Remember how o2 accidentally labelled their latest handset the "Stella", instead of the "Stellar" ? Sure, the web designers probably love their lager, but it's not like they'd make the same mistake again.... is it? DOAH! Yep, this - according to o2 -...
Gizmodo have just posted a news item about the future of Windows Mobile. It seems that the issues with the current OS have been identified and they'll be addressed in future versions of Windows Mobile. It won't surprise regular readers to find that th...
RSS reader Viigo has just been updated to version 3.3.35. It'll give you instant access to your favourite news, sports, weather and entertainment news plus any RSS feed you want. The new version fixes some bugs and adds features and functionality re...
Here's the new release of Elecont Weather. Right now there's an animated New Year theme and you can save 25%, bringing the cost down to just $10.95 (around £5.37). This app gets weather information for 51,000 locations along with full six-day foreca...
Do you have a HTC TyTN II, a HTC Touch, Touch Dual, P3300 or S620? You do? Well, listen up. We want to hear just how much you love your HTC device. If you've sent/received an important email just in the nick of time, sent a picture message …
Create Ringtone Mobile is a Windows Mobile Pro (Pocket PC) application for touch-screen devices. This app will let you create and edit your own ringtone directly on your phone. Features include a melody bar-graph to divide the song, WAV/MP3 support,...
Yesterday Connected Tools announced version 2 of CT Scheduler. The software lets you schedule repetitive tasks and turns your phone into a fully automated assistant. It'll let you send texts, switch profile and change call forwarding automatically. Yo...
If, like me, you're constantly forgetting birthdays and anniversaries you've probably added dates into your phone calendar. Rivia Friendzee goes several steps further, adding and managing your relationships with friends and relatives. You can store th...
I was lucky enough to visit Las Vegas last year as part of our honeymoon. I decided to try my hand at Roulette, but didn't realise that I was sat at a $20 minimum table. The lady sat behind the table wasn't pleased when I eagerly spread my …
Following our review of the iMate Ultimate 6150 and 8150 it's interesting to see other publications getting their hands on the near-final devices. The PC Magazine review comes to pretty much the same conclusion - power is delivered in spades but there...
Smartphoneware have just annouced several new apps. Best RegEdit will let you fiddle around with your Windows Mobile registry, whilst Best Crypto protects your private files and photos to ensure that lost or stolen phones don't turn into a huge securi...
I've just stumbled across PocketCM and I'm surprised we've not covered it before. It's a finger-friendly contact app for touch-screen phones that'll let you glide through your contacts, call, edit, sort, filter and then show all the text conversations...
Christmas shopping, for blokes, is like hell on earth. Being shoved around a huge shopping centre with your wife, trying desperately not to get trampled on or pushed aside by people randomly grabbing at anything on the shelf is annoying as hell. I tri...
OK, so following the whole Cigular / Cingular business (when it should be AT&T), the Boy Genius has a video online showing Windows Mobile 6.1 in action. Sure, it still says "Cigular" towards the end of the video and there's confusion about whether thi...
It's now been a few months since we started our donation drive to buy a server. We've been hosted in America on a rented server for many years and, even after slimming down code and optimizing the site further, we needed additional memory to keep all ...
The Boy Genius has been fishing around Windows Mobile 6.1 even more since his exposé just the other day. He's looking at the Windows Mobile Standard 6.1 version (i.e. no touch screen) and has now spotted some extra improvements. Internet Explorer h...
Here's a story I forgot to mention. Google Mobile Maps now includes a feature to locate your position - even without GPS. It works by using information from your local mobile tower to get your location within a 1000 metre radius. Whilst this isn't per...
Although I run a Windows Mobile website I'm never afraid to criticise the phones or the Operating System. There's a few major things I'd like to see improved, but one major problem is Internet Explorer. Sure, HTC have helped a great deal with their To...
The other day someone with a Windows Mobile Pro (Pocket PC) device asked me, "How do I get the text message sound to repeat?" I figured it was easy, you just go into Settings->Personal->Sounds and Notifications and then choose "Messaging - New Text Me...
If you're looking for either the HTC S730 or the HTC Touch Dual without any contract or fuss, have a browse over to The S730 is currently selling for £289.99 whilst the Touch Dual is available for £349.99. We've reviewed both the ...