Push Email updates begin to appear

As you may know, iMate have now announced the ROM Update for the iMate K-JAM, which is also known as the T-Mobile MDA Vario or the O2 XDA Mini S. The good news is that, yes, push email is here and it's in the iMate update. Unfortunately it …

Style and design drive mobile sales

News today from industry analysts Gartner about the state of the mobile industry. Nokia is still the biggest hitter with a growth of 21% - selling 816 million devices. More and more sales in Western Europe and North America, where many sales are repla...

Bye Bye PSTN – Hello VoIP

Here in the UK our major telecommunications company is still BT. Soon they will be spending more than £10 billion to roll out 21CN - the 21st Century Network. Yes, you heard right - £10 BILLION. BT make a yearly profit of around £1 billion, so you ...

Skookum goes from strength to strength

The excellent Skookum is now at version 2 and includes support for Podcasts and audio from the equally excellent Audible.com. What does it do exactly ? Put simply it lets you easily subscribe to online media content via RSS / XML feeds like the ones o...

Record notes and CALLS with VITO Audionotes

VITO AudioNotes is an MP3/WAV recorder for Smartphones and Pocket PC's. Released today it's an easy way to record those important memos or thoughts on the go. It's simple to use to - you don't need to worry about stacks of recording formats etc - just...

Retro TV Clips on your phone

Right now there's probably a certain percentage of you lot saying, "Star Fleet! I remember that!" and a certain percentage saying, "What the chuff is that?" Well, this weekend I fell across a site called RetroJunk.com. It's a fantastic website where y...

Podcast 19 – At last!

OOOfff I've been a busy lad. This past few weeks has involved broken laptops, stack loads of DIY, motorway services, hotels plus some damned expensive tyres. Today though I've finally managed to finish off recording Podcast 19 and I even found a few s...

HTC Trinity and Breeze Pictured

These pictures of the HTC Trinity (left) and the HTC Breeze (right) have recently popped up on the internet. Both of these are 3G handsets and will have face-pointing cameras so you can make video calls. The Trinity is a more Pocket PC style handset w...

Yet more stylish homescreens

Yet more top homescreen designs from Kleinweder. Yes, I know, we mention his work every other month but you have to admit, it's corking stuff. :) The latest screens for Windows Mobile 5 handsets feature some animated scroll-over effects too like this ...

Tatung M1 – More detail

Last week we saw the Tatung M1 at 3GSM. Although it didn't cause waves like the i-Mate Smartflip did we still found it quite interesting that Tutung were entering the market. It's already had FCC approval, so it can be safely sold without melting your...

Mobile Content Festival

The DCI Mobile Content Festival is an event examining the effect of mobile devices on everyday life. The Digital Convergence Institute is seeking "mobile content submissions that explore the mobile lifestyle". They're looking for app's and games for t...

WindowsMobile.com Gets Overhauled

The WindowsMobile.com site has received a significant facelift recently and is well worth a visit. There's support, news, handsets, accessories and add-on information plus a whole load more. There's also information about the upgrade to Windows Mobile...

SDA and MDA in USA

Following our earlier story we can now confirm that the T-Mobile MDA and SDA are available at T-Mobile USA. If you're in the United States just pop along to T-Mobile and say Gears from CoolSmartPhone sent you. Sure, they'll probably say, "Who?", but h...

Ad2Hand – Get Location-based deals on your Windows Mobile

This is Ad2Hand - it's a wireless advertising service for your phone. It works via bluetooth and, once you download the software it'll continually monitor for local shops and businesses using the service as you walk around town. When you do get near a...

Push Email for Orange Devices

Jeremy Platt has emailed in about the new push email facility coming from Microsoft. According to what he's heard, the ROM update for Windows Mobile 5 devices on Orange should be available before the end of this month. To make that news even better, t...

Torq P120 Video Review

This video review of the Torq P120 comes from Digital Lifestyle Magazine, plus there's a streaming version here at Slashphone. The Torq P120 is the US re-badge of the Eten M600 and comes with GPRS, Quad-band, Bluetooth, 1.3 Megapixel camera and WiFi c...

Samsung SGH-i750 Gets go ahead from FCC

The FCC have finally approved the Samsung SGH-i750 handset. We saw this last year and it appears to be running Windows Mobile 2003SE for Pocket PC still, however we'd hope it would be updated to Windows Mobile 5.0 if released on a network. FCC approva...

HTC Star Trek also to appear as QTek 8500

QTek already retail lots of HTC phones including that excellent QTek 8310 - y'know, the one with WiFi. So it's no great surprise to hear that a certain "Qtek clamshell EDGE music phone is here!" Aha! Could that be the HTC Star Trek / iMate Smartflip? ...

More Smartflip treats – Stacks of photos!

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it yet, but we love the look of the HTC Star Trek / i-Mate Smartflip. Seriously - it comes to something when the most bulbous thing on it is the Mini USB port! Oooo that is thin. There's even a second screen …

i-Mate Smartflip Treats – Video Online!

We like the i-Mate Smartflip. We really, really like the i-Mate Smartflip. No, we love it. We love the i-Mate Smartflip. If this device doesn't get badged up by several major networks I'll eat my hat. So here, for the first time anywhere, is a video o...