OnLive Desktop for Android now available. If you’re in the US

During CES OnLive announced a free virtual desktop service for tablets. It allows you to use basic office applications. We covered it here if you want to read it bit more about it. We’ll today it has been released on the Android Market. Since we published this it …

MWC – Xperia P – Up close

It’s time for a bit of close-up photo-time with the Xperia P. We were there for the launch so we figured you’d like a few more pictures, just because we can. As we mentioned earlier, the Xperia NXT phones have different screen sizes. The Xperia S has a …

Storage Options announce a sub £200 ICS tablet

Storage Options the maker of various budget tablets have recently announced their latest offering. It is called the Scroll Extreme and it is a 9.7″ ICS tablet that unfortunately does not have the Google Android Market. But as we saw the other week with the ViewSonic ViewPad you …

MWC – Xperia U – Up close

Although we were at the launch, we thought you’d appreciate yet more up-close shots of the Xperia U. The Xperia NXT range goes down in screen size. The Xperia S has a 4.3″ screen (720×1280), the Xperia P has a 4″ and this here is the baby of …

MWC – Orange Santa-Clara – Up close

The Santa Clara is, it turns out, just a codename at the moment. So perhaps, just perhaps, it might appear as the Orange London we thought it would? Powered by a rather rapid Intel Atom Z2460 1.6GHz CPU, this has 16GB of memory, HD voice, NFC, 1080p HDMI …

MWC – Panasonic Eluga Power – Up close

The Panasonic ELUGA Power has just been announced (press release below) so it definitely warrants some hands-on time. It’s waterproof and has a Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-core 1.5GHz CPU. In the hand it selt very well build and thin too (9.6mm), despite the large 128×720 HD 5″ screen, which …

MWC – Panasonic Eluga – Up close

The ELUGA was announced about a week ago by Panasonic. It has a new big brother too, the ELUGA Power. We’ll have snaps of that in a moment. Like Fujitsu, Panasonc have decided to ensure that phones are waterproof. It’s an interesting to note that networks can prefer …

MWC – Have you missed something?

Missing some Mobile World Congress information? Want to know all about the CBOSS girls but can’t find the story? Are you looking for our first unboxing of the Xperia S? Maybe the HTC One Series pictures? Don’t worry, we’ve got all our coverage right here and down the …

MWC – Google Android Tour

This afternoon we went for a stroll around the Google Android stand. They’re giving away Ice Cream Sandwiches, drinks and the usual Android key-chains. It is extremely busy. Around the stand they’re showing off apps and services that use the Android platform, plus you get to pick up …

MWC – Lumia 900 Hands On Photos

The Lumia 900 is not a handset which was announced at Mobile World Congress this year, it was announced at CES in Las Vegas back in January as a AT&T LTE exclusive device for their new network. What Nokia have done though is replace the LTE radio with …

MWC – The flying horse of phones!

Check this out. Good yes? A flying horse, right there in the middle of Mobile World Congress, looking down over the Fira. However, get a little closer and you may notice something. It’s actually made from Huawei Ascend D phones. Dozens and dozens Hundreds of them, all attached …

MWC – The protests

OK, we wouldn’t normally post anything like this but we’re here in Barcelona reporting live from Mobile World Congress. Right now the gates are locked and riot police, as they have been for a number of days now, are standing outside. Today their numbers appear to have swelled …

MWC – A tour around Nokia

So Dan has got some great hands-on time over the last days and has uploaded some great pictures following the announcement. There’s also some great Lumia 900 shots too. We were both taking photos without realising it, so I’ve ended up with a number of additional photos which …

MWC – OK, we had to do it..

Every year, without fail, the infamous CBOSS girls send attendees towards their stand. This year they’re doing more leaflet drops but never fail to pull men in like a tractor beam of hotness. Here’s a quick couple of videos. Sorry about this.. we’re only human 😉

MWC – Lumia 610 Hands On Photos

Although announced at MWC on Monday, today was my first real chance to spend time with the Nokia Lumia 610 which is their new low end Windows Phone. With lower specs will come a lower price and on testing Nokia found 95% of the apps worked on a …

MWC – Fujitsu Arrows F-07D – Up close

During our chat with Fujitsu we got some pretty decent hands-on time with the painfully thin Arrows F-07D handset. Although it’s not available in Europe it is the worlds “thinnest waterproof smartphone” at just 6.7mm. This has fully cleared the FCC and features a 4″ 800×480 OLED display …

MWC – Windows Phone Booth Tour

Microsoft don’t really have a booth if I’m honest. They don’t even have a stand. Sure, they’re displaying the latest phones running Windows Phone, plus some older ones too. I took a look at the Fujitsu IS12T yesterday, which is one of the 8 on show. This year …

Jill Sanders Windows Phone now even cheaper

Over the last few weeks Expansys have been dropping the prices on various different devices. The latest price drop is on the Jill Sanders Windows Phone. They are now selling it for £169.99 Inc vat which you can get here. Mark reviewed the Jill Sanders phone aswell, and …

MWC – Europe needs some Fujitsu action

Say the name “Fujitsu” to most people here in Europe and you’ll probably receive a pretty blank expression. The truth is that they’re behind a lot of IT-related projects and services and they’re nearly 80 years old. In the mobile arena they’re already a big player in Japan …

More Samsung Galaxy S3 Info Leaks

Looks like specs for the highly awaited SGS3 have slipped out slightly early than Samsung were hoping and for a 2012 flagship everything is super fast as you would expect. It has been said that the SHS3 will feature a 1.5Ghz Quad-Core processor, 8 megapixel normal camera and …