This my friends is the Samsung i300x. It's just like the Samsung i300 that's selling now but with a bit more "oomph". This uprated version has a bigger hard drive - 4 Gb instead of the 3Gb one previously. It's also got a 1.3 megapixel camera and a …
A quick thank-you to the guys at Spoonydunappa for helping me get back online today. We were hit by a double-blow this weekend. Firstly we had several thousand IP's trying to grab a rather large file from our downloads area directly...
Jeez.... Log files.. I hate looking at them. That's all I've been looking at this weekend, mainly because we have been attacked, massively. I've never had a Denial Of Service Attack before and I never want to again. This one, I believe, was a "distrib...
Pocket Controller-Professional v5.05 is now available here. It's the program to use if you want full control over your mobile device. The new version brings ... - Multi-Lingual Keyboard Support : Enter data into your mobile device in any language inc...
This is Watchtone Studio Pro 2.0 from Makayama Media. Windows Mobile support has now been added to this software, making it the first video ringtone solution for Windows Mobile phones. The software lets you create video ringtones for more than 50 mobi...
We've added another one of those fantastic Podcasts online today. Download it here or subscribe to the RSS feed. Don't forget that you can get a huge range of RSS feeds here at CoolSmartPhone, and if you don't know what they are just click here and I'...
A new internet TV-show is now available at covering all smartphones, not just Windows Mobile ones. It also touches on Windows PC's, video iPods and more. I've had a brief look at the first show, which has the T-Mobile MDA Vario, w...
The guys at Vizzion have announced that their innovative traffic-watching system "Traffic Vizzion" is now available in the UK. Using roadside and traffic cameras Traffic Vizzion brings the latest pictures to you, so you can quickly check your regular ...
Whilst doing some handset reviews recently I had to find a new way to remotely control a device and take screen shots. You can use this power toy if you're running an older Smartphone or Pocket PC, however it doesn't like the newer models. I settled o...
The amount of news flinging out of CoolSmartPhone is getting quite hefty now and stuff sometimes doesn't stay on the front page long. We've already added the option to see the last 200 news items, plus there's the "News Extra" block on the top right o...
Following our earlier story about the Dualcor handset, the guys at Dualcor have agreed to send us one to review!! Wehay! .. oh... wait.. no.. Apparently I got that a tad wrong. Apparently their email says that they're sending some high quality pictur...
We've already seen some of the booths at CES in Las Vegas. The Microsoft and Motorola stands are looking prety nice, however Geekzone now have some hi quality photos of the device everyone is asking me about - the Motorola Q. Here it sits on a pink di...
This DualCor device has kicked up quite a bit of media interest of late. It's a whole new kind of device which combines Windows XP Tablet Edition and Windows Mobile 5.0 in one device. Equipped with not one but two processors (a 1.5 GHz and 400 MHz one...
Following our earlier story on the Slingbox it's now been announced that they're to launch a PAL version of they're product. The SlingBox will stream and let you fully control your TV, DVR / PVR, DVD Recorder etc from anywhere with an internet connect...
I've been waffling on about about this Music Dock quite a bit over the past few days. As I couldn't find it locally I've gone and ordered one to see if it'll fit my C550. If it does, then I want to hear the sound of European and …
Engadget have a tour of the the Microsoft booth at CES in (y'know, that Consumer Entertainment Show in Las Vegas). There's some great shots of.... err.. Windows Vista.... ... ermm.. more Windows Vista... Err.. Vista.. Oh! Look.. Windows... Media Cente...
We've now managed to get both the grey T-Mobile MDA Compact II and the baby pink MDA Compact II into our handset shop. Yes, you heard right. Baby pink. Both of these devices come with Windows Mobile 5, Pocket Word, Excel and Outlook plus a 1.3 mega-pi...
If you've got TomTom or CoPilot installed on your Smartphone or PocketPC you may be aware that a range of voices are available to download. From John Cleese to Darth Vadar, you can have them telling you which is the best way to your destination. Now h...
The ever-excellent Smart Explorer, which (apart from being an excellent file explorer) lets you beam stuff over Bluetooth, has now been updated to version 2.1.4. Those of you lucky souls with a Windows Mobile 5.0 device (Orange SPV C600 etc) will be g...
If you've got a T-Mobile MDA Vario it may be worth checking out this link, where you can get the latest version of the ROM. There's expected to be another update in March but be sure to check it periodically to keep your Vario up-to-date. Although it'...