O2 Pull Desire Froyo Update

Recently we posted that O2 have released the Froyo update for HTC Desire customers allowing them to get the new 2.2 version of the Android OS.  However it now seems many people had an issue with their phone becoming 'bricked' and sticking on the ...

HTC Peep still busted for WinMo users

If you're a HTC Peep user everything should now be fixed and you can Tweet again. Unfortunately that's not strictly true if you're using a Windows Mobile user. The Windows Mobile version is still giving an error message and, from what we're hearing fr...

o2 Desires getting Android 2.2

Looks like the eagerly anticipated Android 2.2 update is now rolling onto o2-branded HTC Desire handsets. Ryan has just grabbed his 87.21MB update and has snapped this shot of it downloading. Let us know if you're getting your update and your experien...

Orange and T-Mobile – Sign up to join the new network

The Orange and T-Mobile networks will merge on October 5th but, due to the amount of handsets, you'll at first have to sign-up to be part of the new shared network. This, we presume, is because some phones may have been heavily tested for T-Mobile but...

Dell Streak 2.1 Update for o2

o2 have rolled out an update for Dell Streak owners. The 2.1 update is fairly chunky, so we'd advise downloading via WiFi. Adrian has been in touch on this one and tells us..“"There are a few issues, after upgrade you can now longer sync your Ph...

HTC Sliding QWERTY spotted on FCC

This HTC QWERTY device, emblazened with the Verizon logo, has just popped up on the FCC. At a guess this will no doubt be an Android device (no Windows flag in sight) and the keyboard, as you can see, is a lovely shade of red. Known as the …

Register At Vodafone For Galaxy Tab

Vodafone have updated their Coming Soon section of the website to include information on the Samsung Galaxy Tab which will be available on their network soon here in the UK. The Tab is an Android based tablet running 2.2 FroYo so you get the latest ve...

HTC Peep – The bird is back

In the last few minutes it seems that HTC Peep is starting to burst back into life. The HTC Twitter client, which packed up on September 1st, got apparently fixed by Twitter. However, after another "we've fixed some login issues" message from Twitter ...

We know we are playing catch-up – Microsoft

In a blog post today Andy Lees, Senior VP for Mobile Communications at Microsoft, has followed up on the earlier RTM announcement. Andy quotes the few sites who got to see Windows Phone 7 in action and states that .. “We know that we face tough ...

Angry Birds. Download. This. Now.

Angry Birds is now available in a Beta form on the Android Market. It's a highly addictive game which was only meant to be in "closed beta" this week but, due to massive demand, the developers have put it out today for everyone. I'd love to tell you …

T-Mobile/Orange Roaming From 5th October

The new joint venture company combining Orange and T-Mobile UK, Everything Everywhere today announced the launch date of the combined network roaming agreement which will allow customers of both groups roam on each other's network. From the 5th Octobe...

Samsung Galaxy Tab and Toshiba Folio 100 handled

There's a good video on the BBC website which takes a look at the new 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab we covered yesterday. There's a hands-on and a wry smile from Carey McGregor (Senior Product Manager at Samsung) when BBC reporter Rory Cellan-Jones states, "I...

Samsung cautious about Windows Phone 7

Last month we spotted a Samsung prototype running Windows Phone 7. Samsung are confirmed as hardware partners for the new OS alongside LG, HTC, Asus and Dell. However, after Motorola decided not to take part it's a little worrying to see Samsung now s...

Samsung Galaxy Tab…. £679.99!

Today saw the official announcement of the Samsung Galaxy Tab which is their 7 inch tablet device which many will compare to the Apple iPad and more so than ever thanks to the rather expensive price point the Tab has been set. Online retailer eXpansys...

Samsung Galaxy Tab – Available on Vodafone in October

Hot on the heels of the Galaxy Tab launch comes a press release from Vodafone. They will be carrying the Samsung Galaxy Tab (aka GT-P1000) and it'll be on sale from October. There's no real info on pricing as yet but Patrick Chomet, Group Director of ...

Samsung Galaxy Tab launched. Want.

Details of the Samsung Galaxy Tab are now available following the launch at IFA. The dedicated site now contains a lovely video showing it being handled whilst someone walks around. The specs sheet contains HSUPA / HSDPA tri-band connectivity, quad-ba...

HTC Peep login issues fixed?

OK. I need your help with this one. According to Twitter the HTC Peep issues were their fault and they've now fixed them. Strangely I still can't login with Peep. HTC have now followed up with this Tweet which states.. “Twitter is on the case! T...

T-Mobile G2 (Desire Z) to have 800MHz CPU

If you're a regular reader then you'll have probably seen the photos and you'll know that the US T-Mobile G2 will be the HTC Desire Z here in Europe. The Desire Z was also known as the HTC Vision and we had specs posted online too. Now there's …

HTC F8181 – Brew-based handset on the way to AT&T

Whilst we're not really "into" the Qualcomm Brew-based phones, they're helping to bring Smartphone-like functionality top more people with the help of a bargain-basement price. The HTC Smart was rolled onto o2 here in the UK after a big announcement a...

HTC HD to be the HTC HD7, coming to o2 next month?

Right, are you ready for this one? Remember a couple of months ago when the HTC HD3 was rumoured? Well, according to engadget it may just be sold as the HTC HD7, presumably in honour of Windows Phone 7. The new handset could be onsale here in the …