OK, this one's a little strange so bear with me. A new app called BIO.ID uses a retinam voice recognition, finger-print sensor to secure the data on your phone. At last - a program which will no doubt interest the hundreds of Government workers leavin...
No, we still haven't got an Xperia X1 (grumble, whinge, moan), but we are hearing that there could be an issue with the Bluetooth functionality on the Sony Ericsson handset. Harv Singh has had two handsets so far and they both suffer from the same sym...
We don't just review phones here at coolsmartphone.com. Over the past few weeks we've been trying out the myhome247 Security System. It's an easy-to-setup monitoring and control system for your home or office. You can get it all ready in a few minutes...
Hello, what's this? A mention of Windows Mobile 6.5 ? Sanjay Jha, phone CEO at Motorola's has stated that.. "Windows Mobile 6 has not delivered the experience that I think Apple has been able to deliver, but as you look at the plan that Windows Mobil...
The iPhone and Google Android handsets have occupied a lot of limelight recently. Microsoft isn't phased by this, with top Execs seemingly content to watch how things pan out. Today, however, Asustek announced their intention to build a handset based ...
Bonfire night should be even more special this year - I've just noticed that that the HTC Touch HD is now showing a delivery date of November 5th. So, if you're after one network-free you should be taking delivery very soon indeed. We've also been con...
If you're lucky enough to be going abroad any time soon then you'll probably want to take your phone with you too. Before you leave you'll probably find an array of travel adaptors to choose from, so having everything ready before you go should ease t...
Right, the Touch HD. You can get it network free in a couple of weeks plus Orange have the network exclusive. Today it's popped up here on the Orange website as coming soon. Hopefully by now you'll know all about this handset. If not, check out the Or...
We've always been more than a little impressed with Samsung when they make Windows Mobile phones, so it's great to hear a rumoured new handset appearing. This one is called the GT-C6620 (mmm, catchy) which seems to indicate a new car-based naming conv...
Last week we published a scan of the HTC Touch HD in the Orange "Work" magazine. We also told you about the 3 month exclusive Orange had on the handset. Now Orange have confirmed everything with a full press release which reveals an early November lau...
A few days ago you may have seen a mention of new HP handsets appearing soon. We haven't covered this yet, so to make up for it we've got the new HP phones showing up in the Vodafone magazine. Huzzar! First things first, Vodafone have bagged an exclus...
Sheesh - this story just won't die will it? We discussed Windows Mobile appearing to work on an iPhone a while back now. We discounted it because it formed some sort of weird viral marketing campaign, but then another video appeared showing Windows Mo...
OK, listen up dear readers because this news item contains some special stuff you won't see elsewhere. Our good friends at Devicewire have added a few goodies and new services of late. First up is their recycling service. Sure, it's great being green,...
There's an interesting discussion kicking off in the o2 forums about a certain "XDA Flint". The device is definitely on the way, but there's a bit of confusion about what it is. An email from o2 states.. "The XDA Flint will be a take on the HTC Athena...
The Samsung i200 has been available on Orange for quite some time now. It's a classic Smartphone running Windows Mobile Standard (non-touch screen) and has a 2 megapixel camera, microSD expansion and HSDPA internet connectivity. Now it looks as if Vod...
Whilst I didn't manage to look at a real-life Xperia X1 during my trip to Birmingham, it is at least becoming more widely available. Matt Gough has spotted the X1 on mobiles.co.uk with immediate delivery whilst Johnny De'Silva has picked it up in the ...
Devicewire have just shuffled forward their arrival date for the HTC Touch HD. Yesterday it was expected to arrived on November 30th, but today it's now November 13th - just over two weeks away! Pricing is yet to be confirmed, but get your name down i...
Today I got dragged kicking and screaming popped into our second city to do a spot of early Christmas shopping. During our day in Birmingham I've seen about a dozen adverts for just one handset - the Samsung Omnia. It's everywhere. In the Bullring, ou...
Our earlier story on the HTC Touch HD has already sparked some interest. It's listed on page 34 of the Orange "Work" magazine and is coming soon. We're now hearing that it'll be on a 3 month exclusivity agreement with the Orange network, however it ma...
I've just been to Birmingham. During our shopping trip to Birmingham I've seen about a dozen adverts for the Samsung Omnia. It's everywhere. In the Bullring, on billboards across the M6 at Junction 9 and inside nearly every in-store phone catalogue. D...