Sony have just announced a new software framework to bring advanced PlayStation games to more and more phones. Soon their “PlayStation Suite” will help create games for all sorts of Android handsets more easily. They’re to kick things off with “PlayStation Store” for Android devices and an emulator …
Everything Everywhere, the joint Orange and T-Mobile venture, are today announcing the UK’s first ever commercial “contactless” mobile payments service. It’s rolling out in the second quarter of 2011 and will be available in over 40,000 stores. In partnership with Barclaycard it’ll mean that you can pay for …
A Facebook phone has been rumoured for sometime, but it now looks as though two might be coming. The rumours are the HTC are responsible and will be presenting two Android based devices at MWC, with Facebook pushed to the fore. Given HTC’s excellent work on integrating Facebook into …
Numbers. People LOVE numbers. Lots of us have been standing around outside the Microsoft HQ trying to get an idea on how the Windows Phone 7 handsets are doing. Well, we’ve had some details trickling out but now, through a Bloomberg interview, Microsoft Senior Product Manage Greg Sullivan …
PocketNow have just posted an image from the PR brief for the big event at Mobile World Congress next month with a run down of the evening and times. As you can see from 19:30 until 20:04 there are presentations on the Samsung Galaxy S2 and the Samsung …
Google have just released Android 3.0 SDK preview for download. It’s basically allows developers to test their applications ready for Android 3.0 ‘Honeycomb’ , the upcoming Operating system that is apparently optimised/designed for Tablets. More importantly for the most of us, it gives an insight into what Honeycomb …
This phone has to be one of the worst kept secrets in the mobile phone industry for quite a while with various prototype devices floating around various websites. We have had video’s of the device running, loads of pictures at every possible angle and a run down of specifications, all we need …
Shopping on your mobile seems to be a growing trend. Tesco have an (iPhone) app, eBay has an (unofficial) app and Google have their “Shopper” app. Amazon though have now released their own official Android application which adds barcode scanning and 1-click ordering for fast and secure online …
There’s a healthy library of apps in the Android Market, that’s a given, but there’s also a selection of pretty poor ones too. Google look set to correct this with a larger “human team” charged with removing apps that violate the Android Market terms and conditions. They will …
..and within minutes of Samsung announcing their new handsets there’s confirmation from Three that they’ll be carrying the Samsung Galaxy Ace handset… “Galaxy Ace is the follower of the very popular Galaxy Portal. It’s an Android phone and it’ll launch on version 2.2.1(FroYo +) of the operating system. …
A new “Galaxy” range of handsets have just been announced by Samsung in Korea. The Galaxy Ace, Galaxy Fit, Galaxy Gio and Galaxy Mini are all powered by Android and target the “broader consumer market”. As you’d expect they all have Android Market access and Wifi but there’s …
This slightly blurry image is the HTC Flyer. It’s rumoured to by the HTC Android tablet device we’ve all been waiting for. Now amobil claims that multiple sources are confirming the device and even have specs. According to the sources HTC are keen to get this on the …
The shiny new Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc has appeared on the site ready for an April 1st launch with a price-tag of £459.99. The new handset was officially announced a couple of weeks back and runs Android 2.3. Inside there’s a 4.2″ 854×480 (FWVGA) multi-touch screen with …
A white iPhone is rumoured to be appearing as the Apple store temporarily shuts its’ doors. Tweets suggest that the white handset may appear today with new iPhone part numbers MC604X/A (16GB) and MC606X/A (32GB) attributed to the new white handset. More as we get it. Link – …
O2 are launching free Wifi hotspots today – completely free, public wireless access. Despite our relentless questioning and in-built pessamism, o2 tell us that all their new Wifi hotspots are genuinely free and open to everyone, no matter which mobile or broadband provider you are with. You don’t …
Tesco have put the Dell Streak on their website on Pay As You Go for just £319.20 which is a good £80 less than a sim free price direct from Dell and cheaper than O2 currently charge. The Dell Streak is not exactly the smallest device with a …
With the rumour mill well and truly churning out more iPhone 5 and iPad 2 rumours by the day, the latest nugget of wonder is that both devices will feature NFC technology, and that this will be integrated into iTunes use aswell in the future. So the basic …
Google have just released their new Cloud Printing solution to beta, which means we can all get it now. It’s not a platform feature, but actually a web app feature, and works from Google’s web apps Gmail and Google Docs. You can use it on any phone that …
After the success of their Helloween and Christmas versions, Rovio are lining up a Valentine’s Day edition of their incredibly successful Angry Birds game. Scheduled for release on14th February, there is no word yet on what platforms will get the game, but hopefully most will, as the Christmas …
It’s a simple one this. One your phone go to the google search page. Search for “weather”. It will then use your location and tell you what the weather is doing. Saves you looking out the window I guess. Useful if you don’t have a weather widget.