Following the earlier "unofficial" way of getting Marketplace on your 6.0 and 6.1 devices, the full official way is now here or just type "" into your Windows 6.0 / 6.1 IE browser. Once done, you'll be able to browse and install th...
When we first spotted that the Tattoo had launched and re-named to the "Tattoo Ink" we presumed this would be the only change. However, Chris Pratt has emailed in after his girlfriend came home with a brand new Tattoo Ink. It seems that Google Mail is...
Just yesterday we told you about the new copy protection Microsoft is rolling out in to Marketplace. The existing "protection" was exremely easy to circumvent and therefore didn't fill developers with confidence. The new system, however, has already b...
Wehay ! The HTC HD2 has now made it onto contracts with Vodafone selling it right now. You can get it for absolutely NOTHING on the £35 p/m plan or above (24 month plan) and for that you'll get a whacking 900 minutes talk-time, unlimited internet / e...
Lucky enough to have Windows Mobile 6.5 or you've used the unofficial way of getting it onto 6.0 / 6.1 devices ? Now there's another way to buy apps - just point your computer to and choose the app or game you'd like. Once...
The Samsung Omnia Pro B7330 is now available to buy on Orange. The QWERTY messaging phone also has a new business homescreen which was designed by Orange to give quick access to voicemail, email, calendar and customer information. The new homescreen w...
An update for the HTC Tattoo has just popped up on the Vodafone website. The device, which is currently featured in HTC TV ads, was reviewed by us a couple of weeks back and is already proving to be a success. The update page doesn't tell us exactly …
HTC Europe have just added an update for HTC Sync. The updated version, 2.0.8, is for anyone using the HTC Magic, Hero or Tattoo and includes media enhancements, syncing contact pictures and time sync'ing for a more accurate phone clock. Grab the upd...
We're not sure why someone would ever want to do this. It's like taking the engine of a Ferrari apart just to see how it works. Why? Just drive the thing :) Either way, have shots of a dismembered HTC HD2 which appear to have come f...
It's fair to say that Windows Mobile is on the defensive right now. There's hot Android handsets appearing literally everywhere and manufacturers that Microsoft battled to gain are suddenly jumping ship to Android. The HTC HD2 has suddenly become the ...
With Motorola now putting all their eggs in the Android basket, HTC adding Android to their range and Palm dropping WinMo, there's further evidence that Samsung are about to drop Windows Mobile too. Telecoms Korea states that Samsung will use Windows ...
We mentioned it last month and now it's here, the HTC Hero is available to buy from UK network "Three" for £97.86 on a £35 p/m plan. This is a 24 month plan and includes 2 years of Spotify Premium membership. The Hero has already been voted phone …
If you're lucky enough to have Windows Mobile 6.5 or you've grabbed the 6.0 / 6.1 version then you may have stumbled across the region-locking problem. Put simply, you can only view apps for your country. Let's say that there's a great app for the USA...
We've had our HTC HD2 cruely ripped away by a courier, but you can now get one. Yes, right now. have just announced that the HD2 is in stock and shipping. There's 11 as I type, so you have to be quick. Link - HTC HD2 @ …
Another HTC HD2 video for you now, but this time it's taken from the phone camera itself. The HD2 is able to record video in 640x480, so I strapped it to the car this morning and took this video. Just click here to download the original movie, or …
This morning I managed to do a quick video showing the GPS in action with a "real life" test. In this video you can see Google Maps in action as I travel up the motorway. The HD2 has QuickGPS on board, so a GPS lock is fast and …
Now, keep this one under your hat. We've somehow managed to keep hold of the HTC HD2 for an extra day so, late last night I managed to film this extra vid. It's a little dark, but we show the flash in action plus there's more about the …
We've just had an update on the HTC HD2 situation from It involves the stock arriving this Friday (13th).. " currently has additional stock not yet allocated to pre-orders. Whilst orders are continuing to be processed d...
It looks like the FedEx guy is about to take our HTC HD2 away, but we've just managed to download some more of the photos from the handset. You can click here (taken with flash), here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here to see them direct …
If you own a HTC Touch HD then you may be looking on with envy at the new HD2. HTC however haven't forgotten about you, and there's a new update to add enhanced notifications. HTC say.. "This update for HTC Touch HD combines your SMS function with ou...