Following our earlier story there's further evidence that that Acer will be pushing Android more strongly over the next year. Currently the majority of Acer phones are powered by Windows Mobile but, in an interview with Reuters Acer's head of mobile-p...
This is the new LG eXpo. Packing a sliding QWERTY this Windows Mobile 6.5 device also has an attachable mobile projector for displaying your PowerPoint slides onto walls 8 feet away. It kinda makes the handset look a little chunky and sits over the ba...
We've raved about the mighty HTC Hero quite a bit. It is, quite simply, a fantastic phone. HTC have already made it faster and then announced that an even newer version of the OS (Android 2.0) would be coming pretty soon. However, things have just bec...
T-Mobile appear to have knocked 20% off the Pulse, with the deal available until today. We've just had a mail from Bibendum, who managed to get it for £137 on Pay As You Go. For a £10 top-up it's unlimited text and internet, plus this Android device...
We're currently upgrading the server and adding yet more horsepower. It's costing extra cash, which is why I had to ask for donations a few weeks back. We didn't get a huge response, so I've decided to raid the cu...
Here in the UK perhaps the most popular PVR (Personal Video Recorder) is Sky+ / Sky+ HD. You can set programmes to record from your remote, from the web and from your phone (with our various Windows Mobile hacks). Now though they've released a Windows...
More shops now have the European version of the Motorola Droid available for pre-order. Clove did have the Milestone showing until recently, with still showing it at £449.99 unlocked with a 9-day leadtime. Superetrader have it showing fo...
Hey, are you a Vodafone customer? Well, feel free to burn as much data as you want tomorrow, because Voda UK are letting you use the internet for absolutely nothing tomorrow (November 27th). Vodafone, it seems, are doing this to celebrate the Christma...
Twikini version 2.0 is now out. It features support for the new Twitter Retweet feature, geotagging and you can now see a full list of followers and friends for any user. If you've already purchased Twikini in the past you can just install this new ve...
Following our earlier story you can now find the HTC HD2 splashed all over the T-Mobile UK website. You know how good this thing is now, and you can get it free on £35 p/m plans (2 year contract). If I hadn't just made a rather collosal mistake …
If you've got Android 1.6 (have a look in Settings->About Phone->Firmware version) and you're in the US then you can now get the new version of Google Maps, complete with the navigation system we saw launch in version 2.0. There's already a hack to ge...
Well, we can't find it anywhere on the T-Mobile UK website but apparently it is in store. Daniel Cunningham found the HD2 in his local T-Mo store and they'd had it in stock for 3 days. He was offered one free for £40 p/m on an 18 month …
At last ! The HTC HD2 is now fully available on o2. Out goes the XDA re-branding and in comes the HTC name. Available for absolutely nothing on selected monthly plans it can now be found in o2 stores across the UK. Steve Alder, General Manager Devices...
Noticed a pink splodge on your HTC HD2 pictures? This xda-devs post probably shows it best - there's a feint pink "hue" to the centre of the image. Some have assumed this to be white balance, with people aiming their HD2 camera at the nearest light-bu...
AGH! Blurred much ? This is the new Motorola Motus, a new Android aimed at the masses. It appears to have a glossy flat sliding QWERTY and three main keys on the front. Specs from BGR show a possible arrival on AT&T with similar specs to the Cliq …
A lucky few are beginning to receive the HTC HD2 on o2. Doug Purnell has mailed in after getting an order through today. Apparently lots of customer service people are giving slightly different information but he managed to get one through retentions....
We've just had news that the MDA Compact V 6.5 update is now live on the T-Mobile support site. Get the file direct here. It's a little behind the German release, but you can at last get the new 6.5 enhancements like the updated lock screen, My Phone,...
Head across to the Marketplace right now to grab the very latest incarnation of Office Mobile - 2010. It's a Beta though, and will expire on April 5th next year, if you've installed Office Mobile after the phone was purchased then these installations ...
I'm a little shocked that I've never really carried a story about Fring. It's an excellent piece of software that'll let you make calls over your mobile data connection / WiFi. Not only that but you can chat / text too. It intergrates with Skype, MSN,...
Engadget have just posted some rather sad news about Sony Ericsson. According to the story, 2000 employees are being let go, with 450 already dropped last year. The Research Triangle Park facility in North Carolina is set to close, with offices in Mia...