Android Gingerbread, now for .. your HD2

For those of you prepared to gamble, a new experimental ROM has appeared on It's Android 2.3 (aka Gingerbread) and it's designed for (wait for it) .. a HTC HD2. Yes, the normally-Windows-Mobile-powered device becomes one of the fir...

Orange San Francisco on offer for Christmas

The Orange San Francisco is 15% off today and tomorrow plus you get this Christmas Gift box. This excellent Android device is currently available on Pay As You Go for £84 + £10 TopUp and you get that Christmas Gift box complete with a watch, phone c...

More Android devices get Android Market updates

It now looks like more and more handsets are getting the Android Market update which bring the new "Related" tab to your phone. Webfuz has mailed us with news that his HTC Wildfire has just jumped to version 137.405.1 and the new tab is now in the Mar...

Desire HD owners getting OS update

HTC Desire HD devices appear to be getting an Over The Air update about now. The new software version should be 2.29.405.2 and is apparently a "large update" although in the footnote it actually states "Android market Update" which should be fairly sm...

More from Google – Gingerbread in action and faster Maps

Google's Andy Rubin must be feeling pretty good right now. Straight off the back of the new Nexus S he's been filmed showing a new protype Motorola Android tablet with a dual-core NVIDIA chip and Android Gingerbread. Not only that, but a new vector-ba...

Windows Phone 7 – 15 App Push Notification Limit

If you've seen our Windows Phone 7 Review then you'll know about the "Push Notifications" that update the Live Tiles on the main screen. It's what makes those Live Tiles.. err.. "Live". A lot of the apps we tested didn't seem to have the ability to us...

Windows Phone 7 starts to get Copy and Paste

Sure, if we're honest this shouldn't really be news. Copy and paste should just be there, as default, in any smartphone you buy. Windows Phone 7 got released without this feature but now developer devices are starting to receive an update to add this ...

Sony Ericsson LiveView Review

Fancy getting your texts, tweets, Facebook updates, emails and weather updates on a tiny mobile device you can put on your wrist? Meet the Sony Ericsson LiveView. It's available for £69 from Clove and, through the magic of Bluetooth, you can also use...

Nexus S – The low-down. Oh, and no removable storage..

Gingerbread - aka Android 2.3 - is arriving. The SDK is already online and the OS will appear first in the Samsung Nexus S which you can now see in action below. It'll have a 4" WVGA (480x800) Super AMOLED capacitive contour display which is "designed...

Android 2.3 – Gingerbread is here

The latest version of Google's Android OS - Gingerbread (or 2.3) - has been released.  As well as being available on the Nexus S, the OS is being released for the Nexus One as we speak, and the SDK is also available from Google.  The latter ...

Nexus S – Available from Carphone Warehouse soon

Google have officially announced the Nexus S - complete with Gingerbread - and it will be available exclusively through Carphone Warehouse with limited stock available "before the end of the month". The device is made by Samsung and comes complete wit...

Samsung Omnia 7 Review

The team at 3  very kindly loaned us a Samsung Omnia 7 recently to review for you all, and here is that review!.  There is a massive 25 minute video review after the link and you can also click below for a photo album of various shots of …

Sky Mobile for Windows Phone 7 now available

This is the Sky TV application for Windows Phone 7. It's a pretty popular tool that iPhone and Android users will already be familiar with. You can search through listings, browse programme times or set programmes to "Remote Record" from anywhere with...

Playstation Phone Shown Off Again

Rumors of a Sony Ericsson Playstation Phone have been around for a while, and recently more and more leaks with pictures, videos and specs have started to appear online. Well now we have another video for you to check out of this as of yet unannounced...

3 announces iPad pricing

After Orange & T-Mobile, 3 have now announced their pricing for the iPad.  The up front cost is identical, with £199 for a 16gb, £249 for a 32gb, and £349 for a 64gb on a 24 months contract, but the monthly charge is £25 a ...

The mobile landscape – More smartphones, more data

The annual International Communications Market report from Ofcom is out today. It reveals that, amongst the countries surveyed, the UK has seen the highest rise in smartphone ownership since 2009 with a 70% jump. Over a quarter of people in the UK (26...

Google Reader gets official Android app

Yes, it's taken a while but heck, it's here. The official Google Reader app has finally touched down on Android. The free application supports sharing with other apps, multiple accounts and it'll save all your settings with that big friendly Google cl...

HTC Desire gets a small update on Orange

HTC Desire handsets on Orange appear to have just been updated from software version to To be honest we're not sure at this stage what it's for, what's removed, added or fixed. Thanks to Dave Samworth and Richard Haywood for the ...

The battle of the smartphones – Nielson figures revealed

Stats from number-crunchers Nielson show a rather huge jump in Android Smartphone OS share. It now has 22.7% share against Windows Mobile, which was around 19% at the start of this year but - according to these October details - has a 14% share now. W...

Angry Birds Seasons released for Android

Us Android users felt a bit left out when Rovio released a Halloween Special of Angry Birds for iPhones, but fear not, as they have just released a festive version of Angry Birds for Android!  This seasonal version has a "surprise" for each day o...