Apple Announce Massive Quarter Earnings

Apple have today announced their quarterly results leading to the 14 weeks until 31st December 2011 with some massive figures lead by the success of the iPhone 4S and the iPad 2. Apples revenue for the 14 weeks period was an astonishing $46.33 billion (£29.71 billion) with profit …

WP7 update on O2 being pushed out

For those of you that have a Windows Phone on the O2 network you’ll be pleased to hear that the 7.10.8107 update ( the disappearing keyboard update) is now being pushed out.  Whilst this is not a major update to the OS, its a welcome one as it shows that …

Galaxy SIII Information trickles onto the web

Since news of the new Nokia Lumia 910 broke this morning, Eldar Murtazin had painfully drip-fed information about the Samsung Galaxy SIII, which he says is much better. As the day has progressed we’ve found out that the new Galaxy will have a HD screen and will match …

Defence Zone HD for iPad

  So here is yet another Tower defence game, why do I need to get another one of those when there are literally hundreds of the available. This is a very good question and one that I hope to answer in the process of this review. I have …

Do your kids play with your phone or tablet?

Maybe you should try this, the new Android tablet from Inspiration Works. Named the “Kurio” this is on display at the Toys and Games Fair in Hong Kong so you can probably expect it to arrive here in July. Tablets aimed at children are already out there, and …

Here we go again, HP Touchpad deals

Dixons are currently showing the 16GB HP Touchpad as in stock and selling for just …£89.97. It might be a mistake, but it does seem to let me add it to the basket and go to checkout. Will we see these quickly snapped up and then resold on …

HTC Primo. New budget phone announced/leaked ahead of MWC

As usual in the lead up to a major press event, there’s various leaks. This time it is the turn of HTC. Details about the HTC Primo have leaked out. It looks be aimed at the budget end of the market and will cost around £250. It has …

Nokia Lumia 910 Arriving soon?

 If Eldar Murtazin speaks, we usually listen. He’s just added a very interesting tit-bit to his Twitter timeline which states.. Who needs lumia 900 in june if they want to launch lumia 910 (12mpx) in may? Europe It comes just a day after Carphone Warehouse accidentally added a …

Expansys bagging the pink SII on February 13th

The pink Galaxy SII we spotted at Phones 4U will shortly be available from eXpansys. If you’re looking for a gadgety Valentines gift, this could be your thing – it’s arriving on February 13th. Inside it’s the usual goodness – an 8 megapixel camera, dual-core 1.2GHz CPU, Android …

Are Qualcomm planning gesture control for Windows 8 tablets?

This is just me speculating here. I have pieced together several facts to do with Windows 8 and come to this conclusion. It all starts with a Canadian company called GestureTek who came up with a clever way of tracking movement, using several different sensors and cameras. The …

Nokia Lumia ads upset Ofcom

Remember these adverts? They appeared a few months ago to promote the Nokia Lumia 800 and used “break flashes”. This was picked up in our earlier article and consists of advertisers showing a very brief (half a second) message between the other commercials. Ofcom found Channel Five to …

What have we all become?

OK so maybe not all of us. But there is a worrying trend appearing on Twitter and the web in general. That trend is for buying end of line devices at a massive price reduction and the hysteria surrounding them. Take the HP TouchPad, the HTC Flyer, HTC …

Nokia Lumia sales looking promising

An estimate from 22 Bloomberg analysts puts Lumia sales to operators and retailers at between 800,000 and 2 million units globally. Not bad projections when the Lumia only went on sale in Europe in November 2011 and the figures are up to the end of the year. These …

Nokia Lumia 900 Hitting the UK in June!

Carphone Warehouse have put the Nokia Lumia 900 on their Coming Soon section of the website with an estimated launch date of June 2012! The 900 was announced at CES in Las Vegas with AT&T exclusivity but now it seems that this hot new device will be coming …

EDF Make Your London Eye Viewing A Little More Interesting

EDF have decided that a trip in the London Eye to see the sites of London isn’t enough. They have introduced a new “interactive guide” which allows you to access information about the sites you can see from in the Pod during your rotation. The highly functional interactive …

Predicting the future of mobile

Last week some rather interesting figures dropped into our mailbox from iSuppli. The research firm states that, by 2015, Windows Phone will overtake Apple’s iOS. With Android still marching ahead, forecasts state that Microsoft will gain 16.7% market share, with Apple coming in at 16.6%. Now, I’ll be …

London train station platforms will soon be much more fun!

As part of push to make London ready for the upcoming Olympic games in July and August, Transport for London have agreed to roll out WiFi across London Tube platforms. Transport for London’s Director of Strategy, Gareth Powell, said.. London Underground is continuing with preparations to install the …

Lumia 710 Available to pre-order at Carphone Warehouse

Ten days ago we spotted that the Nokia Lumia 710 would be arriving on February 1st. Now Carphone Warehouse have joined the dealers offering this new Windows Phone with an expected February arrival date and a pre-order page for you to fill in should you want one. No …

Notion Ink Adam 2 will have Texas Instruments parts

Notion Ink have announced a new version of their Adam tablet. This time they will be using a Texas Instruments instead of the Tegra chip they used last time. With the original Notion Ink had a rough time actually getting the tablets to market and then they had …

Samsung Galaxy S range get Ice Cream Sandwich custom roms

If you are reading this the chances are that you are a Samsung Galaxy S owner and you are frustrated. Samsung decided that there was not enough space on the Galaxy S to fit the Ice Cream Sandwich update, which left a lot of people rather angry with …