3GSM: Toshiba Portégé G500 Announced

Toshiba have now officially announced their two new Windows Mobile handsets. The first one is called the Toshiba Portégé G500 and has a slide-down numeric keypad. Toshiba have crammed in stacks of goodies including fingerprint technology to protect ...

3GSM: MOTO Q Seeks global domination

Motorola has announced that the Moto Q is going global. Two handsets are coming - the MOTO Q q9 and MOTO Q gsm. The MOTO Q q9 brings a more powerful specification with Windows Mobile 6, 256Mb of memory and it should be arriving in Q2 of this …

3GSM : Orange SPV E650 Sneaks out – The HTC Vox?

So it's official - Windows Mobile 6 has been announced. Wait, what's that buried in the press release? "In Europe, Orange plans to deliver the SPV E650 smartphone from HTC, and in Japan, SoftBank Mobile Corp. will offer new devices from Toshiba and ...

Fast and simple push email for Windows Mobile

To most people the idea of "push email" is quickly dismissed when they read the weighty Microsoft documentation about it. I've had so many people tell me... "Why isn't it as quick to setup as the BlackBerry my mate has? I don't want to setup an Exchan...

Windows Mobile 6 – The low-down

The next version of Windows Mobile is coming and you've probably seen more leaks than a broken pipe. Here it is, we've got screenshots of the new OS plus information ahead of the 3GSM conference. Why announce this so early ? Well, a certain French pub...

True Connect 2.0 Now Available

Mike Shire has just emailed to remind me of an excellent piece of software called True Connect. We last covered this when it was at version 1.1, however it's now at version 2.0 and 2.1 is right around the corner to provide text messaging integration w...

HTC Ready the X7500

We're getting to like HTC, their viral advertisements are a little mental and we're now totally converted when it comes to the new HTC X7500. It is, as Megachip and CD-ROM say, a lot smaller than we thought. Here they are during their mission steal an...

Hammer Heads – Get bashing!

Astarware.com have announced their new game, Hammer Heads. You'll probably have already played this game for real in the local arcade. You know the sort of thing - the gnomes pop up and up bash them on the head as quick as you can. Available now for t...

iPhone versus Windows Mobile

I've just been watching this video comparing an o2 XDA Orbit with the new iPhone from Apple. Whilst the Windows Mobile handset effectively beats the iPhone on features, it worries me that many of the Windows Mobile programs shown aren't part of the or...

Orange SPV M700 – Further details emerge

We've got more hot news about the upcoming Orange SPV M700 handset. We can now pretty much confirm that the SPV M700 does have GPS on the latest ROM and AKU3 is included. Orange SatNav runs on it and AGPS is on too, although the network doesn't suppor...

World Exclusive – First shot of the Orange SPV E600

Remember the story we did yesterday on the upcoming Orange SPV E600 (aka the HTC Excalibur) ? We exclusively revealed that Orange will be picking up this handset and offering it very soon in Europe. Well, now we can go one better with an exclusive pic...

More on the Orange SPV M700 and HTC S310

Yet more information coming in about future Orange handsets. I've just received a second email confirming that the Orange SPV M700 will have satnav at launch on Orange UK and will come with a new trial called Orange Maps. Also, the HTC S310 we told yo...

More GPS confusion and Excalibur to arrive as the E600?

Anonymous emails often come may way. A lot of them make claims about new handsets, and I've sat on this one for a couple of days now trying to decide whether to run a story about it. Today though I tried to add ourselves to Google News and …

CoolWindowsMobileStandard.com ?

Having a Windows Mobile Phone can be confusing enough. If your mates ask you, "What phone do you have?", you'll usually end up saying something like, "It's an Orange SPV C600 Smartphone" Their eyes will probably glaze over and you'll spend the next 10...

Google Mobile Maps – Tried and Tested

A lot of people have recently done stories about Google Maps Mobile so I thought I'd give it a try. I installed it by browsing to www.google.com/gmm on my Windows Mobile phone and installing the CAB. It's so simple to use and there's a bag of options ...

Orange SPV M700 Now available according to catalogues

We've been waiting a while for the this new 3G Windows Mobile handset. We've done story after story after story after story about the Orange SPV M700, pictured right. Finally, though, it's moved from the "coming soon" section of Orange catalogues to t...

HTC S310 to replace the upcoming SPV C100 on Orange UK

Orange recently launched the SPV C100 in Romania. It's an Orange branded version of the HTC Oxygen. Here it is with all the Orange gubbins. OK, now forget all that, because things have gone a little weird. The commercial arm of HTC sell this the HTC S...

Got Vista? Get Windows Mobile Device Center

If you're lucky enough to have a decent enough graphics card, plenty of memory and a copy of Windows Vista then you'll know that the whole ActiveSync experience has changed. With Vista your mobile device is recognised the minute you plug it into the U...