Just found this quote from Nokia Support on the WMPoweruser web site addressing the reported issues with the Lumia 800 battery life. “We understand that some people have expressed concerns about battery life on the Nokia Lumia 800. Early investigations show that most people are enjoying the full …
The issue of software updates has always been a topic that has raised much discussion among fanboys users and is a stick that iOS lovers have often used to beat their Android counterparts with. I personally believe that for all of Apple’s faults, one area where they’ve indisputably …
The guys from Sony Ericsson have been up to their tricks again. This time they’ve hooked up some football players to phones via some rather clever technology. Yes, it does sound a bit crazy but the end result is pretty cool 🙂 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkuWPH9HLJ8
HTC cut their revenue forecasts by nearly 23% today as their huge growth finally came to an end. Strong competition is now hampering the company. They also blame… (The) global macroeconomic downturn and market competition, the assumptions of 2011 Q4 financial forecast provided earlier are no longer applicable. …
After HTC lost its latest court battle with Apple regarding the graphics company S3 that it planned to buy, the deal now looks in jeopardy. Like a lot of Android companies, HTC were looking to bolster their patent portfolio, but the ITC ruled that Apple had not infringed …
With adverts popping up everywhere, positive reviews and pre-order numbers looking good, you certainly wouldn’t think there was anything to worry about. However, a Forbes story quotes Pierre Ferragu, an analyst from Bernstein Research, who casts doubt on the Lumia handsets. With no breakthrough innovation, we believe Nokia’s …
A report by the market research and consulting group, Strategy Analytics, shows that China, not the US, is now the superpower in relation to smart phone sales growth. The report goes on to detail that in the third quarter, sales grew by 24M versus the US’s 23M. The …
Handbags at the ready. This new Galaxy SII advert seems to be taking a direct swipe at the iPhone. It shows a queue of people patiently waiting for the new iPhone 4S and… well, it’s probably best to view it below 🙂 Samsung have actually just lost another …
During the night the Cyanogenmod team have posted an update for the HP TouchPad. This takes the ROM to Alpha 3 now. By the sounds of it they have fixed most of the problems to do with standby and wifi. Hopefully this will give them a nice solid …
Google have just given their iPad search app a fairly substantial overhaul. The updated app features a much slicker UI with an integrated browser that slides across to display websites when you click on search results. It’s a feature quite reminiscent of Twitter for iPad. The app also …
NVIDIA have added a YouTube video showing Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS / Android 4.0) running on the Transformer Prime. Everything looks to be running very smoothly indeed, although that’s perhaps unsurprising with the Tegra 3 quad-core CPU. 🙂 There’s a quick look at ICS running below… Link – …
So, this is a strange one. We got sent a Remote Control Nano UFO toy from the nice people at FindMeAGift.com. It’s £13.99 and, if I’m honest, I thought it would fall apart after a few minutes. Why do I say that ? Well, I’m supposedly a serious …
A recent report from security giants McAfee suggests that Google’s Android OS is the platform of choice for hackers currently. The report goes on to note that the levels of malicious software or “malware” targeting the Android OS jumped 37% in the 3rd quarter of 2011, and that …
Over on XDA Developers it seems that the SIRI Protocol has been cracked and this now potentially means that it could be ported or used on different OS including Android!. We are able to use Siri’s recognition engine from any device. Yes, that means anyone could now write an Android …
The upcoming release of the Asus Transformer Prime is eagerly awaited. Any glimmer of information is another factor in my excitement. In the last few days Asus have added a load of information, specs, pictures and the user manual to their product pages. The Transformer Prime is due …
After the apparent lethargy shown by Adobe to support Android 4.0 (Ice-Cream Sandwich) with Flash, it appears that their about turn will be Flash’s swan song on the Google OS. Sources over at Pocketlint have posted that Adobe has confirmed, that whilst it plans to release Flash for …
OK, ignore the pithy title a second and let’s be serious. What is next? Â Where do we go from here? Let’s look at the background. Apple and Google have created and sustained the smart phone market respectively, since it’s coming-of-age era around a 5 years ago. Â We can …
We’re in the middle of writing up our Samsung Galaxy Note review. It sells for around £549.95 unlocked and has a large (but hi-res) 5.3″ 1280×800 WXGA HD Super AMOLED screen. It also comes with a stylus, or an “S Pen” as Samsung calls it. Whilst this might …
Alongside the release of their new music store last week, Google also took the opportunity to take their Google Music service out of beta. I previously wrote a hands on about the service, which lets you upload up to 20,000 tracks to stream and download to your Android …
We spotted it as “Coming Soon” a few days back and now it’s arrived… for new customers. The Galaxy Note is a rather large and rather sexy phone which has a dual-core 1.4GHz CPU and 5.3″ screen. Orange look to be giving away some goodies as part of …