Ringo Ringtone Manager

This is Ringo - it'll provide an easy way to change your ringtones on your device plus you can set tones and pictures for friends, contacts and groups of people all at once. Users of the Ringo ringtone manager will now get a free collection of "blips...

Hexxagon Labs – New logic game

Hexxagon Labs is now available from Herocraft. It's a fun logic game with 17 tricky levels to overcome. The goal of the game is to occupy as many cells on a field as possible, capturing pieces of an enemy. You can play against the artificial intellect...

Elecont Pocket PC and Smartphone Manager now available

Elecont have just announced a new animated plugin for your Today screen. It'll let you manage, control and monitor your device and quickly switch between programs. Elecont Pocket PC and Smartphone manager also displays memory usage information for eve...

Wot no iPhone? Can the Touch Diamond steal the show?

For the geeky amongst us, you may be interested to know that the HTC Touch Diamond has now popped up at the FCC. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is a US agency charged with regulating communications in or originating in the USA. This docum...

Windows Mobile 6.1 Update coming to the Orange TyTN II

We're hearing more news on Windows Mobile 6.1 for existing devices. According to some emails we've received, Orange will be rolling out a 6.1 update for the HTC TyTN II mid-May, so we should see it pop up sometime next week. Keep checking the TyTN II...

HTC Diamond – Full Orange press release

We've just received the Orange press release for the HTC Touch Diamond. Like the T-Mobile variant, it'll be arriving in July, so it's looking like HTC will be selling these in June - a few weeks before the networks. The Orange branding has been carefu...

Broadcasting live – from your phone

Earlier in the week you may have seen our live coverage of the HTC event in London. During the day I posted live pictures, details and bullet-points from my Windows mobile phone. I wanted to cover the day without having stacks of extra equipment, so I...

HTC Event video, plus o2 XDA Diamond coming soon

OK, I'll keep this quick because I know you've probably got "Diamond Overload" by now :). If you didn't catch our live video feed from the event, HTC have now added a full video of the event so you can see and hear exactly how the phone was …

PointUI Home GUI version 1.51a now available

We've followed the slick "PointUI Home" application since it's launch on January 1st. Now version v1.51a is available, with a new look, bug fixes and extra customizable options. It looks like there may be a "paid for" version in the pipe-line as the p...

T-Mobile MDA Compact IV – Official Press Release

Yes, yes, we know you're probably sick of hearing about the HTC Touch Diamond by now, but we've at last managed to get the official T-Mobile press release about launch dates, pricing and more. The device has a "GPU" (graphics processing unit) to help ...

Remember spotting the HTC Touch Diamond two months ago?

There's a helluva lot of news floating around right now about the "all-new" T-Mobile MDA Compact IV. It is, of course, the HTC Touch Diamond we've been covering the last few days. Despite our best efforts we've been unable to find a mention of it on t...

Video and Photo Special – HTC Touch Diamond Up-Close

I'm still down here in London squeezing all the information possible out of HTC. The HTC Touch Diamond has lots of extra features which perhaps weren't seen earlier. The internet browser, Opera 9.5, has a "reflow" system to make paragraphs automatical...

Full video of HTC Touch Diamond in action

We managed to get a hands-on with the HTC Touch Diamond this afternoon. One thing you probably will be needing for this handset is a wipe-clean cloth! :) You can see even more pictures on my flickr page. However, if you haven't already seen the offici...

The HTC Touch Diamond arrives

Today HTC launched just one handset. Many people expected perhaps more, but this is one handset that HTC have put a huge amount of work into. The device looks sexy and it'll be launched on five networks in Europe. A launch date of June has been given ...

HTC Diamond – iPhone Killer – More images and detail

On Tuesday I will be bringing you total coverage of a massive announcement by HTC. HTC, as many of you know by now, make the majority of the Windows Mobile phones on sale. Leaks about a possible new handset - the HTC Diamond - have been flying around …

Orange attempt to lose more customers

Data usage is a hot topic at the moment. Most networks have started to get wise to the fact that - if you want to sell a "mobile internet" handset you've got to give users a decent allowance. If you don't, people will simply be too cautious and …

Free delivery on everything – this weekend only

Here in the UK it's a Bank Holiday weekend. This usually means that shops are besieged with bargain-hungry customers trying to get a good deal on the latest gear. UK customers shopping at devicewire.co.uk can benefit from free delivery on all orders p...

o2 coverage finally meets 3G licence obligation

UK network o2 have finally reached their 3G licence condition of 80% population coverage. It's the last network to meet it's obligation, with the other four UK networks reaching and breaching the figure last year. Regulator Ofcom gave the network unti...

T-Mobile and Vodafone announce new price plans

Are you a Vodafone UK customer? Are ya? Well, there's some great news if you are. Vodafone have just announced that pay monthly customers will no longer need to buy an additional internet bundle for £7.50. Plans will now automatically include interne...

Cheap Samsung i600 on offer

Windows Mobile phones built by Samsung have always impressed me, so I love the fact that the Samsung i600 is now available for £99.95 from expansys.com. It's unlocked so you can use it on any network. The phone runs Windows Mobile 5.0 and only has a ...