Microsoft and TechFaith sign agreement

You may remember the TechFaith Wireless handsets we featured back in April. It now appears that TechFaith are tightening their ties with Microsoft by signing an agreement to work closely with sales, marketing and technology. Using the Windows Mobile a...

Gentimer – Stopwatch, timer and alarm all in one!

I'm still wading through a weeks worth of email so I've only just picked up on Gentimer - a new Smartphone application priced at just $9.95 (around £5.26) which includes several types of alarms, timers, a stopwatch and a world time function with a ma...

SBSH Facade Reviewed

The guys at have done a review of Facade for Smartphone. This is a highly flexible tab-based plug-in for your Smartphone home-screen. You can view more than 30 days of appointments, tasks and there's a launcher which you can set to perform ... – Homescreen news

A lot of you have been emailing me regarding the superb kleinweder website which offers exquisitely designed homescreens for your Smartphone. There was news earlier this week regarding a notice that Kleinweder had received from Microsoft advising him ...

Sky TV begin streaming trials with MediaFLO

TV giants Sky are to trial the MediaFLO Technology from Qualcomm. They're going to be testing the FLOTM technology, which is a wireless multicasting technology allowing delivery of video services to mobile devices in the United Kingdom. This, along wi...

Three choose Orange as new roaming partner

Three, the 3G network here in the UK, have announced that they're switching their 2G-failover partner to Orange. Customers of Three have previously switched back to an o2-operated service when out of 3G range, however Orange will now be taking on the ...

T-Mobile Go for speedy cheap surfing

A huge creamy dollop of news today now I'm back in sunny England. First up is news of a HSPDA data card from T-Mobile. Yes, another acronym for you guys - HSPDA is basically 3G on steroids - more speed and a reduction in latency. You can read …

Orange Partner Camp Comes to a close

You may have noticed a distinct lack of news so far this week. I'm actually out in Florida with Orange - one of the world's leading mobile operators. They're holding the Orange Partner Camp as part of their Partner programme which provides a fast star...

VITO Voice2Go update

Voice control software VITO Voice2Go has now been upgraded to version 1.25. VITO Voice2Go lets you manage your Pocket PC merely by talking to your device in your own language. Start, quit applications, call or hang up on people or - with the new versi...

Camera Phones cause trouble in the classroom

Oh dear, it looks like the camera phone has yet again caused problems. This time it's not in the work-place, which is usually a cause for concern, but in a school. This Sky News story tells how a pupil at St Cuthbert's Catholic High School in Newcastl...

AIM Camera Picture Themes

AIM Productions have been beavering away creating picture templates. They've come up with around 100 which let you make cool composite shots simply by surrounding your photo with characters, people, frames or other scenery. Quick, easy and fun these t...

o2 Launch the hot new XDA IQ

Today sees the launch of the new hot Smartphone from o2. It's got all the things you'd expect from a great Smartphone - Windows Mobile 5.0, quad-band capability, hi-res screen, a 1.3 Megapixel camera, Mini-SD expansion slot, 64MB RAM, 64MB Flash, Blue...

Dopod Launch the S300 Smartphone

Dopod have launched the S300 which we've seen as the HTC Star Trek previously. Dopod showed off the device with all the usual flair, displaying the obvious ultra-flat style and cool design. Powered by Windows Mobile 5.0 (for Smartphone) it has a 1.3-m...

Flat-rate WiFi for the UK

WiFi providers TheCloud have announced a new "UltraWiFi" package which, for £11.99 per month (subject to 12 month contract), will let you use any of their access points for as long as you wish. The new package, available from July 1st, means that use...

Windows Mobile Gumballers!

On Sunday 120 supercars set off from Pall Mall in London for the Gumball Rally 2006. Celebs such as Pink, Tony Hawk, Jody Kidd and Tim Westwood (shown right, he's the Radio 1 DJ who tends to say, "Yeah baby girl, bow down and kiss the ring. Zactly!") …

Free Audio Guides

Torsten has emailed about who offer free mp3 audio guides. At present there are guided tours of Barcelona,  London and Paris. You just need to save the .zip file to your PC then open it up. There's several mp3 files in the z...

Upoad! Upload! Upload!

We really LOVE files here at CoolSmartPhone and we need your help now that we've got a file-hungry downloads system all ready for your stuff. We're looking for either.. 1) Good audio files which are less than 30 seconds for ringtones (MP3 / WAV / WMV)...

Orange Messenger – The future’s bright

You may recall our earlier report about MSN being dropped from future SPV handsets. We wanted to know from Orange whether the new Orange Messenger, which is to replace it, will be interoperable with other IM platforms like MSN, Yahoo! and ICQ etc. The...

Uhuhuh! Podcast!!

This week I've managed to break the new feedback forum, then I succeeded in breaking the entire server. So, it seems fitting that I should break the microphone whilst recording the latest podcast, but hey - what else could go wrong ? :) Podcast number...

ActiveSync 4.2 Beta Preview

The public Beta of ActiveSync 4.2 is now available here and addresses some issues with Desktop Pass Through, Outlook synchronisation and USB connectivity. Microsoft have been watching forums and websites to ensure that any problems are resolved in thi...