There’s a fair amount of excitement surrounding the Galaxy SIII. The existing SII had already performed brilliantly sales-wise and its still my main phone. So, news so far. We thought it would appear at Mobile World Congress. Good times. Then we were told it wasn’t arriving at Mobile …
It’s been a tough old year for HTC. Their fourth quarter results were down 2.49% year-on-year. Worse still, they’re down 53% since January 2011 and total revenue looks set to drop by another 36% in the first quarter of this year. The problems? It seems that during 2011 …
Just for fun, me and the wife had our photo done by a professional photographer. Here we are.. nice huh ? She loves that phone, she really does. Oh OK, you got me. It’s actually actor Edward Norton and model Daria Werbowy, but honestly – it’s like looking …
A few years ago, back when I had just started making videos, I reviewed CoPilot Live UK + Ireland along with the Brodit Proclip mount for my car. Well recently CoPilot got back in touch and offered me their ‘Premium’ version of the software to test drive. Naturally …
OK, story so far. We picked up some tweets from the T-Mobile UK Help Team stating that “Full Monty Tariffs have a max speed of 1MB/s”. A day later, and T-Mobile told us that this was a mistake, but still we were getting sent phone calls where customers …
Recently we broke the news that the Nokia Lumua 710 was going to cost £199.99 on PAYG with Three as confirmed by a member of staff in store even though there were no price guides or dummy phones out on show. Today on checking the Three site the …
Clove are now taking orders for the white version of the Galaxy Nexus 16gb for £498.00. They have said that will be available on February the 13th. It’s not all white though, the bezel is black unlike the white version of the Galaxy S2 which is …
In the early 90s, when my entire gaming life revolved around a succession of PCs that seemed old almost as soon as we bought them, I discovered ‘Death Track‘ – a fun little racing game in which you drove round a track shooting the cr*p out of your …
Upon opening the Lumia 800 quick guide, I’m pointed to the Zune software……..”Well that’s one plus for Android already” I quietly say to myself before navigating to to get the aforementioned software. Firstly, I think it’s only fair to warn you all now before you continue reading. …
This weekend Brandon Watson, Head of Developer Experience on Windows Phone 7, has left Microsoft and is headed to Amazon. He joins a chunk of people leaving the team but his arrival at Amazon has already got the web gossips mentioning an Amazon smartphone. It will, according to …
Viewsonic have quite a few different tablets. They have budget tablets running Gingerbread, they have tablets running Windows 7 and Android and they have a premium 7″ Honeycomb tablet. The Viewpad 10e is one of the budget devices. You can buy the ViewPad 10e for about £200 from …
It’s been rumoured for a while now, but now the Nokia Facebook page seems to confirm that a polar white Lumia 800 is on the way pretty soon. According to what we’re hearing, it should arrive to the UK later this month. Either that or Nokia are trying …
On the recommendation of Tim Bradshaw at the FT I tried out Path – the social network for your close friends, apparently. Tim (who’s a fine purveyor of all things new and trendy) was particularly impressed by the iPhone app, so I gave it a try. It is …
Dropbox have released beta of the latest version of their software for Android, 2.0.9 The big change in this version is the new ability to upload photos you take on your phone automatically to Dropbox. The service will upload photos and videos taken on your device, and you …
The ‘battery life’ issue which many users have experienced – in which you moved from a 3GS or iPhone4 that could cope with a single daily charge, to an iPhone 4S that needs a minimum of two charges to make it through a full day of heavy use …
We’ve spoken quite a bit about speeds recently. Our recent news item surrounding possible throttling on T-Mobile data plans caused a lot of controversy. We were told shortly after that the information provided to us by various sources was incorrect. But, it got me thinking… In my article …
If you find yourself repeating operations on your phone then this app is for you, I can’t recall exactly where I found out about this but now I can’t imagine using my android phone without it. This isn’t new to the market, it is an app I have …
Smartphone sales grew by 62% in 2011 according to a recent report from Canalys with over 70 million more Smartphones being shipped than traditional PC/Laptop technology. The report indicates a staggering 488 million devices were shipped during the calendar year of 2011, compared to 415 million units of …
Whilst shopping yesterday I went into a Three store and asked about the Nokia Lumia 710 which was on a massive poster at the front of the shop but there was no dummy on display, the new brochures had not come into any stores yet and the phone …
Breaking – Today (Saturday) at 1.30PM we received notification that T-Mobile provided the incorrect response to this tweet. More information is at the bottom of this story, however it seems that there isn’t a 1Mb/s cap. We will update you with more information as we get it… — …