Putting data into your phone usually means a variety of keyboards, whether it be on-screen or physical. Talking to your phone, and getting it to perform tasks based on your commands, has already proved popular with apps like Cyberon Voice Commander. N...
There's already a considerable amount of buzz on the t'interwebs about the Microsoft and Verizon project to introduce a touch-screen multimedia phone to challenge the iPhone. The "Pink" project has already been mentioned but the details surrounding it...
The Samsung Omnia is currently available with a 5 megapixel camera, GPS, FM Radio, WiFi and a whole load of goodness from various networks. However, this picture of a QWERTY-packing version called the "Omnia Pro" (hmm.. haven't we seen that naming con...
Woah, we're on a roll today. We've got yet another wide-screen HD wobble-cam video for your entertainment. The Touch Diamond2 comes complete with a "zoom bar" which lets you .. err.. zoom in on web-pages in Opera. The Diamond2 power really shines thro...
Well sure, you've seen the Diamond2 being unboxed elsewhere, but deep down we know you long for our wobble-cam videos. Here's our HTC Touch Diamond2 overview video which takes a tour around the handset and some of the bits you get inside the box. We a...
There's a couple of hotfixes available for existing HTC Touch Diamond users. First up is this fix for skipping audio playback whilst this second update will sort the issue where a Repeat option isn't clickable on sound reminders. Thanks to everyone w...
Look what just appeared at Coolsmartphone HQ - it's the all-new HTC Touch Diamond2. A few recently became available to buy and it's the successor to original Touch Diamond which has already sold by the truck-load. Powered by a Qualcomm 528 MHz process...
A few weeks back we started our "Week with the iPhone". It all started off well, but we only got to day 3 and, in the midst of editing the other vids (which will be up shortly), a HTC Touch HD arrived for us to compare it with. …
With all these Diamond2 reviews (here's another one) it's good to see yet another small batch arrive at devicewire.com. This time there's 20, so be quick if you're after one! Oh, and we know we said this last time but this really is the last stock fo...
It looks like Windows Mobile 6.5 will be wheeled out for another public showing on May 11th at Tech Ed. It's already appeared several times and was first mentioned last year. We're already seeing early versions appearing all over xda-developers.com bu...
Hey, let's not get upset about the fact that we've not got one of these new HTC Touch Diamond2 handsets to play with yet. We've got to wait our turn. It's no problem. We'll just sit around and tiddle our thumbs while yet another site looks at one. …
Now, I don't know anything about BitTorrents, honest, but WinMobile Torrent v.3 is now available and supports all versions of Windows Mobile. It supports trackerless torrents, peer exchange and seeding. A free 5-day trial can be downloaded with the fu...
We get some strange emails at times. This one in particular seemed a little weird, "Don't know where your car is?" Well no, not really. Sure, I used to lose my car quite a bit, but that was years ago whilst working at the local supermarket. I used …
Just the other day we spotted a very limited stock of the HTC Touch Diamond2 at devicewire.com. Now they've managed to get a few more and they're available, unlocked and direct from HTC, for £394.99 inc VAT. We're hearing that the next UK shipment i...
Windows Mobile has a lot of control panels and interfaces available to download. One of them, yrgo, has just been updated and now has a completely new design with better icons, flexible menu items and an array of gadgets to choose from. There's 64 in...
The guys at PocketPC.ch have just notified us of their HTC Touch Diamond2 review. It includes some HD videos (have a look below) and some excellent up-close photography, and unboxing, comparison with the existing Diamond and the Touch HD. There's also...
Good Friday it may be, but we're hearing from a very good source that the HTC Touch Pro2 will be arriving on Orange UK at the beginning of June. The device got launched in February and is powered by a 528Mhz Qualcomm CPU. Inside there's a 480x800 WVGA...
On April 1st we found out about the lack of Marketplace for existing Windows Mobile owners. We also posted the following paragraph... "Customers are king, old or new. Keep them happy. Over the years I've felt that the network operators and Microsoft s...
Yesterday a new Touch HD update appeared which promises to fix multiple browsing issues and title-bar flicker. It also speeds up GPS lock, updates the "Connnection Setup" database and there's improved emergency call handling when you're in Airplane Mo...
Hmm.. quiet ain't it? I've been having a look at the iPhone recently and comparing it to the HTC Touch HD. Both are very similar in terms of size and shape but differ wildly when it comes to user interface and specs like camera resolution or the inbui...