Mad Competition – Prizes Update!

We've received quite a few entries to our mad competition where we're giving away a spanky new music dock. As I said previously I'm going to be adding to the prizes, so what better to go with a music dock than an Orange SPV C550 !?! Yes this …

e-fuze – Get involved !

The guys at e-fuze have contacted me about their company. They're an emerging Canadian company in Toronto and strive to produce high-end powerful mobile devices. They're encouraging you guys to sign up to their forum here and tell them what you're aft...

The Green Button – Coming to your Smartphone?

Today around town we popped into the Orange and o2 shops to look at some possible upgrade handsets for Em. Despite my advice (as if she listens!), handsets like the Samsung D600 and the Motorola PEBL attracted her more than the Windows Mobile handsets...

Mad Competition – More Prizes!

People are going to think I'm nuts here.. and they'd be right. You may remember that I bought this music dock recently. £20 of my own hard-earned cash was spent getting this over from Hong Kong. I've reviewed it and now I've decided to give it away t...

Orange SPV M2000 Update … err.. Update

We mentioned that there was an update for the Orange SPV M2000 the other day (here), well Bob Khatker tried it out and said... "I performed the new Rom update on my phone last night, and it does contain Windows Media Player 10. It'll also allow speci...

TrueConnect now fully released

TrueConnect, which we mentioned here last week has now been fully released and is available to buy for $29.99 (around £17 / €24.85). Currently it's only available for Smartphones, although there is a Pocket PC version in development. Although the p...

ShoZu is nominated for Best Mobile Messaging Service

It's been announced that the phone-to-web-gallery software Shozu, which we've mentioned previously has been nominated for the Best Mobile Messaging award at the 2006 GSM Association Awards. People have already warmed to Shozu, available here at Shozu...

Orange SPV M2000 Update – v5.40.1.179

Good news for you Orange SPV M2000 owners, there appears to be an Orange update available. This should bring you up to version and delivers improved camera support and some other performance tweaks. Most M2000's will be on version

Armour Case for i-Mate K-JAM have just announced this armoured case for the i-Mate K-JAM / O2 XDA Mini / Orange SPV M3000 / T-Mobile MDA Vario / Qtek 9100. As with the Samsung i730 case, it's form-fitting and designed specifically for your handset. Made of anodized al...

Motorola i930 Reviewed

The guys at Smartphonethoughts have just published this review of the Nextel i930 Smartphone by Motorola. It's an iDEN-based flip phone which first appeared way back in 2003 but never really became available until very recently. It's got no bluetooth,... goes up for sale

Sean Murphy @ has just posted this... "It is with a heavy heart that I write this post. Tomorrow at around noon Pacific time, MGN will go up on the auction block on Ebay. I have been running this site since October of 2003 and it...

Music Dock – It’s here!

Remember how I said I was ordering a music dock? Well, it's arrived. In fact it arrived yesterday but after the problems this weekend I've only just started playing with it. It took just 10 days to arrive from Hong Kong and works perfectly with the Or...

Samsung i300x Appears

This my friends is the Samsung i300x. It's just like the Samsung i300 that's selling now but with a bit more "oomph". This uprated version has a bigger hard drive - 4 Gb instead of the 3Gb one previously. It's also got a 1.3 megapixel camera and a …

CoolSmartPhone Server Update

A quick thank-you to the guys at Spoonydunappa for helping me get back online today. We were hit by a double-blow this weekend. Firstly we had several thousand IP's trying to grab a rather large file from our downloads area directly...

We’ve been hit

Jeez.... Log files.. I hate looking at them. That's all I've been looking at this weekend, mainly because we have been attacked, massively. I've never had a Denial Of Service Attack before and I never want to again. This one, I believe, was a "distrib...

SOTI Pocket Controller v5.05 Now Available

Pocket Controller-Professional v5.05 is now available here. It's the program to use if you want full control over your mobile device. The new version brings ... - Multi-Lingual Keyboard Support : Enter data into your mobile device in any language inc...

Video Ringtone Maker for Windows Mobile released

This is Watchtone Studio Pro 2.0 from Makayama Media. Windows Mobile support has now been added to this software, making it the first video ringtone solution for Windows Mobile phones. The software lets you create video ringtones for more than 50 mobi...

Podcast 17 online, plus.. look what we’ve got..

We've added another one of those fantastic Podcasts online today. Download it here or subscribe to the RSS feed. Don't forget that you can get a huge range of RSS feeds here at CoolSmartPhone, and if you don't know what they are just click here and I'...

Smartphone TV Show Airs Over The Internet

A new internet TV-show is now available at covering all smartphones, not just Windows Mobile ones. It also touches on Windows PC's, video iPods and more. I've had a brief look at the first show, which has the T-Mobile MDA Vario, w...

Now watch UK Traffic Cameras on your Smartphone

The guys at Vizzion have announced that their innovative traffic-watching system "Traffic Vizzion" is now available in the UK. Using roadside and traffic cameras Traffic Vizzion brings the latest pictures to you, so you can quickly check your regular ...