Just yesterday we found out that the Xperia ray was due to arrive in August. Now we’ve got a more precise date courtesy of this Play.com page showing the 15th. If you want one unlocked, there’s a £349.99 price-tag and free delivery. The new “Facebook inside Xperia” features …
The HTC Eternity popped up on the web recently. It’s running Windows Phone “Mango” and is apparently 9.9mm thick even with the huge 4.7″ 480×800 Super LCD screen. Powered by a 1.5GHz CPU it has a dual-LED flash, 720p HD video camera with the 8 megapixel rear camera …
T-Mobile UK have added the HTC Flyer tablet device and the HTC Sensation to their coming soon section, both are down for a July release but there is no information yet on prices or availability date The HTC Flyer is a 7 inch touch screen tablet running 2.3 …
Orange are working with Microsoft to bring their customers a free app every day in July. A new app will appear each day with the Windows Phone apps totalling more than £70. You can start downloading the free apps today from the “Orange Select” section in Windows Marketplace. …
A while ago Leigh got his hands on an O2 Joggler you can watch his original review here (part1) and here (part 2). Some of you may be wondering exactly what this device is. It is a 7″ capacative touch screen, mains powered family organiser. He was not …
The new version of Skype 2.0 is now available in the Android Market. Two-way video calling is now part of the app, but it’s only available for those using the Nexus S, Desire S, Xperia Neo and Xperia Pro. More devices will probably get supported soon enough. A …
HTC have put a new post up on their facebook page about the long awaited Gingerbread 2.3 update for the Desire. HTC say they are doing ‘Quality assurance testing’ before another announcement. Now I’m sorry, but what exactly is the problem? I’m sure I’ve been seeing networks …
Following our earlier story we can now announce the official details of the T-mobile “truly unlimited internet” deals for UK customers. From July 1st until September 30th you can enjoy the “truly unlimited” internet on 24 month price plans costing £25.54 per month. You’ll be able to get …
We have just been sent a link via email which confirms that the Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray will be going on sale in August. The following was posted on the website SOMobile The Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray will be heading to Blighty in August, the Carphone Warehouse has …
T-Mobile have just confirmed via Twitter that the Motorola Defy is due to get Android 2.2 in a matter of days. We gave the water-resistant device a full review in January and even dumped it in the sink. It has an 800MHz CPU, DLNA, aGPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, 3.5mm …
We, like a few other sites today, are hearing that T-Mobile are getting ready to unveil some pretty big changes to their data plans. The plans, which are apparently due to start on July 1st, will give “true unlimited internet” to customers taking out a 24 month contract …
Got a Windows Phone ? Want to get Angry Birds and be just like your fellow Android and iPhone users ? Just click this link and Zune should pop up with the game. If that doesn’t work, fire up Zune and do a manual search for it. It’s …
Regular readers of my little my blog may be aware of my love for The Daily Mash. It’s full of smut, inneundo and abuse. It therefore makes me laugh like a loon. It’s the UK’s best satirical website and takes a regular swipe at the press and news …
The HTC Salsa has just landed on the O2 website. Prices range from a big fat nothing to £104.99 on contracts, or you can pay £299.99 up-front and do Pay and Go. The handset has a dedicated Facebook button for quickly sharing and keeping up to date, plus …
So, who wants to start guessing ? Bill Cox, Senior Director of Communications at Microsoft for the Windows Phone Division, has just added this tweet to promote the fact that Angry Birds, Epicurious, Eventful, Dictionary.com, Kik and GoWalla are set to arrive on the OS. A second tweet …
In a couple of weeks Vodafone will be changing the prices for their Pay As You Go plans. The costs for those on the “Simply” price plan will be increasing, with calls to UK landlines, mobiles and your voicemail costing 25p per minute instead of 21p. Texts will …
On checking the online store tonight, T-Mobile have now launched the HTC ChaCha on their network here in the UK and you can pick one up free from just £20.42 a month which will get you 300 Minutes, 300 Texts, 500MB Internet and a Flexible Booster There are …
Following on from our earlier post here, Orange have put up a page on their coming soon section for the Android 2.3 , 4.3″ Skate. Good news as this hopefully means a release quite quickly. This eagerly awaited phone could be set to be another huge success for …
OK, so after finding out that most of you still wear a watch we wanted to ask you another question. MVNO’s, or “Mobile virtual network operators”, piggy-back off one of the “major” networks and have been gained popularity over the last few years. Most people will be aware …
Three UK have announced this morning the 2.3 Gingerbread update is now available to HTC Desire HD customers (just to avoid confusion this is ONLY for the HD and NOT the original HTC Desire). This is a free OTA (Over the Air) update so will not need a …