HTC Evo announced. First 3G/4G Android Phone

HTC have just announced a new Android powered device which will be available this summer exclusively on Sprint in the USA. Powered by a 1Ghz Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU and using Android 2.1 the HTC EVO 4G has an 8 megapixel camera with HD-capable (720p) ...

Super-slim Dell Aero about to arrive on AT&T

Dell have just posted some pictures of the painfully thin Aero Smartphone with AT&T posting further images here. The Android powered device is coming out on the US network soon and packs a 5 megapixel camera, 2.5" nHD display, GPS, WiFi and Flash Lite...

Mozilla stops Firefox development for Windows Mobile

Mozilla has just put the brakes on any further Windows Mobile development. This means that Firefox won't now be coming to Windows Mobile any time soon. Mozilla also state that work will also stop on a Windows Phone 7 version as... "Microsoft has unfo...

Official Dropbox Android App on the way

Have you used Dropbox ? Put simply it's an online file-store and you get 2GB of space for your files. Login anywhere, grab your stuff, upload some stuff. Done. An official Android client will be coming soon after the guys caved in to a huge amount of ...

Three confirm Android handsets, no WinMo love tho

UK network "3" have some good and bad news this morning. In a blog post yesterday they have admitted that their range of handsets needs to increase.. "We’ve come in for a lot of flack in the past (and on this blog!) for our handset range to date, …

MSkip ProPlus Windows Phone 7 Theme

Another Windows Phone 7 Theme has popped up over at xda-developers. This time it's an SPB Mobile Shell 3.5.3 theme, making it easier to install. The theme, which also works in landscape modes, has links to all the main functions, two home hubs for you...

Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 now selling on T-Mobile

T-Mobile are rolling out there very latest phones today. Hot on the heels of the HTC Desire comes another hot Android device - the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10. This is another phone we spotted whilst at Mobile World Congress and we managed to snap some u...

T-Mobile reveal Android 2.1 Update schedules

HTC Hero owners are currently perched on the edge of their seats. At the moment Android 1.5 powers the device and, with enhancements in apps like Google Maps that aren't compatible with 1.5, they're eager to get the new Android 2.1 and updated HTC Sen...

HTC Desire now live and available on T-Mobile

Well lookie here, it's the HTC Desire on the T-Mobile website. Costing absolutely nothing on certain plans, this 1Ghz monster Android phone is now available (yes, live!) and there'll no doubt be quite a few people doing a lunchtime rush to their local...

TrueCaller adds new features in v1.30

TrueCaller is an app for Windows Mobile and Android that'll do quite a few interesting things. It can display the name and address of an unknown caller when possible, although it appears that the UK isn't supported yet. The app will also update Twitte...

Mobility: The Definition of a Smartphone

Ok, so you're on a site called "". It's possible that you're a friend of mine that I've linked to this trying to show off, and it's also possible that you're just very, very lost and you're looking for directions back to Google, but ...

White Xperia X10 – Exclusive to Orange

Orange have today confirmed our earlier story regarding the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10. Orange will have the exclusive on the white version of this handset when it appears at the start of April and it'll be free to customers on selected pay monthly plan...

Window Phone 7 Series – Office apps revealed

So, it's literally hours since the Windows Phone 7 Emulator got cracked open to let us see deeper into the new OS. Revelations include a file manager and task manager (but.. there's no multi-tasking so.. why ?) Other sections that have shown up includ...

Update check – HTC device refresh

Woaha, we're not quite sute why all these updates have suddenly appeared on the HTC website, but do click on to see if you need to update your device. Updated devices include our long-time favourite the HTC Touch Dual (T-Mobile version). Other devices...

HTC Desire set to arrive on Virgin Mobile too

Virgin Media has now announced that it will be carrying the HTC Desire too. The network already carries the Windows-powered HTC HD2 and has also just ranged the Android-powered Samsung Galaxy with the Xperia X10 also set to arrive soon. At the moment ...

HTC Android 2.1 Update coming April?

The much-anticipated HTC Hero updated is now apparently set to arrive on April 2nd with network variants getting their fix on April 16th. The details, posted over at relate to the European roll-out of the Android 2.1 update and all ...

HTC Disagree with Apple, will defend themselves

HTC have just put out a press release in response to the Apple lawsuit. The response puts a heavy emphasis on the history of HTC and the many awards that HTC have received. HTC completely disagree with the Apple claims and they intend to fully defend ...

Windows Phone 7 Series – Metamorphosis

So, the lack of copy and paste has caused some controversy then. Todd Brix, Senior Director for Windows Phone Product Management, has stated that it's all part of the plan. A "smart linking" system will let you click on a number and either call it or ...

Windows Phone 7 Series – No Copy and Paste at launch

The whole Windows Phone 7 Series announcement has pretty much split traditional Windows Mobile fans into two camps. The first camp is happy to see the previous "Today" screen and ageing interface consigned to the wheelie bin, whilst the second camp mo...

Xperia X10 arrives on Orange UK website

The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 has just popped up on the Orange UK website in both black and white. It's a handset we spotted in the Sony Ericsson family gallery at Mobile World Congress last month and is powered by Android. It has a 1Ghz Qualcomm Snapd...