. There’s no news on pricing or plans just yet though. We do, however, have some HTC One X deals on O2 if you’re interested. …
Everything Everywhere have been given the green light by Ofcom to, in principle, use some of their 1800MHz spectrum to roll out LTE. T-Mobile and Orange already use 1800MHz for their existing 2G networks, but have enough “room” to roll out 4G LTE ahead of other networks, who …
To celebrate the announcement of the Nokia Lumia 900 at MWC the other week, Nokia have filmed a range of videos which briefly feature the new Lumia. I really like the look of the 900, that extra screen space should really put the 900 up there amongst the …
We seem to be finding a good selection of cheap Windows Phones lately. Now it’s the turn of the HTC Radar, which has been reduced to £199 on eBuyer. The Radar has 8GB of storage on board, a 3.8″ screen, 5 megapixel camera and 1GHz CPU. Link – …
Here in London there’s been a big push to try and get WiFi available in the Tube. London Mayor, Boris Johnson, and Transport For London have been linked with an earlier deal with Huawei. Unfortunately this didn’t see the light of day.. or should that be the dark …
If you’re after the Sony Xperia S and don’t want to dive into one of the many contract deals the Expansys have the unlocked version for £449.99 with free postage and packing. They’re expecting stock in a few days and the Xperia S is the showpiece of the …
Following on from the story earlier about Three and their iPad pricing, Orange have just announced pricing for the latest tablet device from Apple. For a price of £25 a month over 24 months you will be able to get access to 1GB anytime internet access, plus 1GB …
Three have announced pricing today for ‘the new iPad’ from Apple which will go on sale this Friday. All plans listed below include a stonking 15GB a month allowance which blows every other network away with regards to allowance. All deals below are based on 24month contracts Paired …
Remember the Sony LiveView? It was like a watch, but a bluetooth accessory that connects to any Android phone, showing texts, emails and various other features through plug ins available from the Android Market (sorry, Google Play shop!). Original costing a fairly steep £70, Play.com have a …
Now and again I come across things on the web that truly amaze me. Well this is one of those times. Teknision are the company behind the Blackberry Playbook interface, which is a nice well thought out launcher. They have come up with a prototype launcher for Android …
I have been slowly getting used to Ice Cream Sandwich. At times it feels like Google have just took Honeycomb and squashed it onto a phone. The widgets I used to use on my Honeycomb tablets are still present, which is nice but at times I think about …
HTC have posted on their blog that they have begun to roll out their Ice Cream Sandwich update to Sensation and Sensation XE devices. This is the start of the roll out to all HTC devices that are getting the update (see list below), and will happen country …
OK.. I’ve got to concentrate now. Must stop laughing. Some poor soul at Tesco appears to have put the all-new iPad onto their website for just £49.99. However, there’s bad news for those who managed to add the device to their basket.. We like to offer our customers …
Many, many years ago I took a look at one of the Doro phones. It was, if I’m honest, a simple phone which was modelled on a big-button calculator. Since then Doro have gained momentum. Tesco sell the Phone Easy 409s for less than £50 and it was …
Smartphones. Take a look at them in your local store and you’ll notice that they normally have a big screen and a camera round the back. Most of the time you’re going to need to take care of them and perhaps invest in a case of some sort. …
Earlier we spotted the Xperia S hanging about on the Orange website. Now it’s popped up on O2 too. It’s available for absolutely nothing on plans costing more than just £21.50 a month. This is a plan that has been advertised today in our usual broadsheet newspaper The …
So, we’ve had a few dates regarding the Galaxy SII Ice Cream Sandwich update. Last we heard, it was sometime soon and we’ve previously heard dates ranging from Q1 to March 1st. Now best-mobile-contracts have a confirmed date of March 19th, which is this coming Monday. They have …
The other week we saw the Motorola Motoluxe, details here and the various PR people on hand didn’t really know anything about the future updates of the new budget device. Well Eurodroid have got there hands on an updated ICS update schedule which now shows the Motoluxe as “In …
Matt Gough has mailed in because the new Sony Xperia S has just become available on Orange. It’s available for free on plans costing £36. Matt has a big question though.. Do I get this, or wait for the HTC One X to replace my Desire? Hmm.. now …
So, someone somewhere apparently decided to brand Windows Phone “Tango” as “Windows Phone 7.5 Refresh”. The details have come out during an interview with that WindowsPhoneItaly conducted with Stefania Duico from Microsoft Italy. Now, turn the clock back to 2010 when “Windows Phone 7 Series” was launched. Shortly …