Say hello to the Pantech C810 dual sliding Windows Mobile. Nice huh? Numeric keypad one way, QWERTY the other. It's just popped up on for $179.99, although whether it should be there or not is another matter because it sure ain't on the AT&...
Pocket QuickView is a fast and powerful application for editing and viewing digital images. The guys state that PQV is the fastest software for looking at photos on your digital device. We've tested it out and yes, it is indeed nippy with a cool slide...
Well lookie here! It's that HTC TyTN II we reviewed a while back. You'll know about the many names by now (AT&T Tilt / T-Mobile MDA Vario III etc) and here's the Vodafone flavour - the v1615 - on their shop site. Wait a moment though, it's not …
The HP iPaq 900 Series Business Messenger is a QWERTY-toting device designed to hook you into your office. A scroll-wheel, 3G, GPS, WiFi and quad-band technology give this handset definite power and the ability to work anywhere. Equipped with Windows...
Continuing with our look at the HP handsets we find the HP iPaq 600 Series. Following the 100, 200 and 300 series this is the first to include a radio stack, so you can actually make calls on a GSM network :) There's to be two versions - …
The HP iPAQ 300 Series is a Travel Companion and actually runs Windows CE 5.0. It's your personal navigation tour guide and gives you a unique 3D travel experience. Driven by a dual-core 600Mhz CPU there's an 800x480 touch-screen, Bluetooth, microSD s...
This is the HP iPaq 200 Series handset. This also runs Microsoft Windows Mobile 6 Classic like its' smaller 100 Series brother. The 200 series gets a bigger screen but has a slightly thicker and heavier body. Running the Marvell PXA310 CPU at 624Mhz ...
HP did a huge push with several new devices just the other day, so we figured each one deserved a seperate news story. First up is the HP iPAQ 100 Series device. This is marketed as a Classic Handheld, and indeed comes with Windows Mobile 6 Classic on...
We're a Windows Mobile website. However, unless you've been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, you'll probably be aware of yet another attack from the iPhone platoon. What's happening ? Well, there's a new multi-touch handset called the iPod T...
Daniel has emailed in to let us know about this article covering the Eten X800. Running Windows Mobile 6 Pro it has a Samsung SC3 2442 500Mhz (woaha!) CPU, 3G connectivity and dual cameras. The Eten X800 also has a collosal resolution of ...
Meet the Flurkies, they're little hairballs who need your help to get home. Pushing crates, gliding over ice and collecting coins are all part of the 60 challenging levels. Cute graphics, slick animations, level tips, configurable keys and fantastic s...
Microsoft Silverlight has now been officially launched. Microsoft call it a "cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web". In our language that ...
OK, let's see here. Sexy, stylish design? Check. Sliding numeric keypad ? Check. Windows Mobile Standard? Check. Yes, this is what we want. More Windows powered Smartphones! There's just not enough around in our humble opinion, so the BenQ T80 looks l...
Palm have cancelled their Foleo product "in its current configuration". The Foleo mobile companion had a full-size keyboard and a large screen to edit documents with changes being sync'd to your smartphone and vice versa. Announced just a few months ...
Thanks to everyone who took part in our Samsung Blackjack giveaway competition. There's stacks of entries to sort through and we're currently spending time to judge each one in turn. We will announce the winner on Friday, so stay tuned ! In the meanti...
A quick request to o2 UK. Can we have some of these spanky new phones please?! The FCC have got shots of an upcoming Windows Mobile 6 Professional handset called the "o2 XDA Denim". We've seen reports calling it a Smartphone, but the manual definitely...
Meet the o2 XDA Comet, coming to o2 Germany in October. What's that you say? It looks like the XDA Atom Life? Well yes it does, it's the same phone but with Windows Mobile 6.0 on board. Powered by an Intel XScale PXA 270 CPU running at a …
Shh.. Don't tell anyone, but those guys at have just taken delivery of the HTC TyTN II we reviewed. Don't forget to get yourself £10 off the price with our special discount code, just enter CSP0907 during the checkout process to reduce...
Here's the HP iPAQ 914c (left) and the HP iPAQ 614c (right). Both of these devices come with built-in GPS (sat-nav), 3 megapixel cameras, 3G, WiFi and run Windows Mobile 6 Professional. The iPAQ 914c has a QWERTY keyboard whilst the 614c has a numeri...
Following Prada, now comes Ted Baker, who obviously realise that the mobile phone is viewed as a fashion accessory by many. A tie-in with the Carphone Warehouse sees a Samsung and a HTC handset complete with Ted Baker designs coming to stores. During...