We want better batteries man!

Batteries.. we hate them. They don't stay charged at 100% all year around like we want them to. :) A recent survey by TNS showed that two-thirds or mobile phone and PDA users want a battery that lasts at least two days without charge. Due to the fact...

Sprint PPC 6700 Launched in USA

For those of you CoolSmartPhone visitors in the USA, here's some excellent news from Sprint. This is their Sprint PPC 6700. This has been called the HTC Wizard - and indeed looks like one, however this is the CDMA HTC Apache and is now available here ...

Orange SPV M5000 – Keyboard issue?

I had a mail today from Phil Sexton. He was asking, as many others were, about the Orange SPV M5000. He was asking about the keyboard on the device following our story on the Orange announcement. Phil said in his email.. "No one either seems to have...

Orange Release the M5000

It looks like the race to launch the first HTC Universal by a network will be won be Orange with their SPV M5000, who today publish two press releases here and here. Although it's probably going to be a few more days before these hit the stores, Orang...

Huzza! Podcast 12 !

After a bit of a gap (I was doing stuff), here's the new Podcast from CoolSmartPhone.com. It's a biggy - around 42 minutes - and you can listen to it right now with the online pre-caster thingy at the very bottomg of every CoolSmartPhone page. Don't f...

Metro SP goes QVGA too

The ultimate FREE public transport guide for your Smartphone has now got even better. QVGA (C550) comptibility has now been added, allowing pretty much anyone a fantastic way to get around quickly and easily with public transport. Here's a shot of me...

Astraware announces Windows Mobile 5.0 Compatibility

Astraware, a Microsoft(R) Certified Partner Company, is excited to announce that several of their games have now been updated to support devices running Windows Mobile(TM) 5.0. This allows existing customers to download 5.0 updates which have been ful...

Woo! Get some videos!

Loads of Free 3GP Music Videos  Arcade-Fire_Rebellion.3gp  Backstreet-Boys_Just-want-you-to-know.3gp  Black-Eyed-Peas_Dont-Lie.3gp  Bobby-V_Tell-Me.3gp  Bow-Wow_Let-Me-Hold-You.3gp  Charlotte-Church_Call-My-Na...

CHM Reader

Got a fiver ? Fancy a help-file reader ? Have a look at this. CHM Reader is the first and best CHM doc reader for the Smartphne. It'll help you view files in the most common help format - Microsoft Compiled HTML. It's quick, it'll show the contents …

o2 XDA Exec hits the o2.co.uk website

The o2 XDA Exec is now showing as "coming soon" on the o2 website. To have a look, click here to get to the site, then choose "Mobile Phones" and then "3G Phones". Unfortunately the o2 website doesn't like direct links for some reason. No exact releas...

Orange SPV C600 – Direct from Orange Magazine!

Well, it's already been on Orange websites in France, and now there's this scan, direct from an Orange magazine. According to sources, the C600 should be available somewhere around mid-October. Orange magazines are now starting to carry information ab...

Talk like a pirate day?!

The Astraware guys have gone all nautical for International Talk Like a Pirate Day. They've dressed up as pirates for the day and have also decked the office with palm trees and parrots. Plus, to celebrate, they've knocked down the price on a couple o...

World Exclusive – Orange SPV C600 Preview

Morning people ! Well, guess what I've got in my sweaty mitts? Yes, it's a full preview of the Orange SPV C600. It's a worldwide exclusive and it's right here for you guys. It's got Windows Mobile 5.0 and we reckon will be the first Smartphone to hit …

Txt msg words get in2 exams m8

It looks like the rise and rise of text messaging is severely impacting our future generation and their ability to communicate successfully. According to several news items yesterday, including the Daily Mail, this Telegraph article and the BBC, text-...

GPRS Traffic Monitor – Now C550 Enabled!

So, you have your Windows Smartphone, you love browsing on the web in the pub and getting the latest football scores etc. But what you don't like so much are the GPRS costs. How do you keep a lid on them ? Well, thanks to Smartphone GPRS Monitor …

Vodafone Business does Windows Mobile

Oh! Check it out. Vodafone are selling Windows Mobile handsets in their Vodafone Business channel. They're offering the QTEK 2020i, the Qtek 8020 and the VPA Compact for business users right here at VodafoneBusiness.co.uk Source - Keni at Conchango Li...

Free text messaging system

We like free stuff here at CoolSmartphone.com, so I was very interested when I received a mail about AgentSMS.com. It's a worldwide "web-2-phone" system that lets you send free text messages to people. Yes, free. It pays for itself by adding a teeny-l...

Adverts? On CoolSmarPhone! Never I tells thee! Umm…

Hello ! Right. I've got a confession to make. A few months ago I went on MoDaCo and said something like.. "What the chuff are all these new links with the underlines on? They've got tool-tips with adverts! It's a disgrace I tells ya! None of this! Pa...

TV is changing – part 3

We previously did some stories on the evolution of TV here and here. Well, now it's going to go another stage further with the implementation of IPTV - a new way of pushing TV down your broadband line. Sure, we've already got something like this, but ...

Samsung i300 – Exclusive to o2, plus more to come!

We've had a chat with the nice people at o2 today and they've slipped a few press releases our way. First of all we have news on the XDA SP, which was advertised previously as the "XPhone II". It's a sweet looking Smartphone with similar specs to the …