No, I'm not dead. I just have an annoying combination of exams and parents to deal with, although not for much longer. Additionally, I can now be reached at
[email protected], in case anyone actually wants to talk to me It's been a little ov...
Smartphone sales have continued to explode with analyst firm Gartner reporting an almost 50% increase in the first quarter of 2010. Carolina Milanesi, research vice president at Gartner, also states that.. “Android’s momentum continued into the fi...
We've not managed to find any Pay As You Go deals for the HTC Wildfire as yet, but do have it up for £229.95 and will have it ready for despatch soon. Slap a SIM in it and you're away. We should point out that the Wildfire …
Sprint Hero owners can now at last get their hands on the highly anticipated Android 2.1 update. It's available from the support site and gives enhanced corporate email support, HTC Sense improvements, better camera quality and all the Android 2.1 im...
Look how many Google Android apps are showing up over on AndroLib. It's less than a month since we ran a story showing 50,000. Further proof, if needed, that the Android Market growth shows no signs of slowing. Link -
We've got further details on the HTC Wildfire on T-Mobile. Following our earlier story T-Mobile have now confirmed pricing - it'll be available for £20 per month on a 24-month contract, which is pretty cheap indeed. The full press release mentions th...
We were first to break news of the Wildfire coming to Virgin Media and now, a day later, T-Mobile have also stepped up to say that they'll be carrying it too. There's not long to wait either, with the device dropping into T-Mobile shops from June 14th...
The Aspen was launched in February and, as with many Windows Mobile-powered Sony Ericsson phones, things have started off badly. PDA-247 haven't got many good words to say about it unfortunately... "I love how the whole phone creaks when I type... it ...
It's no secret that we're a little worried about Windows Mobile. The Kin phones have had a number of critical reviews, the all-new version of Windows Phone isn't due to arrive until December and we're concerned about the number of apps available at la...
We're always linking to sites like when we're linking to Android apps. It's generally because the official online version of the Android Market is pretty poor. It just shows a selection of apps and doesn't do a great deal to help you sear...
Virgin Media have, literally 2 minutes ago, revealed that they will offer the Wildfire. The network, which is a virtual mobile-network operator here in the UK, has been grabbing a number of Android handsets recently and do a lot of competitively price...
An early Windows Phone 7 OS has been leaked on xda-developers and it's already getting picked apart. This image, taken from part of the ROM, could either be a generic Windows Phone 7 image or it could be the HTC Mondrian - a device name mentioned else...
This is the HTC Wildfire. It's the new name for the HTC Buzz and we got a sneak peak at it last week. Available in Q3 this looks like a smaller version of the HTC Desire. It's not quite as powerful though, and is perhaps a more entry-level …
A couple of days back we covered the Kin handsets - as seen by teenagers. ZDNet blogger Matt Miller had his two daughters use the Kin One and Kin Two and they've already delivered their first impressions. They've now been using the devices every day f...
Three have had a bit of an image change and seem to be determined to get the latest phones onto their network. They've got a great range of Android phones in their shop at the minute, including the HTC Desire, HTC Hero, Samsung Galaxy Portal and the S...
Another Android handset has popped up on the Vodafone Coming Soon section. This is the Samsung Galaxy S and the 16GB version will be landing in Voda shops soon. It's a speedster too, with a 1Ghz CPU and a lovely 480x800 4" AMOLED screen. This 16GB ver...
A couple of weeks back we spotted the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini in Vodafone catalogues. Now it's popped up on the "Coming Soon" section of their site with further details showing the 5 megapixel camera, on-board GPS and WiFi / HSDPA connectivity. ...
Back in Barcelona we witnessed the launch of the HTC Smart. It's an entry-level device to get more people using the HTC interface and interested in smartphones. Hopefully the people buying the Smart will be moving onto Android or Windows Phones furthe...
Android is going up through the version numbers faster than the national debt, and 2.2 is revealing even more goodies. Not only will it be faster but it'll also have full Flash support plus WiFi and USB tethering out of the box. There's ways of doing ...
Whether this stance will change in future we're not sure, but it looks like Skype won't be developing software for Windows Phone 7. They intend to develop and continue supporting their VoIP software for Android, iPhone and iPad phones. According to sm...