Carphone Warehouse hits One million Android sales

Today the Carphone warehouse issued a press release celebrating it’s Millionth Android phone sold. It also gave figures of a 2000% increase in sales for year on year growth,described as ‘phenomenal’. No real surprise to anyone who watches the mobile phone world, the Android take up is showing …

Vodafone To Sell iPad 2

Vodafone have confirmed they are to sell the new Apple iPad 2 and have opened a page on their site to allow people to register their interest.  Below is the full press release which was published today. Vodafone UK today announced it will offer iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G and also …

Three to range the iPad 2

Three have just announced that they too will be carrying the iPad 2. Their full statement reads… Three UK today announced it will offer iPad 2 with Wi-Fi + 3G and also dedicated data plans for iPad 2 in the coming weeks. iPad 2 is the next generation …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android App – Triposo

Triposo Travel Guides have guides for various cities around the world. I first found out these guides in a post Andrew Fraser wrote about his trip to Italy. These travel guides all contain information and maps of the relevant cities that is stored on the device. You can …

White iPhone Due Spring?

Steve Jobs made it very clear that the iPad 2 will be shipping in White and Black from launch day, obviously due to the chaos over the still yet to launch White iPhone 4 he did not want to give anyone the chance to talk about delays. However …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android App – Crimes Near Me

Crimes Near Me is a great app that is informative and helpful. It allows you to see Police crime statistics for the area you are currently in. If you were thinking of moving house you could search for the postcode and see crime statistics for the area. The …

The king is dead?

I’m not looking to promote another site.  Let me make this clear.  However,  Endgadet are experiencing some changes. A couple of weeks ago, Paul Miller, a senior editor announced he was leaving. Then tonight, Nilay Patel and Editor in chief Josh Topalsky have announced that they are leaving. …

Windows Phone 7 hits 10,000 apps

Say what you will about Windows Phone 7, the apps are increasing. 10,000 apps are now available (10,106 as I type) according to and that’s good news amonst these last few weeks of update problems. Link –

Coolsmartphones Recommended Android Apps – Cardio Trainer.

Now then, don’t dismiss this thinking it’s an app for Fitness freaks and Beefcakes! No no, this is actually a quite interesting little app that can just be used for that mundane ‘exercise’ we all do-walking. I decided to go for a walk with my wife this morning …

Official eBay app receives update

A new version of the Official eBay application now brings barcode scanning, bid alerts on item view screen, improved performance, bug fixes and the ability to create, view, launch and delete Saved Searches. If you have Android 2.2 or above, you’ll also get instant push notifications and alerts. …

Speedx 3D FREE is now available on the Android Market

Speedx 3D is an incredible 3D accelerometer driven tunnel racing game. As you race through the tunnel you collect shields, use power ups, dodge spikes and pillars. Best of all if you have some 3D glasses from a children’s book you can activate 3D mode and nearly throw up …

Swype beta updated.

My favourite keyboard app for Android (is it on the iphone? I’ve no idea…) has just been updated. Details at the bottom of this post. For those that don’t know, swype is a keyboard where you ‘swype’ your finger over the keyboard across the letters of the word,without …

Windows Phone 7 data hog – Finally fixed.

It’s been almost two months since the mysterious data hog appeared on Windows Phone 7 devices. It was revealed to be Yahoo! Mail and shortly after Yahoo! blamed Microsoft for the fault. Today it looks like Yahoo! have finally rectified the issue (yes, Yahoo!, not Microsoft). Logs scanned …


My 18 months contract with Orange for my HTC Hero expired last month and for the first time ever I’ve plumped for a 12 month SIM only deal. My Hero, great phone as it was, only lasted me 7 months before I caved in and bought a HTC …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android App – Cordy

Cordy is a fairly new game with incredible graphics. To quote the market description “Help Cordy power-up his mechanical planet! Use special powers, solve exciting puzzles and explore engaging environments. Cordy is FREE, with many thrilling updates coming soon. Download now and get ready to harness the power …

Google launch Instant Previews for mobile

Some of you may have noticed a new magnifying glass icon appearing next to your search results over the last few days. Clicking on these icons launches a new Instant Previews feature which Google has just introduced. They provide a great way for visually searching through sites when …

Is in-car internet radio a reality ?

A few years ago I bought a DAB radio. At the time it was pretty expensive but the guy in the shop told me it would offer more choice and a crisp sound. I took it home and quickly realised it was pretty rubbish. Only a small amount …

Windows Phone 7 NoDo Update to arrive in the second half of March

The pre-update update seems to be still rolling out to Windows Phone 7 devices, despite getting released two and a half weeks ago, but now Microsoft France have announced that it’ll arrive in the “second half of March”. Let’s hope things go more smoothly with this one. The …

Coolsmartphone Recommended Android Apps – Clock Widgets Part 1

I have been looking at various different clock widgets trying to come up with one to recommend. This is an almost impossible task. There are so many different designs and styles out there. There are three main types of clock widgets “fully featured”, “minimal” and “ordinary”. I will …

Coolsmartphone gets a top 5 listing!

A little bit self congratulatory this, but Cision has rated Coolsmartphone as number 4 in it’s list of top UK Consumer Technology blogs! Nice. So Well done to Leigh and Dan! Hopefully we can lift it to Number one! Thanks to Johannawhitaker for the tip, she is involved …