Xperia S Hands-on photos and first unboxing

The Xperia S went on sale here in Barcelona today and in true Dan style I had to go and buy one for myself in white!. So in what might well be the FIRST unboxing of a retail Xperia S device we bring you the brand new just …

MWC – Huawei Ascend D – Up close

This is the Ascend D1 – not to be confused with it’s more powerful brother, the D quad. This, if we’re honest, is pretty much exactly the same in every way but with a dual-core 1.5GHz CPU instead of the quad-core unit in the D quad. Android 4.0 …

Vodafone To Sell Huawei Ascend G300

Vodafone and Huawei have arranged to bring the new Ascend G300 Android powered smartphone to the UK under their own name which a first for Huawei who normally let operators brand their phones as their own. Vodafone UK and Ireland head of terminals Dee Kaul said Vodafone recognises …

MWC – Huawei Ascend G – Up close

Whilst generally hanging around the Huawei stand we decided to have a look at the Ascend G unit (sorry, just had to add “unit” there). It’s actually called the “Huawei Ascend G 300″ on the stand and has a 4” WVGA screen, Google Android 2.3 and a 5 …

Live At Sony Store Xperia Launch

Whilst all the press are running around Fira for Mobile World Congress we go one further and head outside of the event to cover something rather special You might remember yesterday we exclusively broke the news that the Sony Xperia S was going on sale Wednesday (today) here …

HSPA+ 42 Comes To Three

Three have posted on their blog this morning that “4G” is coming to the UK on their network (Three have now reworded this to state that this is HSPA+42 and NOT LTE to clear up any confusion). At home I get speeds of around 10Mbps off-peak times using …

MWC – ZTE Ascend D1 vs Samsung Galaxy SII

So, we’ve noticed a bit of a similarity between the two handsets here at Mobile World Congress. We’ve also noticed something else – namely what happens if you say “D quad” quickly enough….. Anyways, unfortunately there wasn’t time for a direct speed or usage comparison, but we did …

MWC – Fujitsu IS12T Hands-on

So, you’ve got the major players here in Barcelona. HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola, Nokia and the new boys – Sony Mobile. Then there’s the people close behind, Acer, Asus, Huawei and ZTE are becoming more well known. Huawei in particular have been behind a lot of network-branded kit …

iPad Event Confirmed for March 7th

While the eyes of the mobile world are trained on MWC in Barcelona, Apple have some exciting news for the iOS community with the confirmation that the iPad 3 will be revealed at an event on March 7th – yup, next Wednesday. The event will take place at …

HTC – One Series – Picture special

I’ve been privileged to get some more time with HTC today. During my chat with Jeff Gordon, Global Online Communications Manager, we chatted in detail about what 2012 has in store. Although the One Series are the core part of HTC’s push, we can probably expect more to …

Roaming Charges Set To Fall?

Whilst attending Mobile World Congress here in Barcelona we know too well about the expense of roaming data and to be able to use your phones outside of your home country. Thankfully this could all change!.  Why?, Read the information below and let out a little smile once …

Vodafone & Visa To Offer NFC

Vodafone and Visa have announced a deal to bring NFC to the masses this year using your smartphone.  Orange have been actively promoting NFC since joining Everything Everywhere group especially and now Vodafone are getting in on the game Full (and long) press release below…. Near Field Communication, or NFC …

Orange To Offer New Roaming Bundles

Orange have today sent out a press release with information on a new pricing scheme for roaming in the EU including access to a new smartphone application which will let you track your use when roaming, especially good when it comes to roaming data use!. Check below for …

MWC – ZTE Orbit Up close

ZTE are no strangers to Windows Phone. They already have the well-priced ZTE Tania and seem to be pushing further with the Windows Phone OS thanks to this, the ZTE Orbit. As I said in my other ZTE post, there’s a definite improvement in build quality and design …

MWC – ZTE Era Up close

The sheer amount of handsets over on the ZTE stand is almost mind-boggling. We managed to hunt down their new ZTE Era for a bit of hands-on time. Unfortunately the battery was flat, but we consoled ourselves with some serious up-close action (OK, I need some sleep now). …

MWC – Duracell Powermat in action

Wireless charging ? We had to give this a try. The Duracell Powermat promises just that. In reality you need a special case to get it to “talk” the Powermat, but for those having that already this shouldn’t be a problem. In the demo we were shown an …

MWC – LG Optimus 3D Max – Up close

We thought initially that Android 4.0 would be arriving as part of an update, but LG have this running Ice Cream Sandwich on the stand and they tell me it’ll hit the shops with ICS too. The Max features a 1.2GHz CPU with “tri-dual technology” (dual core, channel …

O2 Coming Soon Page Updated

O2 have updated their coming soon page for the UK network and now show the Xperia S in March (we hope to be getting one tomorrow), the HTC One X, S and V all show as coming this April too. No word on any set availability or pricing …

MWC – LG Optimus LTE Hands On

LTE is massive at Mobile World Congress this year, even more so than last year.  Telefonica (who happen to also own O2 UK) have provided access to a 4G network so that manufacturers can show off their new devices as best as possible. One of these is the …

LG Optimus 4X HD & 3D Max Information

Clove have just announced that the LG Optimus 4X HD will be coming to the UK in June and can now be pre-ordered starting today for £456. The 4X HD features: 1.5GHz quad-core processor (NVIDIA Tegra 3) Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 4.7″ (1280 x 720) True HD …