Got a signal problem on the weekly shop?

It’s not often that I write a rambling post… well, OK.. perhaps quite a few of you would disagree with that. The thing is, I’ve noticed something. This weekend we were shopping at the local Tesco. It’s the usual scene, you put a few items in the trolley …

A Christmas Present For Retro Gamers

For those that remember the good old days of the Commodore 64 and Spectrum, the Codemasters classic Dizzy – Prince Of The Yolkfolk is heading to iPhone and Android this December. I personally spent countless hours attempting to get Dizzy to jump from screen to screen and land …

Win by getting “Into” Windows Phone

Microsoft are still splashing out the marketing cash on the Windows Phone handsets. This time it’s not just the Nokia Lumia, although that is featured pretty heavily in the advert below. Microsoft want new and existing Windows Phone owners to try out their new rewards programme, which you …

Factory images available for Galaxy Nexus

Android software engineer Jean-Baptiste Queru posted on twitter this evening that the factory images for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus are now available for download. What this means is that if you flash a bad ROM onto your device or there’s an issue whilst flashing you can use this …

Android Video App Review – Shush

Well finally I am back with my video reviews. YouTube have been less than helpful with my upload problems but they have been fixed! I’ll kick things off with a video review of one of my favourite apps, ‘Shush’. It’s very simple, it just lets you put your …

Galaxy Nexus – Now Available on Vodafone

Yes!! The Galaxy Nexus is now available from Vodafone UK. Available online here Free from £41 a month. At that price on a 24 month plan, along with the device for free, you get 1200 minutes, Unlimited Text and 750MB of Internet (after the first 3 months of …

Carrier IQ – Who Is Watching You

Carrier IQ is software that is built into devices like Android, BlackBerries, Nokias and iPhones. It seems as though the “keylogger”/”rootkit” is installed by the Network supplying the device. The version built into Android logs everything that you do on your device. Even those pictures of yourself, in …

Galaxy Nexus OTA Patch

Ok, so there’s a lot of people that can’t wait for the Galaxy Nexus bug to be fixed so here’s a guide on how to flash the update manually… You will need: – A Samsung Galaxy Nexus – An Unlocked bootloader – A Rooted device To root follow …

Motorola Atrix on Orange – Gingerbread Update

One of our readers has just informed us the Gingerbread update is available for the Motorola Atrix, on the Orange network. Time to manually check for updates in settings 😉   Thanks to Andrew Farquhar for the tip.

Cyan Lumia 800 Now On Vodafone

Vodafone have started to sell the Nokia Lumia 800 in Cyan. We’ve just received information from the network via email. This now means you can pick up a Lumia in both Black or Cyan depending on which you like the look of more. The Lumia 800 is free …

Review – The Ericsson A2628 from Lekki

“Yeah, send it over, we’ll take a look”. ..that’s usually my response when we’re offered a phone to review. This time it was the guys at Lekki on the phone. They get “vintage” mobile phones and video games, get them working, in tip-top condition and then give them …

Samsung Galaxy Nexus volume bug fix.

It has been mentioned over the last couple of days that Samsung will be pushing out an update over the air to fix the strange volume bug that was present at release on the Galaxy Nexus. As always with OTA updates various people say they have had it …

Asus Transformer Prime gets another new promo video.

The upcoming and slightly over hyped Asus Transformer Prime tablet netbook hybrid thingy, has had another release date mentioned. It’s apparently the 19th of December for the US not the 9th as previously mentioned. Still nothing official for the UK though, the last I heard was from Asus …

Nokia Lumia 800 finally lands on O2

Welcome to the party O2. You’re a tad late, but if you’ve brought some champagne we’ll let you in. Yep, a number of weeks after the other networks added it, O2 have finally plonked the new Nokia Windows Phone on their site. We’ll have a thorough review of …

Samsung Galaxy Note Review

OK, this is a little big. Many moons ago we reviewed the Orange SPV M2000. We thought that was big. It’s not. Not when compared to this. The style and design is still there and it does look a lot like a larger version of the rather glorious …

Nokia Lumia event now available for download

We’ll try to ignore the rather unwelcoming noises made by some of the crowd at the Nokia event earlier this week because now you can watch the whole thing in crystal clear HD. Although the actual event only lasted around 30 minutes they’ve covered every angle on this …

T-Mobile Vivacity initial impressions.

Yesterday I got hold of the new T-Mobile Vivacity, which is a ZTE Crescent or Orange San Francisco in a different case. I thought I would give you a few first impressions and photos now and a slightly more in-depth review next week once I have really got …

World of Goo finally comes to Android

I previously wrote about World of Goo when it was released on iOS earlier this year. It’s a fantastic puzzler in which you’re tasked with building structures out of cute little Goo balls with the goal being to help your Goos reach the exit pipe for each level. …

Google Maps 6.0 brings indoor maps to Android

Google have just released Google Maps 6.0 onto the Android Marketplace and the standout new addition is the ability to view indoor maps of some malls, department stores and airports. Unfortunately the feature is currently limited to US and Japanese locations however that should hopefully change before too …

Try Windows Phone, right now

Want to try Windows Phone? Want to pretend that your iPhone or Android handset has had a visit from Microsoft in the night? Want to fool you friends into thinking that you’ve added a Windows Phone 7.5 ROM on your Android? Look no further, just type into …