HTC Hero now on Orange Shop site

The HTC Hero has just popped up on the Orange Shop in it's exclusive graphite colour. Prices start from a big fat nothing depending on the contract. This is the Android-powered device that HTC revealed last week with the HTC Sense GUI. THe specs inclu...

WinMo 6.5-powered Mio Amber approaching?

This is the Mio Amber - a touch-screen Windows Mobile 6.5 device with a 5 megapixel camera around the back and a VGA one up front for video calls plus a health 1500mAh battery. also reports a 3.61" WVGA screen, 256MB RAM / 512MB ROM, FM radio, …

Toshiba TG01 Coming to Orange UK ?

When we get emails from anonymous sources we're always a bit sceptical. Take today for example, we've had a tip-off that the Toshiba TG01 is coming to Orange UK. Should we tell you about it ? Well, it'd be a shame not too really. I'm due for an …

HTC Hero – What we know so far..

Confusion seems to be surrounding the launch of the Sense GUI on the Android-powered Hero last week, with rumours of it being made available on Windows Mobile already surfacing. Strange. We were at the press event and, from what we were told by HTC, t...

Omnia handset get video hands-on – WANT!

Man, check out that screen! Look at the QWERTY keyboard, the blistering screen switching speed, the smooth zoom, the fluid GUI! Look at the scrolling .. just.. look at it. Berjeezus the Omnia II and OmniaPRO B7610 look good. HELLO ? SAMSUNG PR? WANT P...

Vodafone Access Gateway – Get a signal again

Arriving in just a few days, the Vodafone Access Gateway is designed to boost the existing Vodafone signal so you can get mobile reception. It plugs into your home broadband connection and transmits a standard 3G GSM signal so that up to four mobile c...

Unlocked HTC Hero – Free goody bag too

If you've got some money washing around an you fancy dipping your toes in the Google Android camp, we've got some news. The white unlocked handset (all the other colours are for networks by the way), will be selling from devicewire pretty soon, but if...

T3 Gadget awards get under way

T3 Magazine have just opened up voting for their 2009 Gadget Awards. There's spot prizes to be won just for taking part. HTC are up for "Tech Brand of the Year" and the HTC Touch Diamond2 is in the shortlist for "Drop Dead Gorgeous Gadget" and the "Ph...

Nimbuzz – Interact, call, share – free!

An updated version of Nimbuzz is now available. Now, if I'm honest I've not come across this software before so I'll explain a bit more about it. For starters, it's free. Brilliant. It's a "mobile social messenger" which mixes VoIP, instant messaging ...

Cheap USB Wall Charger

Here's another very useful accessory which will only set you back £2.92 (well, err.. £5.21 with the postage). It's for those of you who may have lost your normal phone charger or need an additional one elsewhere - just plug your sync cable between t...

HTC Hero – Video and overview

Yesterday we were in London to witness the launch of the latest Google Android-powered handset from HTC. The HTC Hero has a new HTC interface inside called "HTC Sense" and brings the smooth and quick interface we've seen on Windows Mobile with HTC Tou...

HTC Hero to come with free massage?

Carl Paulsen has just mailed in after spotting this interesting option on the new HTC Hero Product Tour. If you wait for number 4 to pop up it shows an interesting option we've not seen before. Now, we don't want to be mean, and we KNOW the HTC …

HTC Hero and Sense interface – Video demo

The HTC Sense interface. Wanna see what all the fuss is about? Have a look at the video below - we've got one from earlier today which will be online later this evening. Here's an Orange member of staff showing you around the HTC Hero and it's Sense …

HTC Hero to be available unlocked too. Specs confirmed.

Devicewire have stepped up to offer the HTC Hero unlocked. For those who don't want the usual contract tie-in, you'll soon be able to grab the handset from them for £378.25 exluding VAT or £434.99 with VAT. Stock will be arriving July 3rd. If you're...

Orange confirms HTC Hero availability

Orange have made their launch of the HTC Hero official with the press release below. It's going to exclusively retail the "Graphite" coloured Hero for absolutely nothing on plans 24-month plans costing £39.15 per month from early July. They also conf...

The HTC Hero phone and HTC Sense GUI – the low-down

Today was the HTC "Come See" event and we were in attendance down in Hackney. Upon entering the location we were ushered into a large room for the main launch and placed near to the front. Shortly following this Peter Chou - CEO at HTC took to the...


At the start of this month HTC sent us an invite to a big press event. It's in London, it's today, and all we know is that HTC want us to "Come see". There's still no guarantee of new Windows Phones today, but we're going to pop down …

Adobe Flash 10 – Coming to Windows Mobile

We've been hanging with the Windows Mobile crew for some time now. Heck, we remember when an animated GIF was a big deal! Now we're finally getting confirmation that Adobe Flash 10 will be coming to Windows Mobile. All we've now got to do is wait unti...

HTC Firestone coming August 09 ? Specs and more

Well, I don't know about you but this graphic looks suspiciously like the HTC Diamond with the keys moved around slightly, but - according to it's the new HTC Firestone. This got leaked earlier in the year as a suspected replacement ...

The Vario V ! T-Mobile UK! Wait.. Not coming at all?

The MDA Vario V originally popped up in February and we all expect the branded Touch Pro2 to pop onto T-Mobile UK following the launch of the Compact V - it's keyboardless cousin. However, doubts started to surface after some people were told that the...