LG C900 Photographed. Sliding QWERTY WinPhone

Well, it looks like a desktop somewhere has been photographed quite a bit today. This is another Windows Phone 7 from LG (remember the one we saw earlier?), oh and let's not forget that LG are apparently going to be first to market with a Windows Phon...

Samsung Cetus i917 not-so-secret snaps appear

Windows Phone 7 devices should be hitting the streets very soon now and the leaks are beginning to become more and more detailed. This is the Samsung Cetus i917, a device which will be available on AT&T in the USA fairly shortly. The exclusive shots o...

T-Mobile G2 Snapped – The US Desire Z

The HTC Vision got snapped a little while ago and late last night we learned that it'll be sold as the HTC Desire Z here in the UK soon. Engadget have snapped the America version, called the T-Mobile G2 in this case. You know what to expect by …

Android 2.2 Update for Vodafone Desire just days away

We heard some rumours last night that the HTC Desire update had begun rolling out. Frazer sent an email which just read, "Vodafone is kickin' out the 2.2 update!" We had a fish around but there didn't seem to be many other Vodafone Desire owners with ...

Orange data problems now sorted

Orange have responded to the data network issues we reported on yesterday. PR Manager, Conor Maples, has apologised to everyone affected by the outage and stated that..&ldquoFurther to some data access problems witnessed on our network yesterday, we c...

Give us your feedback!

Thanks for your feedback on our commenting system yesterday. We've taken a few things on board. A few of your have suggested a site redesign, which is something we've considered too. It's on the cards and we'll be changing the way everything looks and...

Vodafone Travel App For iPhone

Are you someone who does a lot of traveling abroad?, Got a exciting holiday coming up you are planning for?.  Well Vodafone have released a new application for the iPhone called 'Vodafone Travel' and the best bit is the first 25,000 downloads are...

Boom! Desire Z and Desire HD get outed

We've seen the HTC Desire HD in photos and videos are we were suspecting that it could be launched next month, but now it looks like there may actually be two devices announced. Mobiles.co.uk have stuck the HTC Desire HD and the HTC Desire Z on their ...

Do you want an easier way to comment?

I have a question for you lot. Just lately, due to hardware problems and firewall tweaks, we've been fiddling around in the datacentre and generally scratching our heads quite a bit. It's got me thinking about the way the site works and I'm feeling th...

Orange data network problems

A quick note for anyone using Orange today. There seems to be a problem with the data network. Orange say that they're working on it and currently I've got no data access at all. Chris Merriman has emailed in to say.. “It's been playing up since...

97% of traffic on Three is data

Today Ofcom revealed that 45% of our waking hours are spent watching TV, using our mobile phone or other communications devices. Peter Phillips, Ofcom Partner, Strategy & Market Developments, stated.. “Increasingly, mobile devices – especially...

Vodafone to get the Galaxy Tab – More evidence

Gah. I must stop thinking about the cola when this is mentioned. The Samsung Galaxy Tab was rumoured to appear on Vodafone systems fairly soon but now AndroidCentral have managed to grab another shot of it listed on their internal systems. The tablet ...

T-Mobile UK 20% off sale.

Starting in about an hour and a half, T-Mobile will be giving 20% off on Pay As You Go mobiles. Only two phones stand out as being worth a look. There is the tiny T-Mobile Pulse Mini running Android 2.1. Or there is the Blackberry Curve 8520. Or …

Desire give-away … and the winners are..

A while ago, long before our server decided to throw a wobbly, we ran a competition to win some HTC Desire stuff. The winners are Simon Steele, who won the screen protector, Jared Dore, who wins the branded "pull out" Desire case and Simon Lyons, who ...

G2 Teaser site online for T-Mobile USA customers

T-Mobile have just posted a tweet about their upcoming G2. The new Android handset is set to be the network's first HSPA+ phone and T-Mobile USA state... “Current T-Mobile customers will get exclusive first access to the T-Mobile G2.We love our ...

Get yourself home in one click

Here's an interesting tip from lifehacker. If you don't have a TomTom device and rely on the free Google Navigation system in your Android phone then this little tip is really useful. Just go to your home screen, add a shortcut, choose "Directions and...

Sync with DoubleTwist

I've only just stumbled across this app and I wish I'd found it earlier. It's billed as "iTunes for Android" but, if I'm honest, it's not. Why? Well, it's not slowing down my PC for a start. Everything else though is true, it's a slick PC or Mac-based...

Talking Tom now available for Android

I'm going to blame this news item on the fact that I only had 2 hours sleep last night. If you've seen the Talking Tom application on the iPhone you'll be glad to know that it's available for Android. The app, which now also works on the Wildfire, …

New iPhone Plans On Orange

Orange have today changed some of the iPhone contracts here in the UK adding some extra features such as Photo Messaging (MMS) and Orange Maps for Sat-Nav use. Orange Maps is downloadable through the App Store if you have an Orange account and the 50 ...

Xbox Live titles announced for Windows Phone 7 launch

Xbox Live games are coming to Windows Phone 7, but you knew that already. What we didn't know was the list of games available at launch. Age of Zombies, Castlevania, Halo Waypoint, The Harvest, Crackdown, Let's Golf 2, Star Wars and Guitar Hero are in...