There’s a great article from Bloomsberg Business week that I wanted to share, involving a study with Symantec on what people do with your lost smartphone once they get their hands on it. As part of the study, Symantec ‘lost’ a total of 50 phones in the US …
If you’re looking at this on an Orange data connection then hello! This afternoon a large portion of the UK lost any sort of data connection. It wasn’t just traffic, there was no 3G or GPRS logo at all. Switching to the T-Mobile network didn’t do anything either. …
Hey you. No, not you. You in the jeans. Come close, and keep this one to yourself. If you’re quick you can get your hands on this Transcend 32GB Micro SDHC card for just £13.99 tomorrow (Friday). The offer kicks off at midnight, so if you want to …
Back in June last year we heard that Windows Marketplace was headed for the bin and now it looks like that’s happening. Emails are going out to say that the shut-down begins on May 9th, which is just two months away. A huge number of you have sent …
We all love a deal right? We all love Windows Phone?…. Right. Well Expansys have dropped the price of the HTC Radar, which we reviewed here. They have dropped it to £209.99 which is a bargain really. You can find the deal here. The Radar definitely has a …
So, you know how it is. Charging your phone can be a pain. You’ve probably got more than one charger, and there’s bound to be tangled cables everywhere. This is the IDAPT i4 Universal Charger. It’s called the i4 because you can charge 4 devices at once. It …
Had notification this morning that my Lumia 800 phone has a o/s update which now takes it to 7.10.8107.79 this fixes the frustrationg dissapearing keyboard among other things as well. Full list of fixes below On-screen keyboard. Fixes an issue to prevent the keyboard from disappearing during typing. …
After a brief break from the Windows Phone Marketplace, due to some issues with the name TV Guide+ is back. It is a full Sky+ remote record and TV guide app. It is free as well which is also nice. App features Full 7 day Sky TV Listings, …
Three have just sent out a press release confirming the new Sony Xperia S is available on their network. If you want to see a great hands-on demo and some up close shots of the device, have a look at our earlier story from Barcelona or head over …
Today Apple announced (along with “The New iPad” and new Apple TV) that iOS 5.1 would be available for existing iOS devices. Well the time has come, you can grab out now and the changes are thus, • Japanese language support for Siri (availability may be limited during …
So the details have been revealed and all the rumours, speculation and leaks can end, at least for a few months. Apple have announced the iPad 3 at their special event this evening and to all intents and purposes it looks like a solid update. The headlines …
Four things you need to know right now – 1.) Apple TV 3 – now supports 1080p playback 2.) iOS 5.1 available today 3.) iTunes now syncs Movies to iCloud 4.) New iPad with Retina Display – 2048 x 1536 resolution (that’s 1 million more pixels than HD displays!) The …
We are Live at the ThreeMWC event here in London bringing you news and any announcements as they happen plus plenty of photos and other content ThreeMWC Event
You probably know the score. You decide you want an Android tablet. You get it home, after the initial setup you hit the market. Then you stop dead. How on earth are you meant to tell which apps are tablet optimised? Tabletified Market is how. Once installed you …
We’ve had a lot of interest around the Sky TV mobile apps during the last few months, and rightly so, they’re really rather good. The Sky Sports TV app – already available on iOS – is said to be in the final stages of beta testing. This app …
Today’s the day when the wait is finally over, the speculation comes to an end, and we find out which of the rumours were accurate, which were way off the mark, and what Apple managed to slip completely under the radar. It’s the long-awaited launch of the new …
New plans will shortly be added to the Three offerings to stop out-of-bundle data charges. The network has already delivered “The One Plan” for those wanting the unlimited data experience, but now the “Ultimate Internet” offer something pretty similar – and plans start from just £18. The Essential …
Google have decided to rebrand the Android Market under the new name Google Play with different apps for different services. The change is happening right now and you’ll soon see your Android Market changing into this…. Bye bye Android Market, hello “Play Shop”. An interesting move by the …
Just a short while back Andrew found the HTC Evo 3D in Asda for just £249.99. Since then it’s got even cheaper, and they’re now off-loading it at a remarkable £207. If you’re up for some 3D action, why not pop down there. This is an unlocked handset …
The AnTuTu benchmarks have revelaed a new Sony Xperia model listed as MT25i. All that can be learnt about the new model from the benchmarks is that it has a 1GHz processor, 341MB RAM and was running Android 2.3.4 (Gingerbread). Looking at this information, it seems this will …