Lottery Wins, Viagra, Rolex, Gambling, Shares

AGH! Right, I've had enough of this. Today has been completely wasted due to spammers. At work I've had a server attacked by a hacker who was trying to bounce requests elsewhere for those fake ebay / paypal login screens, I've come home and had about ...

Windows Mobile goes into high gear

The guys at TechDigest have a rather interesting write-up on their visit to Microsoft in Seattle. They've had a good nosey around at the latest Windows Mobile phones and they're pretty damned impressed by everything. They managed to get a look at Wind...

Oooh! Is your phone on vibrate?

The Mobile Life 2006 survey is out today with some interesting insights into todays mobile world. The survey, by the Carphone Warehouse in association with The London School of Economics, examines how mobile phones have changed the way we live. 16,500...

Share and publish phone vids easily

The guys at have launched a new site today. allows quick sharing and downloading of mobile videos via MMS. You register then - provided you're in the UK - you just upload your video via MMS and they appear online. The PR guys...

HTC – Now selling accessories too

HTC, the company behind the manufacture of the majority of Windows Mobile handsets, have recently started selling their handsets directly via Now they've branched out to making accessories too. These two headsets have just popped onto their s...

HTC Star Trek gets approved – Will Cingular grab it?

"That" flip-phone, the HTC Star Trek / iMate Smartflip / Orange SPV F600 has been approved by the FCC for use on cellular networks and there's rumours that US network Cingular are sniffing around it too. There's a couple of versions - one with and one...

A future for the dumbphone?

There's a rather interesting article here at The Register called "Whatever happened to Smartphones?" by Andrew Orlowski. It's a rather frank discussion into todays "dumbphones" and how advanced they are plus how popular they still are when compared to...

News feed goodness

Want to keep up with the latest Windows Mobile news and goings-on here at CoolSmartPhone ? Well you may have already heard about these nifty "RSS feeds" which automatically push the latest news down to your favourite news reader or web reader (like Wi...

i-Teq X-Bond – TV Enabled Pocket PC !

OK, you gotta check this thing out, it's called an i-Teq X-Bond (shaken, not stirred) and it's coming to the Batelco network in Bahrain. It's apparently the first Windows Powered PDA with TV to enter the Middle East market. Selling exclusively from Ba...

A6 Times – Read news on the go

Say "RSS feeds" to most people they'll fall asleep. Although most people won't have any idea what they're for or what they do, they are very clever indeed. RSS / ATOM / XML, whatever you wanna call it they're basically stripped down data feeds from we...

Sync your Mac with Windows Mobile 5.0

If you're a Mac user then you're probably one of many walking around saying, "Why can't I sync my Windows Mobile 5.0 handset with my iMac?" Well, now you can. have announced the launch of The Missing Sync version 2.5 which adds the much ...

Downloads searching fixed!

OK, OK! I've had a whole heap of emails saying, "Your search thing doesn't work on the downloads section". After several hours of drinking and keyboard-bashing I've finally sorted it out but we're always after more stuff to search through so get uploa...

Palm Treo 750v heads for Vodafone UK

You may have spotted news the other day that Microsoft and Palm were working on something for Vodafone which would "target the adoption of wireless push email in Europe". Well it's now official - the Windows-powered Vodafone Palm 750v (aka Lennon) dev...

CoolCamera Beta Version now available

CoolCamera is more than just a util for taking shots on your handset. It'll also record video and it can turn your Windows Mobile device into a webcam too. I've only played with it for a few minutes and I've already found that it can record 320x240 vi...

Windows Live Mobile Beta and SlingPlayer in action

YouTube, which I tend to pronouce as "Yow Teeyowwb" 'cus I'm from Dudley, have this video from showing Windows Live Mobile Beta. You can see how this will look on a Smartphone plus all the new features included since MSN Messenger. Whilst I wa...

Free Broadband for all Sky Customers

Whilst not really Windows Mobile news this needs covering as it signals a massive change in the way you connect to the internet. UK TV giants Sky are today launching free broadband for all 8 million Sky TV customers. All customers, regardless of packa...

Easy install CABs

CAB files - they're a bit confusing for most people. If you're told "Here's a CAB file, go install it", most users will be a little lost. Sure, you could follow our instructions however you can now use CabviaActiveSync. This free edition, courtesy of ...

Broken Sword Coming to Windows Mobile – Get your discount!

The classic "Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars" has always been a favourite since it first appeared on the PC. This is a splendid adventure game which will keep you glued to the screen until you finish it. It's choc full of fluid animation, ful...

MoDaCo Event – The Report

I've just stepped back into the house after a little trip to London for the MoDaCo event. The day went very well with lots of excellent sessions from Microsoft and Orange plus games from Astraware and give-aways galore! I'd have to say this was probab...

HTC TyTN Video Review

Wohoo! We're back on Google today so I'm celebrating with a few cans of lager. Sure, my boss seems to have an issue with it, but it makes the day go quicker :) Anyhow, this is the HTC Hermes, now known as the HTC TyTN. It's featured in …