Every now and then we take a look at some of the cool apps out there. We're having another look at the latest free Android apps, but if you'd like to redress the balance with Windows Mobile apps, let us know and you could be writing right here …
We're always a little bit doubtful when handsets appear this way, but according to phoneboxmobiles.com the Motorola Milestone is available for a mere £62.10 on the Orange Dolphin 30 plan. We'd still like to see the thing on the main Orange site ...
Hey. Come close. Are you heading to the Mobile World Congress next month ? If you are, let us know, because we could have a little surprise for you. On a seperate note, we'll be introducing further writers to the site soon. If you'd like to contribute...
One thing Android doesn't have as default is a decent music store. Luckily Phil Thorner has just spotted the Amazon MP3 Store on the Android market and there's more info about it here. It's pre-installed in some handsets, but just do a search for "Ama...
Remember how the HD2 appeared as a choice on the o2 accessories section a few weeks before going live? Well lookie here, it's the Android-powered X10 now showing as an option in the accessory shop. Just how long before the X10 arrives ? Well it can't ...
When the HTC 2010 roadmap leaked out everyone was immediately drawn towards the HTC Bravo. Packed with a 1Ghz CPU, 3.7" WVGA AMOLED screen and HD video capture it was pretty much the Android-powered HD2 some people had longed for. Now I know what you...
We're not being too unkind when we say that Motorola were in a pretty bad way before they launched their new Android phones. The Dext / Cliq was a good start and the Droid / Milestone is already proving to be a very popular handset in the USA. …
Slide Screen is an app for Android that's probably best seen and we'd heartily recommend this video which shows it in action. It's a home screen replacement that creates a "meaningful hierarchy" out of a your info. Just drag the centre bar up and down...
Windows Mobile has a store. It's called Marketplace and there's lots of apps inside. A lot of them, however, are paid-for apps. Step forward OpnMarket - a store which showcases the latest, most popular and free applications. This is by the guys behin...
Sheesh, those Windows Mobile 7 rumours are now reaching fever pitch. This latest batch sounds so good it almost makes you understand why Microsoft are trying to keep things under control. Apparently two versions - Windows Phone 7 "Business Edition" an...
The Android-powered LG GW620 may be targetting the teen-texters but hey, we like the look of it. Following our earlier story LG have sent us the full press release below. It confirms the 5-line QWERTY keyboard, 3" touch screen, 1500bAg battery and a ...
Hey, y'know how Virgin Mobile said they'd be doing "more high-end handsets" ? Well, following the introduction of the HD2, they've now gone all Android on us with the LG In Touch Max GW620. It's free on the £22 p/m, 18-month contract and for that you...
We've managed to get a look at those HTC Espresso shots from yesterday and have uploaded the whole lot here. This is the new Android interface from HTC, building on the success of the HTC Sense GUI. Click on to see the pictures in all their up-close ...
Respected analyst and editor Eldar Murtazin appears to have got himself a looksie at the upcoming Windows Mobile 7 OS and has posted his impressions of an early build. How he's seen this we're not entirely sure, but it seems that it's incompatible wit...
Although there's non-stop chatter across the t'interwebs about what may or may not be announced at the Mobile World Congress, there is at least confirmation of sorts from LG. They've repeatedly mentioned that an LG Windows Mobile 7 device would be com...
This may or may not be the Motorola Shadow. It may or may not be the Google Nexus Two. Confused? Well, it's another one of those interesting rumours but there's a definite slice of the market that love those slide-out QWERTY keyboards, so why not ? T...
Some weeks ago we spotted the new HTC Espresso UI. It was met with mixed response - some even calling it ugly compared to the existing HTC Sense interface. Now there's more shots and, whilst the glass-effect buttons are still there, there's a lot more...
Steve Ballmer mentioned Windows Mobile in his keynote address at CES last week. Sure, that mention was the fantastically brilliant HTC HD2 and it's arrival into the USA, but.... that was it. The tech world logically assumed that the "big" Windows Mobi...
Sometimes one of the most annoying things about touch-screen phones is just typing on the thing. Mobilnaut have launched "Keyboard 3" to bring simple and quick typing to your device. It works by dividing the keyboard into sections - you then just whac...
We're loving your news tips today - keep them coming in! Next up we've got Speeed Reader for Windows Mobile (Android version coming soon), a Google Reader Client for pulling RSS feeds from your favourite websites. Grab this for free, connect to your G...