My view of Google’s step to gain control of Android skinning.

Since the start, Android has always been on the forefront of becoming the largest open source OS. This was to give manufacturers the chance to skin the platform. But, now it seems to be changing. During the last month, sources have provided us information that all is about …

A Tapered iPhone 5 Is Possibly In The Works

As more rumours surrounding the iPhone 5 surface, former Engadget editor Joshua Topolsky’s This Is My Next is reporting that the fifth generation of Apple’s smartphone may have a larger screen, at 3.7 inches and the same resolution as the iPhone 4, and a tapered design; all of …

first look: Go Launcher EX

We have seen so many launchers in the android market, it’s much to hard for you to find the right one to catch your eye. Some are visually appealing and some are useful for your needs. I have found a launcher that puts both into the perspective and …

Editorial – A story from my local paper

Hello. Forgive my indulgence here but I’ve just read our local paper and I felt compelled to do something about this. Meet Cameron, he’s eight. In 2010 he was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer called rhabdomyosarcoma. He had chemotherapy and radiotherapy and was a really brave …

White iPhone 4 Due Within Days!

Engadget have posted some breaking news tonight that the iPhone 4 in White will be on sale at Vodafone within a matter of days thanks to a tip off from a reader complete with pictures which has started to get Apple fans a little excited to say the least According …

World of Goo for iPhone/iPod Touch

  Those gamers among you will likely already have heard about World of Goo. Over the last few years it’s built up a reputation as a cult classic among puzzle games. Originally released on PC before making its way to Wii and then the iPad, last week developer …

Duel accepted. Samsung to sue Apple

Just days after Apple filed a lawsuit against Samsung, now Samsung are returning the favour. Today Samsung have said that the Apple iPhone and iPad actually infringe their patents and have called for compensation from the company. Samsung is responding actively to the legal action taken against us …

Location tracking – Apple and Google monitor your movements

Yes, it was only yesterday that we revealed how Apple handsets were tracking users. Data was stored locally on the phone but, as shown across TV news bulletins yesterday, information could easily be read and shown on a map. Now The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Apple …

Motorola Xoom – A “proper” test drive!

The guys from Carphonewarehouse have clearly gone insane. Instead of just doing a simple demo or hands-on video they’ve taken the new Motorola Xoom through traffic on the back of a motorbike, on a boat down the Thames, through a field on horse-back and.. well, listen.. just watch …

Coolsmartphone Recommended App: LiveProfile

LiveProfile is a device-to-device messaging app for Android, iOS, and Blackberry. It works on a similar basis to Blackberry Messenger, whereby you are required to create an account and then you are assigned a PIN. Other LiveProfile users who have your PIN can become friends with you, and …

iPhone 4 Now On Three PAYG

Three have now released the Apple iPhone 4 on PAYG (Pas As You Go) and will be selling both the 16GB and 32GB models online, over the phone and in their retail stores. A 16GB iPhone will cost you £499.99 where as a 32GB will cost you £599.99 …

What the future holds for Nokia and Microsoft

The Microsoft and Nokia deal has been completed. A post on the Nokia website states that .. Nokia and Microsoft have signed the definitive agreement for our strategic partnership to build a new global mobile ecosystem that is unlike any other. Nokia have even taken on the “Developers, …

Apple announced second quarter results

Sure, Android is on the rise, but don’t for a minute think that Apple are on the down-slope. They’ve just posted net profits of £3.6 billion, that’s a 95% rise on the £1.83 billion they made last year. Although sales of the iPad and iPod were below expectations, …

iPhones and iPads track owners with hidden file

Researchers have found that iPhones and 3G iPads are recording location information into a hidden file and have done so since iOS 4. This iPhone Tracker software pops open the file and shows the information that has been recorded. Pete Warden posted on his blog that… The most …

Coolsmartphone goes mobile

Right, I’ve had a fair amount of stick about this. During our huge facelift earlier this year we dumped the original mobile site. A lot of you use mobile websites and wanted this functionality back. An even greater number found that our new site didn’t render properly in …

Unofficial Android 2.3 ROM for the Desire

If you read our HTC Desire S review then you’ll no doubt have seen the all-new version of Android 2.3.3 with the update HTC Sense interface. It’s something that existing HTC Desire owners can now crow-bar into their phones courtesy of 911Sniper. The big warning sticker saying, “TEST …

Skype security vulnerability now fixed

You may have seen reports regarding a with Skype earlier this week. It could have allowed other apps to access the private Skype files containing your personal data. An update is now available to fix the bug and you can download it here. Details of this fix have …

Samsung Galaxy Tab – Just £299 from O2

Earlier today we spotted a T-Mobile offer which gave you the Galaxy Tab for just £15 per month. However, over at O2 they seem to be selling it without a contract for £299. That’s cheaper than everywhere else we looked – even most eBay listings. Check our hands-on …

Motorola Xoom Videos – What Do You Want To See?

So I posted my immediate thoughts after having my Motorola Xoom WiFi only a short period earlier in the week. If you missed the post, you can have a read here. With so much chatter around debating the strengths and weaknesses of Android’s latest OS on the Xoom, …