Empty that cupboard and get yourself some cash

It was a very dark and wet day on Saturday so I went through "the cupboard". Many of you will have a special cupboard where stuff gets dumped. In my case, it's full of cables and old phones. These mobiles can sometimes fetch a few quid on eBay …

iPhone 4 On Vodafone PAYG

Vodafone have recently started selling the popular iPhone 4 on PAYG for those people who want to control their spends or prefer to be on a sim only contract. Vodafone actually announced this before O2 a few days ago but this slipped through the news a...

Grab A Bargain At T-Mobile With Android

Anyone after a bargain on Android should go to their local T-Mobile retail store before the deal ends or stock becomes end of line.  For just £15 a month you can bag yourself a free Samsung Galaxy Portal or LG In Touch Max (GW620) running A...

Upcoming Android tablets

Lots of device manufacturers have been threatening to release or have released an Android tablet of late. Some are entry level like the Archos 7 home tablet and some are definite iPad competitors like the Samsung Galaxy Tab. Over the next few months w...

Chrome to Phone (and Firefox)

Google have released some software to enable you to send stuff to your phone from their Chrome browser.  The idea is simple - click on a button on Chrome, and that page, map, text or phone number you have selected pops up on your phone. You need ...

mIQ – Backup everything you could ever need

While I take some time off from my App Review show I thought I could do some written ones instead, since they don’t take much time. So here we go with the first. A few weeks ago the powers that be at Best Buy Mobile offered their latest …

Galaxy S – Have you experienced lag ?

A few days back I had a mail from Josh. He told me about some serious lag and black screen hangs on the Galaxy S. Unfortunately our server then decided to explode so I never got around to looking at it. He's written to Samsung and there's a …

Samsung Windows Phone 7 device on show

A never-seen-before Samsung Windows Phone 7 device has just been snapped by andrejt. He can't say much about it, other than the fact that it's "a prototype samsung and that's it's larger than your ordinary phone". Whether this will actually make it to...

HTC Lexikon and HTC Bee specs unearthed

Two HTC device specs have just appeared on the web. The HTC Bee is up first and seems to be a mid-range Android device with 528Mhz CPU, 5 megapixel camera, QVGA (240x320) screen and a 3.2" screen. Next is the HTC Lexikon, which has a huge 3.8" screen …

iPhone now available on o2 Pay & Go

o2 have just announced availability of the iPhone on Pay & Go. The 32GB version has a £595 price-tag, with the 16GB version coming in at £495. Whilst this may sound a lot, it compares to total ownership costs of around £2000 for people taking free ...

Come see what HTC has dreamt up

When we get an invite from HTC it's usually about something pretty special. The HTC Hero event was a big deal, as was the HTC Legend launch. Today this invite appeared in our inbox, which says.. "Come see what HTC has dreamt up. 15 September in London...

Oracle sues Google over Java

Oracle are set to sue Google for the use of Java in the Android OS. They state... "In developing Android, Google knowingly, directly and repeatedly infringed Oracle's Java-related intellectual property. This lawsuit seeks appropriate remedies for the...

Pro-Nazi apps appear in the Android Market

This morning I had the misfortune to read this engadget article. It relates to some apps that appear in the Android Market when you do a search for the word "Jewish". Amongst the apps you want are a few Hitler / Nazi apps that you really shouldn't be …

HTC Schubert is Mozart ?

This video of the new HTC Schubert popped up a few days back but now there's a bit of confusion. Pics from Twitter user Xmoo show the same device again, but with a "HTC Mozart" sticker on. It could be that this is a slightly different version or …

Android growth still pretty amazing

Yes, you're probably all getting tired of hearing about this now, but hey - it's the truth. Android is continuing to grow at a quite alarming rate. New numbers from Gartner show that the OS has grabbed a 17.2% market share - just behind RIM with 18.2%...

The aPad up close

It's certainly been busy these last few days. Our main server decided to go nuts and we've pretty much lost a drive. Hopefully everything is back up and running now but, while we were moving everything, an aPad appeared. We've not had much time with ...

PSP Phone with Android 3.0

According to Engadget, Sony are readying a PSP Phone which will run on Android 3.0  Android currently lags the iPhone for gaming, for various reasons, but Sony are looking to change that dramatically with a dedicated PSP phone. Highlights in...

Site maintenance news

If you're reading this then welcome to our temporary home. We've rapidly moved servers due to a rather severe drive problem on our existing server. I've got to go down to the data centre at some point and swap the drives on it but, with any luck, you …

Vodafone Desire Android 2.2 update is coming

Vodafone's recent update for the HTC Desire got lots of people hot & bothered, when instead of getting the FroYo update people were hoping for, they just got Vodafone 360 apps instead.  Seems that Vodafone have listened, and have confirmed th...

Orange and AT&T to get HTC Windows Phone 7 devices

With Verizon USA seemingly giving anything with "Windows Phone" in the title a miss, it's AT&T who will take a Windows Phone to market in Q4. The network, along with Orange here in Europe, are to carry HTC handsets powered by Windows Phone 7. If earli...