Whilst on Twitter today I came across a story over on Tracy&Matt which said Three UK have a HD Voice enabled network. Before now only Orange had mentioned a HD Voice network. They go into a lot of detail also listing the phones which have this free service …
HTC have come clean and admitted on their Facebook page they won’t be porting Android 2.3 ‘Gingerbread’ to the Desire, stating it doesn’t have the memory to cope with Gingerbread as well as their sense overlay. Not good news at all for owners of the original Desire, and …
Not really a huge surprise, but recent data released by comScore and the GSMA shows Google maps being the most ‘connected’ App in the UK in April. Now, a connected App means one that actually transfers data over a network, ruling out games etc as they are generally installed and …
So WWDC has been and gone and Apple has laid its cards on the table with iOS 5. The biggest surprise was perhaps the sheer scope of the update and the number of major new features that are being released. With one notable exception I’m now struggling to …
Last night a new game was released on the Android Market it is called Shakytower. It has been in testing for the last couple of weeks now, you may have noticed we retweeted the request for beta testers. Below is how it is described in the Android Market …
Swype, the keyboard where you swipe your fingers across the keys rather than type, it’s a bit like marmite, you either love or hate it! Personally I love it, I’ve been using it for nearly as long as I’ve had a smartphone…. so I’m quite looking forward to …
Not much I can add to that headline really… According to ClickZ Twitter can and is charging up to $120,000 a day to promote trends, this is up from the $25,000 – $30,000 when it launched promoted trends back in April 2010. It also apparently requires companies to …
Following my earlier post here about Oranges new budget smartphone the Barcelona, Orange have apparently released a few more details. It is to cost £119 to buy with a £20 top up, giving a cost of £139 outright, but the top up can usually be knocked off by …
The HTC ChaCha was announced back at Mobile World Congress in February and we were there live to get hands on time with is but as always at these events, with so many people rushing to get hands on time you do not get a chance to really …
Orange have put a new smarphone on their website, the Barcelona. The smart ones among you will have noticed the naming trend, following on from last years superb San Francisco- AKA the ZTE Blade. The Barcelona is a totally different device, having a 2.6″ touchscreen and physical qwerty keyboard. No pricing …
Just quick little post to give you something to read while having the first life saving coffee of the day, Mondays, got to love them ! Quite interesting, shame it doesn’t list more of the smaller manufacturers, there is a lot of ‘others’. The growth of Android/Google is quite …
I thought I would make a not-so-quick video showing you my current Android ‘setup’, including some of my favourite apps. As you can probably see, I primarily use my phone as a means of communication, either through SMS, good old fashioned voice calls, or online (Twitter, Google Talk, …
The Nokia 2600 was the first mobile phone that I owned; I’m a pretty late entry to the mobile tech scene, but this phone was the device that got me into using a phone. There were only two things it could really do: make calls, and send text …
The Sony Ericsson X10 has been plagued with problems since its initial release. Poor stock software, no multi touch, stuck on Android 1.6 for a while or the locked down bootloader. Sony Ericsson initially said no updates to a higher version of Android would appear for the X10. …
Now, You’re probably asking yourself why the hell I’m posting an App recommendation at half past eleven on a Friday evening….. You weren’t, oh suit yourself. The reason for the late posting is because this is a sort of joint suggestion for you, one is the App and …
Just spotted over on facebook a rather clever and funny video featuring Angry Birds the game…..but in real life!. If you have never seen the game, it is rather basic and involves firing birds at pigs who have taken cover…. oh who am I kidding EVERYONE has heard …
Well this may pass some of you by, but the Windows Mobile of old (Not Windows phone 7) more commonly known as WinMo is having it’s Marketplace and MyPhone services discontinued by Microsoft later this year. Now I know some of you may say, ” well so what?” …
The Android Market contains hundreds of different wallpaper apps. They are all very similar inn that you are presented with four popular images or a list of categories. Once you have loaded the category you have to keep tapping next to view the next four, it soon get …
There are reports of Orange and Vodafone rolling out the Android 2.3 ‘Gingerbread’ update to it’s Galaxy S owners today. We can’t confirm this officially at this moment in time, have YOU had an update? Let us know in the comments below. If true, it’s good news for …
French site GPS and Co have been reporting that the eagerly anticipated ZTE Skate will retail for around 200 Euros, so with UK tax taken into consideration it should retail here for around £200 or less. The Skate is the follow up to the hugely successful Blade, otherwise …