Recent comScore and Gartner stats have seen Android growing rapidly and now Tesco Mobile have also chimed in on the continuing tilt towards the OS. In recent weeks they’ve seen sales of Android handsets outstrip iPhone sales. Graham Harris, Chief Executive Officer of Tesco Telecoms and Tesco Mobile …
The “NoDo” update is set to arrive sometime this month to Windows Phone 7 handsets. It’s the second update to arrive and should hopefully roll out more smoothly than the last. Today an official-looking ROM has appeared over on xda-developers for the HTC 7 Mozart which finally adds …
Sources close recent Microsoft / Nokia deal state that at least $1 billion was transferred across from Microsoft to Nokia. The agreement also includes some patents and lasts for at least 5 years. The Microsoft cash is for Nokia to “promote and develop Windows-based handsets” although Nokia will …
Plug In Launcher is a neat little program that activates when you plug your charger in or when you plug your headset in. So when you plug your phone in to charge at night it can load your ebook reader, your desk clock, run angry birds or open …
Comscore recently released it’s updated figures for US Smartphone sales and it was good news for Android fans and bad news for Rim and Microsoft. Smartphone market share for Google/Android went up from 23% to 31%, just nudging ahead of Rim(Blackberry) on 30% a jump of 7%, a …
The network Three have just announced the next step in their All You Can Eat data campaign which staeted back in December on The One Plan. You might have seen we recently put this ‘All You Can Eat’ data statement to the extreme and went through over 45GB in …
Three have just announced they are to sell the new Samsung Galaxy Pro here in the UK. The Galaxy pro is an Android device will QWERTY keyboard (like a BlackBerry) Samsung has just announced their Samsung Galaxy Pro and I’m happy to confirm that it’ll be coming soonto Three. The …
The Vodafone website now includes the Samsung Galaxy Ace device which is an Android phone running OS 2.2 FroYo and 800mhz processor in a small package. The Samsung Galaxy Ace is available free of charge from £25 a month over 24 months which will get you 300 Minutes, …
A couple of years ago I ran a story on some geocaching software. It was something I wasn’t familiar and I presumed it was some sort of geeky pastime. Fast-forward two years and, armed with an Android app called c:geo and the new Samsung Galaxy Ace we all …
T-Mobile are going to be stocking the LG Optimus Black here in the UK, and their latest price guide shows it free from just £25 a month on a 24 month contract It is not clear yet what you will get for this £25 a month yet but …
“Wave Launcher is a unique, gesture enabled quick action bar for Android. It resembles a well known and loved feature on WebOS phones like the Palm Pre” that is what the developers say about this app on the Android Market. What I say about it is “it is …
I have just been sent this link to a video from a friend I met a few years back when doing some work for Nokia. Recently we saw a video based around Android activations in a map with loads of lights counting as activations and this video soon …
The guys at Three have loaned us the Samsung Galaxy Ace. It was seen hovering around the back of the Samsung stand at Mobile World Congress but, let me tell you, that doesn’t make it bad. With an 800MHz CPU it has iPhone-esque styling and comes with all …
I first used SPB apps many years ago on my T-Mobile Ameo. It came bundled with the original version of this app. In those days SPB were one of the premium app developers for windows mobile. In the last few months they have redesigned SPB Shell which is currently …
Right, stick with me on this one. Earlier in the week the Motorola Xoom appeared on PC World for £449.99. All was well until, after disappearing for a few days, it re-appeared £499.99. Now there’s 10% off on all “computing hardware” products over £299. The 10% reduces the …
Yep, expect to see BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) appearing sometime soon for Android and Apple devices pretty soon. BGR has news from “insiders” who state that, following a payment, non-BlackBerry handsest will be able to access the BBM service. It sounds like a “lightweight” version and the Android version …
Wifi Analyzer is an app that will graph out your wifi and your neighbours wifi. When it opens and scans your surroundings it will display a graph, the default graph is of Signal Strength and Wifi Channels which allows you to see if your network is clashing with …
A new version of Google Maps is available for Android users. It seems to add the ability to post ratings and reviews directly to Twitter. Google have also added a “ping” feature letting you contact nearby Latitude friends instead of having to call or text. To get the …
OK, I’ll try not to repeat myself here – hopefully you know what’s happened with the Microsoft Windows Phone 7 update. All Windows Phone 7 handsets are currently getting a “pre update” upgrade which will prepare devices for the much anticipated copy and paste feature. Samsung handsets seemed …
Sarah Harding (the blonde one from “Girls Aloud”) has been wheeled out to promote the new HTC Incredible S. According to my wifes’ description she’s pictured “in a black outfit with matching shoes and is sporting a new darker look”. The pictures will no doubt appear in various …