HTC Security flaw

News has appeared on AndroidPolice that paints a rather worrying picture about HTC. HTC in an atempt to log information about users of their devices have left a rather large back door for malicious apps to get hold of your information. So far it only seems to be the …

Will it ever end?

If you’re looking for a quick answer to the above question then I would say “no”. A slightly lengthier answer would be “probably not”. So what am I on about I hear you ask? I am talking about the constant stream of new devices in different shapes, sizes, …

Test out your data usage with Vodafone

Vodafone have changed the way that they charge for data. They’ve introduced a new “Data Test Drive” which let you buy a smartphone and use the web as much as you want for the first 3 months of your contract. During these first few months there’ll be no …

Xperia PLAY up for just £179.99

In these austere times it’s always worth keeping an eye on sites like hotukdeals for the latest bargains. Argos is now selling the Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY for a mere £179.99. The offer popped up over the weekend and appears to have quickly sold out, so here’s hoping …

Opinion – The HTC Explorer

The HTC Explorer got officially announced last week but we had a rather sneaky few hours with it some weeks back. Although it hasn’t got the top-end specs we’re normally used to from Android smartphones, it will serve as an entry into the smartphone world for many and …

Nearer ever Nearer – iPhone 4S

We’ve been speculating on the site for some time around what the next iPhone announcement would REALLY be about, will it be the mythical re-vamped 5 or a guts change on the 4 (much like the Gen3 underwent). While we’ve maintained the iPhone 5 is still a long …

Well hello there, Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus

Samsung have just announced another device which will probably receive a lawsuit pretty soon. The Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus weighs a mere 345g and is just 9.96mm thin. It runs Android 3.2 Honeycomb and that 7″ screen has a 1024×600 pixel WSVGA resolution. Powered by a 1.2GHz Dual-core …

The Microsoft mobile success story, thanks to Android

Let’s all be honest, we’re quickly losing track of who is suing who and owns which patent. What is clear though, is just how much one company can make from the success of a competitor. According to a Goldman Sachs analysts, Microsoft will make $444 million (nearly £284 …

Xperia Arc S – Now on Vodafone

Got £31 a month ? Pop into a Vodafone store and get yourself a shiny new Xperia arc S. It’s been a month since we saw it launched and features a speedy 1.4GHz CPU, 8.1 megapixel camera with HD video recording and the Exmor R image sensor, HDMI …

Motorola DEFY – Not quite so lifeproof ?

Ahh bugger. Some pretty negative PR for Motorola today. The BBC Watchdog show has received a number of complaints from owners of the Motorola DEFY. They, like us, saw the adverts showing the handset surviving a pretty considerable drop onto a dance floor. However, in some cases the …

Vodafone Also Stocking HTC Explorer

Earlier we brought you the news that HTC had announced a new phone calls the HTC Exploter.  We also confirmed that Three had annoucced they would be selling it here in the UK. Vodafone have now updated their coming soon page and have also decided to stock this …

Three to carry the HTC Explorer

Three have announced that they will be carrying the HTC Explorer “soon”. The new handset is aimed at “the first time” smartphone user and has a 600Mhz CPU, Android 2.3 and a new version of the HTC Sense interface. A the back there’s a 3.2 megapixel camera whilst …

HTC Explorer Announced

Known previously as the Pico the HTC Explorer isn’t unfamiliar to us and we were lucky enough to get some decent hands-on time with the device last week. It’s HTC’s most affordable handset and will be available in Q4 in metallic black, active black and metallic navy. HTC …

ZTE Libra gets unboxed

We managed to get a hands-on with the ZTE Skate in February but the ZTE Libra has passed us by so far. It’s available to buy now for £159.95. Clove have added a couple of quick unboxing images and should follow-up shortly with a video too. Clove are …

Three Data Plans…. The Past & Present

Having followed the company Three (or 3 as they were originally known) since before they launched here in the UK back on the rather convenient date of 03/03/03 there has been a lot of changes to the company and their customer policy. For quite a while after launch …

Amazon announces Kindle Fire

Amazon have today finally unveiled their long awaited Android tablet, and newest addition to their Kindle family, the Kindle Fire. The device itself is a 7″ dual core tablet with an IPS display running Amazon’s heavily reworked version of Android 2.3. However the standout feature is the price: …

Apple voted number 2 in UK brand survey

According to this BBC post, Apple have been voted the coolest Tech brand in the UK. Aston Martin were number over all, with Apple taking second place. Let’s hope Apple can continue that trend after next week’s announcements, they have a lot to deliver! Source – BBC News

Get yourself 25% off and win with Skinflips

We’ve decided to tweak our Skinflips competition a little to include even make things a bit simpler. The prizes now include… 1st – £50 Voucher to spend on any Skinflips product 2nd – £30 Voucher 3rd – £20 Voucher We’re also giving everyone that enters a 25% discount …

How to use the Windows Phone Web Marketplace

Microsoft have been busy adding videos to their Youtube channel in the last few days. The latest one I have spotted is this one that tells you all about the changes to the Marketplace they have made. These changes certainly sound familiar and they are obviously playing catchup. …